Viral Infestation – Short Horror Story

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An elderly man is sitting on his kitchen floor with his back against the fridge, holding the lifeless body of his wife in his arms.

Squeezing her tightly, he Whispers, “Rest now my darling, I will be with you soon.”

He gently lays her down on the floor and puts a towel under her head, then kisses her on the forehead. He drags himself to his feet using the countertop.

“I WILL STOP YOU IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO” he shouts staggering towards the doorway.

He opens the door, takes a deep breath, before steading himself, then makes a run for the post at the foot of the stairs a few feet from him, but begins to cough uncontrollably then wobbles before falling onto the steps.

As he lies there face down, barely able to move, he hears a child’s eerie laugh, echoing through the house, it seems to come from all directions. Too weak to stand he begins to crawl up the long staircase, at the top he rests for a moment, exhausted. He stares down the hallway, the light starts to flicker, and he sees a shadow moving.

“I am not afraid, I am not afraid” he keeps repeating over and over in his head, then grabs the banister and pulls himself to his feet and makes his way down the long hallway. The lights suddenly go out and he hears tiny footsteps moving behind him, “she's here” he mutters, then grabs a flashlight from the table beside the attic door.

He opens the door and begins climbing the narrow stairway, at the top, he hears a whisper in his ear and quickly turns around, but trips and falls backwards onto the floor. He tries to stand again, but only makes it to his knees, he leans over to pick up his torch and notices a silhouette of what looks like a small child standing beside a small door at the other side of the room.

His face fills with terror, and he begins to shake, clumsily pulls out a cross from his shirt pocket and kisses it, then starts to crawl. He opened the small door, and heard an ungodly scream, pain filled his entire body, but he won’t give up. He climbed inside and closed the door behind him, then shined his torch down the narrow crawlspace where he believed she was waiting.

But She was not there or so he believes, too weak to even crawl, he drags himself forward using only his arms, but the further he got the weaker he became, he soon realized he was too late to stop her. He heard a giggle, then footsteps moving towards him, it was her. His eyes became blurry, he could barely move, and he started struggling to breathe, horrible visions tear through his mind, which make him scream and beg for mercy, she just laughs maniacally. The last thing he sees is her shadow standing over him.

submitted by /u/dalonley1
