I came back to see my cheating boyfriend with another girl! It got naughty though

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As I stepped out of the gym, the late afternoon sun kissed my flushed cheeks. My heart raced with a mix of exhaustion and anticipation to see my boyfriend, waiting for me at home. I had been living together for a year now, sharing our lives, dreams, and aspirations. my trust in him was unwavering, and I felt lucky to have found someone so compatible.
With my gym bag slung over her shoulder, I walked briskly towards our cozy apartment. The familiar sights of the neighborhood provided a soothing backdrop to my thoughts. My mind wandered to the dinner plans I had in mind and the movie we were planning to watch later.
As I turned the corner onto their street, a knot of unease tugged at my stomach. I slowed my pace, sensing something was amiss. The usually calm and cheerful atmosphere of their apartment building felt oddly tense.
My steps faltered as I approached their door. Muffled voices reached my ears, causing my heart to plummet. The voices were unmistakably my boyfriends’, but the tone was unfamiliar—a mixture of guilt and desperation. I fumbled for my keys, my fingers trembling.
Pushing the door open slowly,my breath caught in my throat. my heart shattered as I saw my boyfriend standing there, locked in an intimate embrace with a woman I had never seen before. Their lips were inches aside, their eyes closed in a moment that should have belonged to only me and my boyfriend.

After kicking her out, he called her to apologise. I began to lick the tip of his cock as I stared at him intently, his face broke into relief, I could tell he was waiting all day to leave the house to be with his favourite little slut. I licked up and down his cock as I love being playful with my tongue, and his voice began shaking, he made the excuse that he was not feeling too good, but little did she know I was taking care of him. I then began to take inches of his cock inside of my mouth. For every few seconds that he was able to keep her on the phone, I would reward him by putting more inches of his cock in and sucking hard.

When it was his turn to talk, I would suck even harder while giving him my hands’ worth at the same time. He started gripping my hair tightly and panting on the phone as it got harder for him to remain calm. I’m sure he wanted to compliment me on being such a good little slut for him. I purposefully sucked loudly so that she could hear it as it started to get messy from my saliva blending with his pre-cum. He was biting his lip to contain his groan, but he was unable to do so any longer as my continued forceful sucking caused him to feel the tightness in my throat.

He kept his cool for a while, which I wondered was hot, but I was happy when he ended the call because I had given him such a high. I had given him, a tight pussy and a nasty mouth, and to have his undivided attention.

NSFW: yes
