I fucked my son in the bathroom during a family reunion

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The following confession took place at a family reunion cookout, where temptation lurked around every corner. The air was thick with anticipation as my 24 year old son and I exchanged heated glances over a crowd of smiling relatives, the desire between us growing with every passing moment.

Finally, our covert rendezvous was about to unfold.

While my husband entertained the guests outside, I led my willing son to the sanctuary of the bathroom, our hearts pounding with a potent mix of excitement and guilt. The build-up to our forbidden encounter was slow and tantalizing, fueled by the risks we were about to take.

The moment we stepped into the dimly lit bathroom, a surge of raw desire consumed us. His hands, trembling with anticipation, grasped my waist as I pressed my back against the sink. We were like two animals in heat, driven by our insatiable hunger for each other. With a swift motion, he hiked up my dress, revealing the lace beneath.

The bathroom became a playground for our illicit passion.

My son bent me over the sink, his throbbing cock straining against his trousers, yearning for release. In a frenzy of desire, he plunged deep inside me, the walls of the bathroom echoing with our gasps and moans. Each thrust intensified the pleasure, building an inferno of longing and satisfaction within us.

Whispered dirty talk escaped our lips, filled with the intensity of our forbidden desires. “You’re such a dirty cheater,” he breathed against my ear, his words stoking the flames of lust. “You love being a filthy little slut, don’t you? Taking me right under dad’s nose.”

As our bodies moved in a desperate rhythm, pleasure surged through us like an electric current. The bathroom tiles were witnesses to our unbridled passion, a sanctuary where societal rules and obligations held no power. With each powerful thrust, our connection deepened, and the boundaries of our connection expanded.

The tension built, the air thick with the scent of our arousal. In the final moments of ecstasy, he pulled out, his cock pulsating with need. He coated my ass with his hot, sticky cum, marking me as his in that intimate moment. Satisfied and breathless, we quickly composed ourselves, preparing to rejoin the party.

As we emerged from the bathroom, a secret smile played on my lips.

The taste of our forbidden encounter lingered as I approached my unsuspecting husband. With my son’s cum still glistening on my lips, I leaned in to kiss him, savoring the forbidden thrill of our hidden tryst.

NSFW: yes
