Unanticipated Morning Delight: Wife’s Surprise Wake-Up Call | Immersive Sex Story

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We had been enduring a rather prolonged dry spell, aching for each other’s touch. But fate seemed to conspire against us, making it seem like tonight would be no different. With a sigh, I resigned myself to bed while she disappeared into the shower, convinced that our desires would remain unfulfilled for yet another night. Little did I know, fate had a different plan in store.

As I dozed off, ready to embrace the world of dreams, a sensation slowly crept up within me. It was that unmistakable feeling that bordered on the edge of bliss, only ever experienced in the most tantalizing of dreams. I welcomed it eagerly, hoping that it would linger and never fade away. It grew into a gentle, tingling sensation between my legs, arousing a desire that burned within my core. I yearned for the dream to continue, to experience pleasure beyond the boundaries of reality.

But then, as consciousness began to stir within me, I suddenly became aware of the source of my sweet torment. It was my wife’s hand, gracefully exploring and caressing my throbbing member. Long ago, I had given her carte blanche to use me however she pleased, but she never reciprocated the same desire. It was an unspoken agreement between us, until now.

As if sensing my awakening, she softly commanded me to go back to sleep, making it abundantly clear that she desired nothing but my pulsating cock. The mere words sent an electric surge coursing through my veins, intensifying the flames of desire burning within me. I remained motionless, obedient to her wishes, as she straddled me, claiming my body as her own canvas of lust and pleasure.

Silently, she positioned herself atop me, her hands planting firmly in the center of my chest. No words were exchanged, no lingering kisses graced our lips. In that moment, all that mattered was the raw connection between us. Without a word, she rode me with an unbridled passion, guiding my hardened manhood to satisfy her deepest cravings. Each movement, each sensation, was driven solely by her desires.

Finally, as the waves of ecstasy crashed over her, she released herself from my grasp and drifted off into a peaceful slumber. I, on the other hand, was left in utter awe at the sheer intensity of what had transpired. Awe gave way to willing anticipation, as I anxiously await the next time our desires collide, embracing the insatiable hunger that binds us together.
