Intimate Encounters: Delving into Forbidden Desires with My Girlfriend’s Niece

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My girlfriend’s 20-year-old niece, Candace, has recently found herself five months pregnant and going through a separation with the father. In light of these circumstances, she came to live with us.

Candace is a stunning petite beauty, standing at around 5 feet tall and weighing a delicate 110 pounds. Usually, she has B cup breasts, but her pregnancy has transformed them into a magnificent C or even a small D cup. Her nipples, perpetually erect, add an alluring touch to her already captivating physique. Despite being with child, Candace’s fashion choices remain just as tantalizing as ever, with her revealing clothes now showcasing more of her irresistibly sexy pregnant body.

One day, the situation took an unexpected turn. I was enjoying a relaxing afternoon by the pool, when Candace, realizing her bikini no longer fit well, approached me with a bold question. She coyly thought if it would be acceptable for her to swim nude. Intrigued and unable to withstand her allure, I assured her that it would be perfectly fine. To my delight, she shed her clothing and slipped into the water completely naked.

As she undressed, I couldn’t help but notice the contrast in her skin tone. Her immaculate buttocks, white as freshly fallen snow, caught my attention, reminding me of the importance of sun protection. Concerned for her well-being, I advised her to apply some lotion to prevent sunburn. Taking the initiative, she walked up to me, bringing the bottle of lotion along. In a daring move, she asked if I could assist with the application. Gently massaging the lotion onto her supple cheeks, I was captivated by the moment when her hands fumbled, causing her rear to graciously part, revealing the smoothness of her intimate area.

Enthusiastically, Candace went on to request my attention for her baby bump. As she stood before me, I couldn’t help but be drawn to her well-formed breasts. Honoring her request, I applied a generous amount of lotion on her glowing belly, and as my hands moved in circular motions, a gentle moan escaped her lips. Concerned about her comfort, I paused to inquire if she was alright. To my surprise, she confided in me, expressing just how pleasurable the sensation was. Emboldened, I continued rubbing her stomach, gradually inching lower until my fingers gently grazed the pinnacle of her womanhood. Succumbing to her desire, she moaned sensually, begging me to explore her entire being. As I indulged her, I discovered she was already dripping with desire, prompting me to briefly taste her essence before lavishing her with further attention. With each passing moment, her pleasure intensified until she reached a powerful climax.

Overwhelmed by desire, Candace couldn’t help but notice the undeniable arousal protruding through my swimsuit. Temptation got the better of her, as she asked if we could come together in the most intimate way. Although hesitant, I couldn’t ignore her longing and the hunger in her eyes. Seeking assurance, I inquired if she was certain, to which she responded by urging me to witness her arousal firsthand.

As the hunger grew stronger, I felt an urge to nurture her desires before indulging my own. Guiding her to recline on a poolside chair, I commenced with tenderly exploring her moist femininity with my mouth, immediately evoking a powerful surge of passion that caused her to climax and overflow with ecstasy. Subsequently, my movements transitioned, and I began to make love to her with a slow and deliberate rhythm. Yet, as her fervor intensified, she pleaded for a more forceful connection, urging me to surrender to the primal carnality of our desires. Yielding to her insatiable hunger, I ravished her with unrelenting fervor, fulfilling her deepest cravings. Afterward, Candace confessed that the experience of being penetrated while carrying a life within her was nothing short of extraordinary. Together, we embraced in the pool, both devoid of clothing, indulging in the delightful interplay of our naked bodies. I found myself irresistibly drawn to her swollen breasts and engorged nipples, much to her pleasure as she succumbed to orgasmic bliss once more. Our passion continued to ignite over the course of the next two and a half weeks, as Candace’s insatiable lust seemed insatiable.

Needless to say, I secretly hope my girlfriend will go out of town again soon, allowing us to explore the depths of our desire once more.
