Lost NNN on the last day, not what you think

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The sister I had talked about in my earlier post and I have been getting in a much more comfortable and happy spot in our sibling relationship. I had been going strong in NNN and hadn’t even gotten close. I was doing really well and then over the last week, my sister has been different.

She has blushed more and looked visibly frustrated but all the time acted fine when I approached her about it. Over the last week we have had a lot of family over. Aunt, Uncle, and 3 cousins. She has spent a lot of time with our youngest cousin this week, seemingly to avoid everyone else. I have been really worried about her and I really care for her.

When November 30th came around, I wondered she was gonna pop and cry she looked sad and uncomfortable. So I asked her if she wanted me, if she wanted me to be her lover and boyfriend and waited for her response. After a while in her room she said yes and one thing led to another and I lost NNN. I’m sure there will be more posts in the future about this experience and future ones to come.

Beth, I love you, if you see this.

NSFW: yes
