Reverence – Short Horror Story

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This is the end of all. Creatures from an ancient world have come and destroyed every fabric of everything. Sofia, bloodied and bested, steps inside a desolate church. it is nothing but silence now. she kneels at the foot of god, seeking to communicate.

She reminisces about all that had happened. the quietude that preceded the chaos, the joy before the suffering. she remembers her life with her mother, not with the most rewarding experiences but whole ones nonetheless. she and her mother work tirelessly to survive a world clearly not made for the likes of them, poor and unlucky. she always wondered if her mother's optimism, the joy in the life they live, and being thankful to the person she is with at the concurrent. All that is gone. her mother, all but chunks of bloody horrors she could not even face at its time of happening. there was nothing to hold, embrace.

Her story was similar to others of her life, seeking salvation yet faced with unequivocal, mindless death by creatures whom we are but a mere speck. other, more fortunate people have already fled and sought shelter. rulers have left their métiers. they are insignificant.

She remembers when it first began, the world still unsure of its reality. By the time of realization, it was already too late for them. her world had always been ruled by monsters, they were but an addition.

She speaks to god directly, pondering why he had let this happen, though knowing that no one will answer—for god is dead. she stands mindlessly with a face of acceptance. she begins to glow in unexplainable vibrance littered with blood and chaos. she no longer cares—no one ever did.

submitted by /u/roantinapay
