I (19F) make cock teasing an art

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I’m a nineteen year old school student only recently discovering how much power my young and filled out body has over men. And I can’t seem to stop teasing their cocks, leaving them unsatisfied, and rubbing my pussy later that evening to the memory of their breathless expressions and desperate hard on’s.

Here’s the memory I’m tossing over tonight.

My roommate and I were getting ready for a Friday night, which we were expecting to spend at her boyfriend‘s shared house, where he lives with two other housemates. The five of us make up our tight knit gang. Because I was expecting to spend my evening with friends I felt comfortable with, but whom I also recognized as sexual beings and prospective cocks to tease, I decided to dress down.

I was bra-less, in a stretchy white crop top with a loose neck line low enough to show off the top of my cleavage. The outlines of my puffy nipples were clearly visible through the shirt, but you could only barely make out the blush pink color of my areolas through the fabric. While I was assessing my sluttiness in the mirror, my roomie playfully pulled the neckline of my shirt downwards with one easy hand motion, causing my breasts to spill and bounce out into the open air. We laughed about it, then I pulled my shirt back up before we left.

This was in the summer. Besides the top, I was also wearing a pair of yoga pants and some light makeup with just a bit of color and gloss on my lips. To my surprise, the three boys stepped out of the house (clearly already buzzed) as soon as we approached the door. My roomie’s bf had challenged the two boys to a darts show down, so we were all now promptly due at the local bar. Not the place I had dressed for, but I followed without complaint.

As soon as we walked in, I felt the dim lights on me, not to mention eyes — turning and lingering on my body as I moved between the tables and joined my friends at our usual booth.

Pretty immediately, I noticed one man at a booth across the room. He looked to be in his 40’s, had a beard, and was wearing a dad cap. He was watching me the whole time that my friends and I played darts — as discretely as I think he could — but his stare burned holes through my clothes. I felt my pussy get all warm as I leaned back and stretched for him. I also found it funny that he had the balls to gawk at my body but would look away as soon as I tried to make eye contact.

When my friends decided it was time to leave, I said I’d be right behind them and gave my roomie an arm squeeze to signal my move. She was more than aware of my innocent little kink for torturing unassuming men, and caught my drift pretty quickly. As my friends walked out the door, I slid into the dude’s booth, taking a seat right beside him. He looked surprised, but gosh did it feel good to have him finally looking into my eyes. I smiled, which made him smile. Then I went to work.

“Do you wanna play a game?”

He looked stumped but intrigued, “what game?”

“Truth or truth. We ask each other questions that the other person absolutely has to answer. But we’re not allowed to touch each other.”

He laughed a little, and looked at me up and down, “any question?”

“Any question.”

His eyes glazed over in wondered for a moment, before leaning in close and whispering, “do you know that your shirt is see-through?”

. . . He caught me by surprise.

I bit my lip, leaned back comfortably against the seat, gave him a sultry look that told him I was melting and cooed, “mhm.”

He took a deep inhale and stared at my chest, my perky nipples stiffening at his attention – “fuck,” he exhaled.

“What else?” I asked – my voice almost a whimper.

“What turns you on?”

I wondered a bit. “Hmm… Your arm hair… The thought of sitting on your lap… Or sucking on your tongue…”

“Jesus Christ,” he shifted in his seat and pulled on his pant leg, stretched by an impressive hard on that made me gush through my g-string.

My turn, “what would you like to do to me if you could touch me?”

“I’d kiss that filthy mouth of yours to start,” he said with a confident smile that made me all giddy. “Then suck on your neck… squeeze your sexy tits and put those slutty nipples in my mouth…”

We continued on like this for about an hour, narrating how I’d massage his cock with the back of my tongue and swallow against his swollen head, how I’d straddle his lap and inch his fat cock raw into my tight shaven pussy… I even spread my legs for him discretely under the table, just to show off how soaked I was getting through my leggings. He made the groaning sounds I love, and was in complete and utter torture.

I gave him my number, left without touching him even a single time, and rode my suction dildo to orgasm multiple times in the shower, imagining him taking me from behind by force and shooting rope after rope of hot cum in my cunt.

We did end up texting and meeting up again, but that’s a story for another night.

NSFW: yes
