Office Romance: Interracial Affair in Risky Public Area [M20s/F20s Co-workers]

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Flirting with Eric was the highlight of my mundane corporate job. Standing out in a sea of gray suits, Eric was a breath of fresh air – tall, handsome, intellectual, and funny. Being hit on at work was a regular occurrence for me as a woman in software development, but Eric was different. He saw me beyond just a pair of boobs and an ass to look at. Perhaps being a Black man in a predominantly white department made him find out my perspective. Or maybe he was simply sweet. Regardless, my heart skipped a beat when I saw his name pop up on my work computer. “Lunch at Rico’s? I’ll drive,” his message read. My eyes hungrily absorbed the words on the screen. We often had lunch together but never anywhere other than the business cafeteria or the small café on the first floor. Rico’s was different – a charming spot with dim lighting and delectable small plates. It had a date-like ambiance, even in the middle of the workday. My best friend would call it a “gateway date,” one that could potentially lead to a real date on a weekend. Excitement surged through me as I replied, “Meet you by the elevator?” and received his enthusiastic response of “Perfect.” Shutting off my computer screen, I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. With each stroke of mascara, my green eyes took on a more sultry and feminine allure. My foundation was applied to build a dewy and soft complexion, just the right amount to accentuate my features. A layer of smudge-proof deep pink lipstick – not quite red, but a berry shade – adorned my lips. It was sexy yet casual, a reflection of my desire for Eric to see me as more than just a colleague. As I shed my blazer, my professional facade transformed into cuteness, enhanced by the chic gray pencil skirt I was wearing. Loosening the white silk top tucked into my skirt accentuated my waist, exuding an air of playfulness. Leaving my blazer neatly folded over my desk chair, I made my way back to the elevator. My heart raced when I spotted Eric by the elevator, his white button-down rolled up to his elbows, and his hands casually tucked into his pockets. He had decided to wear his glasses today, framing his cool brown eyes perfectly. The sound of my approaching footsteps caught his attention, and a bright smile lit up his face. The sight of his grin made my heart somersault. Opening up his arms, we shared a brief but warm embrace that I wished could have lingered longer. “Valerie, it’s good to see you,” he greeted me using my full name, a gesture that made me feel unique and recognized. The elevator chimed, and without any other passengers, we stepped inside. Eric pressed the button for the parking garage, and the doors closed, enveloping us in privacy. Inhaling deeply, I asked, trying to steer clear of work-related discussions, “So how’s that whole UX fiasco going?” He let out an exasperated sigh, his eyes rolling. “Same old. You know how Paul is.” “An absolute idiot,” I agreed, relishing our shared frustrations. “Is there anything I can do to help?” “Well, not anything while we’re in the office.” He chuckled, causing a blush to creep onto my cheeks. “Honestly, it’ll be great to get away from the whole situation, even if just momentarily,” he added. “Yeah, me too. We’re finally wrapping up the whole-” As the elevator doors opened on the top floor of the parking garage, I shook my head, interrupting our work conversation. “Let’s forget about work. Forget about the office.” Eric’s grin widened. “I’m definitely on board with that.” Making our way to the back wall of the garage, the sound of my heels echoed around us. Suddenly, Eric paused, turning towards me. “Oh crap, I actually parked a floor below. I don’t want you to walk all the way back to the elevator in those heels. Let me go downstairs and bring the car up for you.” “And they say chivalry is dead,” I laughed, but quickly added, “I’d rather risk breaking my ankle than waste a precious moment of my lunch break without you. Plus, standing alone in parking garages isn’t exactly my idea of fun.” He shook his head, playfully rolling his eyes at himself. “Of course, you’re right. Let’s head downstairs then.” Pushing open the door to the stairwell, we entered a well-maintained space. This parking garage had been recently renovated when our business moved into the building, creating a clean and comfortable atmosphere. Sturdy stairs led us down two flights, with tiled floors in between. Sensing my need for stability in my heels, Eric offered his hand to assist me. The confidence in his touch calmed my racing heart. Despite his support, I still managed to stumble on the very last step, missing my footing. In a scene straight out of a movie, Eric swooped in, catching me in his arms and preventing an embarrassing face-plant. Helping me regain my balance, I leaned against the wall, taking a moment to catch my breath. Concerned, Eric asked, “Are you alright?” “Nothing injured but my pride,” I chuckled softly, admitting, “There goes any chance of you thinking I’m sexy and put together.” With a serious expression, Eric turned towards me. Stepping closer, he pinned me against the wall, a move that quickened my pulse. It wasn’t forceful or threatening; instead, it exuded a confident assertiveness. His eyes searched mine momentarily before finding permission on my parted lips. I gazed up at him, my eyes widening, aware that the foundation on my cheeks couldn’t hide the blush creeping onto my face. Softly, he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve found you sexy every moment we’ve spent together. I’m not sure anything could change that.” His words hung in the air between us, electrifying the atmosphere. With a surge of courage, I stood up on my tiptoes, bridging the gap between our lips. As he looked down at me, understanding passed between us. In that moment, Eric kissed me for the first time. His lips were tender yet demanding, eliciting an involuntary moan from the depths of my excitement. In response, a primal growl reverberated from his throat. His right hand moved from the wall to my waist, claiming me with a possessiveness that sent delicious shivers through me. He held back, restraining the intensity of his desire, but I yearned for more. Assertively, I reached up, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer. His other hand found the small of my back, drawing our bodies impossibly closer. Suddenly, it wasn’t just our lips that were touching; our bodies melded together in a dance of passion. His lips traced down my neck, while the straps of my top slid sensually off my shoulders. The world around us faded, leaving only the sound of our quickened breaths. The desire between us became palpable, reflected in the way my body responded to his every movement. Completely lost in the moment,…
