TIFU by getting mad at my girlfriend : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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Hi Reddit. I can’t believe I’m writing this. This is such a massive fuck up, but maybe venting to you guys will help.

I (23F) live with my girlfriend Lara (22F). We just moved in together last month. I love her, but I think maybe we moved in together too soon. She does little things here and there that make it hard to live with her. It’s starting to really annoy me.

For example, she NEVER does the dishes, even though she’s pretty much the only one who uses them. I’m more of a microwave TV dinner gal (I know, I know, save the lecture), but Lara absolutely loves cooking. She’ll spend hours in the kitchen watching TikTok cooking tutorials. The food she makes is really good, but the issue is that she NEVER cleans up after herself. She’ll leave bowls and greasy pans all over the kitchen. And she doesn’t even bother wiping the counters up! I’m the one who cleans it up, which is very annoying.

She also does some gross things to the bathroom. Lara LOVES bath bombs, and she’ll spend hours in the bath just soaking it up. Which is great, I’m glad she enjoys it, but she NEVER cleans it up after she’s done. Her bath bombs stain the sides of the tub, and she doesn’t even TRY to get them off. Which means (you guessed it) I’m the one who cleans it up. Let me tell you, trying to scrub blue bath bomb stains off the sides of the tub is no fun.

All this stuff made me really frustrated with her. I love her, but jeez—have some manners! I hate to say it, but that old “lesbians move in together too soon” stereotype is true. I feel terrible saying that.

Tonight, I decided to talk to her about it. She had a shit ton of dishes out AGAIN, and it really pissed me off. I tried telling her how I feel, but she got mad at ME! She said something about how I’m “restricting her artistic ability” or something stupid. (First off, how is cooking “artistic”!?)

I got really annoyed (I mean c’mon, a girl can only take so much), so I grabbed the heavy cast-iron skillet that was laying in the sink. I raised it over her head and started ramming it into her face. I hit her over and over again until she stopped moving.

Once I calmed down, I started feeling guilty. Maybe I could have just asked her to move out. Perhaps brutally murdering her was a bit of an overreaction.

I’m kind of freaking out right now. I have to find somewhere to bury her body. If anyone has any suggestions about WHERE to bury her, let me know. So far, I think I’m going to use our backyard.

So yeah. TIFU.
