Locked In – Short Horror Story

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I was never one for hospitals. There was too much paperwork involved, too many questions.

I didn't want to end up with some weird infection from a untreated wound though. Better safe than sorry I suppose.

I am so tired.

Lunatic mugger. Whatever happened to stabbing someone when you were robbing them? Biting is just ridiculous.

Maybe a little nap would be good….

A nurse came into the room a few moment later. She looked anxious, ready for this to be over with. You would have thought she was the one with a problem. She wheeled me into a room down the hall. Bright mirrored steel surrounded me, showing my reflection. Did I really look that tired? I had things to do, I hoped they would hurry and check me out of here.

I was exhausted and honestly starving, I felt as if I hadn't eaten in years. I noticed the walls didn't look as bright as they did when the nurse wheeled me in just a moment ago… There was now a milky white hue that was everywhere, was there a problem with my eyes?

I shut them to blink and felt a wet layer of mucus seal them closed, almost as if the substance was an adhesive of some sort. I groaned in disgust, except the sound that came out was not recognizable to me.

It was guttural, fierce, primal.. It was frightening. What was wrong with me?

There's that hunger again, it was boiling up deep inside of me. I still couldn't see, but I could hear very well. There was two voices in the room with me.

"She's been exposed, no choice but to terminate."

Were they talking about me? No, couldn't be.. Terminate? That was insane.

"We need to find patient zero. This is the third in twenty four hours."

I decided that I should just clear this whole thing up. This was clearly a private conversation that had nothing to do with me. I was just here for some antibiotics, then I would be back home, right as rain.

I tried to tell them that I had just been out for a little jog when that man had jumped out and bit me. I just came in to the hospital as a precaution. I tried to tell them that I was feeling a little better honestly.

"Take care of her, Richard's."

What did he mean take care of me? Did that mean he was going to treat this bite? A swell of excitement rose in my chest, I felt a tinge of hope, perhaps this was all a misunderstanding. I was going home after all-

There was a flash of pain as I felt my skull cave in. I felt warm blood stream down my face as I let out a terrifed scream. I came here for help…what was happening? Why were they doing this to me?

I tried to beg them to stop.

All I heard was a groan.

submitted by /u/hackyandbird
