Waking among roommates

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My then-girlfriend some years back had to take on a roommate, to keep affording her old shotgun-style half-double. It was a tough call for her, as we were used to me spending many nights there and fucking her in every corner of the place, but it had to happen.

She chose a school classmate originally from the other side of the state, thinking they’d get along. It only kind of worked, and evolved into us all acting like we were just sharing hallways etc while the two of them mostly stayed out of each other’s way. Eventually, though, one Friday night they both had planned a vigorous evening’s entertainment, and it all got cozier than I’d guessed.

The roommate brought her date (I guess) back from the bar as my girl and I were having some whiskey after dinner. It was awkward at first, but the new guy did have some weed to distribute. Since that was something the roommates did agree on, we all spent some time passing it and listening to music by the candlelight my girl and I already had set up.

The roommate and her guy were on the couch opposite, and I was more or less trapped in one chair getting quietly stoned while the roommates talked classes and the new guy packed the pipe. My girl was flitting around getting drinks and whatever, and whenever she left the room the new guy would pass me the pipe and get after what he came there for.

So there I am watching him pawing the roommate. She was shorter, blonder, and more sportsy than my girl, and pretty fucked up by that point. She was into it as well, and I got a few minutes smoking good weed, watching a kiss that got very exploratory, with her grinding against his fingers through her jeans as she cupped and stroked him through his pants. The weed made it fascinating to watch her body move by candlelight, to see her nipples so hard they showed through her sports bra. Yes, I’m blaming how I stared on the weed.

Before it got too out of hand, my girl stumbled back into the room and things got respectable fast. We split the room into couples even faster, as the chit-chat was pretty clearly over. The roommate wanted to show her guy her upstairs room, and since my girl kept her waterbed in the half-basement, half-cellar… that’s where she and I wound up, two floors away in the rickety old place.

The waterbed was down there so the load and the stress wouldn’t buckle the old house, and I have to say we didn’t take it easy on the bed that night. She seemed to have missed the show I’d gotten, but she’d been ready to get hers already when we got business. If my cock was a little harder that night over the idea of something shorter, blonder, and more sportsy… well, I didn’t say anything, and made sure no one had anything to complain about.

As my girl drifted happily off to sleep, I was almost sure I could hear the roommate, two floors above, trying to stifle her yelps of pleasure. I fell asleep wondering what sort of pounding it would take to get her off like that… I still really barely knew her.

It had been a long week for my girl and I, and the two of us had previously decided we’d just sleep in as long as we could in the morning. She was still out cold when I levered myself out of the waterbed and stumbled up to the main floor bathroom. I tried to move through that old creaky place as quietly as I could to keep everyone sleeping, and I pulled the bathroom door mostly closed quietly behind me without actually slamming it shut.

I aimed my morning-after-sex cock as carefully as I could, because I knew I was using a bathroom belonging to two women, and my mind cleared a bit as I finished a good long piss. I wondered I was really smelling like the fucking I’d given the night before, and I had already zipped up when I realized what was nagging my hindbrain.

Apparently the roommate had chased that new guy out already, and been down to clean up some in the tub-shower of that place. The roommate wasn’t tidy at the best of times, and had clearly just rinsed herself off and gone back to bed. It was practically noon, and there was no sound or movement in the place except me.

I realized what I was smelling was the panties she’d dropped and left, laying on the floor not two steps from where I stood. I picked them up carefully to confirm… one hand brought the crotch of them to my face… and then my other was unzipping me, fast, quiet…

They were just normal white cotton panties, practical and modest, at least before she’d gotten wasted and started grinding on a guy. He must have teased the first cum out of her before she even got her jeans off, because they were stained with so much dried leakage from her pussy. I pictured him sitting in that stupid chair of hers I’d helped move up those narrow stairs, both of them naked to the waist, her straddling one of his thick thighs and moving faster and harder as his lips and teeth tugged at those nipples… his fingers wrapping around her upper arms as she clapped one hand over her mouth and began to shake…

Yes, I was stroking my cock – thick, reddened, hot and stiff like I’d not guessed it could be. Yes, my hand was pressing the crotch of those panties against my nose, smelling what this near-stranger woman’s body made when it really wanted to smooth the way for a cock that hard and willing. Yes, I’d not quite closed the bathroom door – which I was facing by then – so as not to make noises that would wake the girls.

I knew I’d never be able to talk my way out of this, no matter which of the two of them opened that door and caught me. I knew that I had to dump some cum for that pussy that was suffusing the room, though… this was no time to think anything through.

The toilet roll rattled softly as I unrolled what was probably too much paper. I didn’t have enough hands – suddenly, I was holding those panties in my teeth as I tore the paper free. Cockhead leaking, pointed straight at that door someone might open, that door that led straight up the stairs to the roommates room… I pictured her asleep, naked, spread wide on her bed, face down as I walked in…

Tongue tasting her dried juices, scent of her ass mixed in as I jacked into that paper… Taste and scent just like I’d grabbed those hips, hauled that ass in the air, and buried my face into that fuck-ready pussy from behind…

Hours before, I’d have sworn my girl had emptied my balls entirely, and there I stood blasting spurt after spurt out of a cockhead stiff enough to drive nails. All for her silly-ass roommate’s pussy, all without either woman in the room.

The situation had gotten to me too suddenly for me to have wondered any of this through, to have really understood what I’d found and how I’d reacted. But there I was, heart pounding, cock softening, my cum dripping off of what turned out to be not enough paper onto the floor. Realizing how complicated this situation could get, even as the tip of my tongue kept rubbing a bit more of that taste out of those panties.

It felt so good… but wow, it could go so bad…

I snapped out of it completely as my heart rate slowed, and I began removing all trace that I had even been in the bathroom – dropping the wad of paper in the toilet, arranging those panties on the floor just exactly as I had found them. On their way from my mouth to the ground, though, I couldn’t withstand using the crotch of those modest panties to wipe that one last drop of cum from the tip of my cock, to join the rest of the drooling I’d done. I started to harden again thinking of the roommate looking up at my eyes while she licked that drop of cum off my cock… but I pulled it together and managed to get the scene cleaned properly and myself zipped.

I flushed away the evidence and swung open the door. No one there, no sounds in the house. I went back downstairs, slipped back into bed undetected… and slept for enough hours for the girls to wake up and be about their days. When I went upstairs to use the bathroom again, there was no clothing of any kind laying around.

No one ever mentioned that night and morning again. No one even really acted any differently. It’s like the roommate didn’t even remember that she’d fondled a stranger’s bulge right in front of me, much less that she’d made the one room in the place I had to visit smell just like her at her sluttiest. And of course, my girl didn’t know any of this, and I didn’t want her to.

I was probably the saddest of the three of us, though, when both girls sort of got their shit together and the roommate moved out, never to be heard from again.

I sometimes wish I’d dared to keep those panties.

NSFW: yes
