Bessie Booker’s Diary – Short Horror Story

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At around nine PM, I wanted to eat human flesh. But it wasn’t simply a “want”. More so, a must, I had to taste human flesh. I don’t know where it came from but the moment after the urge hit me, I was on the floor sweating and straining.

Repulsion at myself filled me, and I thought with a strained face if I should go to a therapist. But what would I say? That I couldn’t even control my own urges. That just sounded like a quick way to end up in a prison made for the insane. No that wouldn’t do it.

Then again, eating human flesh was one thing, acquiring it another. I’ll go to sleep now, and hopefully tomorrow it’ll be better.


The urge only grew worse. It started when I woke up with a terrible pain in my stomach, like a small burning hole growing larger each second. I made some breakfast and shoved it into my mouth, but it didn’t matter. The pain kept growing.

I knew it was my head playing mind games on me. This wasn’t hunger.

Throughout the day, the pain only grew worse. There had to be a solution to this.


“When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade”, can also be thought of as, “when life accidentally makes you hit somebody with a car, put their corpse to use.”

I’d been driving and suddenly a terrible pain fell over me. My eyelids squeezed and my attention rocketed away from the road, and then I heard something hit up against the car. I couldn’t believe it. Immediately I stopped the car and got out.

I saw a little girl, barely six years old, twitching on the floor.

My first instinct was to call 911, but then I looked around. Nobody had seen that.

I’m not proud of myself but I took the girl by the legs and dragged her into the trunk.

The second I came home, I killed, cooked, and ate her.

It was delicious.

I’m not sure what to do with her teeth or bones. For now, I’m keeping them in a small red box in the basement


When I came home, the first thing I did was go down to the basement and check for the little red box. It wasn’t how I left it. My suspicions were correct. Somebody else was reading this. I’ll have to deal with them. I can’t let this secret get out. It would ruin my life.


You just finished reading that last update. I’m onto you, and I’ll kill you. You only have to blame yourself for this. But still. Thank you. You’ll end up helping me with my cannibalistic urges. That probably disgusted you. Maybe you feel the urge to run away now. It’s too late. I’m behind you, and before you turn around I’ll smash your head in with my baseball bat.

submitted by /u/Verified_Hunter
