Produce Aisle pt.1

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I work the produce aisle at my grocery store. It isn’t fun, or attractive. I have worked there for over 2 years. I grab dollies filled with veggies from the back and refill the shelves with fresh stock during the day. I answer questions about where to discover things, which things we are out of stock on, and sometimes how to select the best type of produce.
I also watch our customers. Nobody looks at me while I’m putting things on shelves, so I’m free to glance at women who are shopping…especially ones who enjoy wearing super tight yoga pants. Its a perk.
It was a Sunday, mid-afternoon…I was near the leafy greens, stocking some pre-made salads and spinach, lost in my own thoughts about something irrelevant. I suddenly became aware of a presence close by.
“Excuse Me, do you know where I can find the Radicchio?” My brain immediately fired off the answer (next to the organic Chard) as I turned toward the voice, expecting another annoying customer…and that was where I got lost.
Usually when a 10 walks into the store, she is tagged immediately, and every male within 7 feet of her passes the word along with eyebrow raises and body language interpreted as “whoa” among all men. You can almost hear the “roar/rustle/wave” approaching as she walks from aisle to aisle.
I had no such warning. I looked up straight into the sun.
End pt 1

NSFW: yes
