Emergency Services [M/M]

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1 Harry

“Uhh… Harry, isn’t that your address?”
Harry’s heart jumped a ravine, skipping a beat. Then it was in his ears, pounding like a hammer, failing to keep his attention on the dispatch radio. The Ambulance they were in felt weightless, and then suddenly felt like it was an endless weight on his chest. Aaron regained his composure, an expression of duty and determination replacing his initial surprise, to try and not freak out the new kid. They both had an inkling of what might be coming, how hard a night it was gonna be, and whom they were racing to save.

“Lucas…” He hissed under his breath, the words buried under the wailing siren and rattling cabin. He winced, thinking back to the last time they had run into his older brother. Lucas had abrasions across his forehead, knuckles and elbows that night. He had lumpy bruises on his head and jaw, a swollen eye, and powder coming out his nose. Aaron had led Harry through EMS procedure several times, but he never really felt ready to save a life. When they had first bumped into Lucas…

“Fuck off,” Lucas had said. Aaron was trying to stick him with the IV needle in the same ambulance back then. “I don’t need it, let me go I have shit to do.”

Aaron’s brow furrowed, his strong jaw tightening. “You need fluids, you’ve been drinking all day and night. You ever try a glass of water? The human body can’t sustain itself on alcohol alone, you know.”

Lucas partly laughed and partly groaned. “Humans are mostly water, Alcohol is mostly water,” he threw back, slurring his words. “Don’t shit yourself, you’re not a doctor and you don’t even know god fuck.”

For all his complaining, Lucas laid more still on the bright yellow stretcher. He hardly had the energy to get anywhere anyway, but Harry knew a broken leg would stop him from going where he wanted. He looked out the open ambulance doors onto the city streets, possibly calculating a run for it.

“Damn straight I’m not a doctor,” Aaron lost his patience and jabbed the thing in. Harry had seen him miss the vein before, but only once. Lucas winced and sucked air through his teeth, Aarons large hands holding him down. “I’m just a volunteer.”

“Oh well how generous of you and junior, how ‘bout I just volunteer my DICK in your mouth, huh, how ‘bout THAT, asshole!?” The indignation faded slowly after their eyes met, until Aaron turned to watch the bag work. Lucas’ heavy breathing slowed down, the wave of saline, vitamins and electrolytes coming into him gently returning his humanity like an ocean wave. It didn’t matter what had happened before, not so much; when you’re as fucked up and dehydrated as Lucas, almost nothing beats a saline drip.
Harry finished taking his blood pressure on the opposite side, looking deeply disappointed at everything around him – but mostly his brother. Harry’s scowl shot daggers that neither of the other two noticed, or seemed to care about.

“125 over 91,” the velcro interjected as Harry took the cuff off. “That’s… Luke. It’s getting-“

“It’s getting LATE is what it is,” Lucas interjected. “Don’t you have to go stalk someone, Junior?” It was more pointed now, the jab. Harry bristled, sharing their late fathers name and shaking with fury at Lucas. It wouldn’t be such a bad name if…

“…I, guess things are good here right now,” Harry said each word slowly and with weight. “I’m gonna check on the others.” Of course before he did, he reached his arm back and slammed his balled fist into Lucas’ wounded knee, like some kind of justified revenge. It sucked the air and all the words out of Lucas’ mouth, as Harry hopped off of the back of the Ambulance, not even sure where he was walking.

“Hey!” Aaron’s voice was like a thunderclap against the buildings, SO much louder than his typical speaking voice. He jumped off the ambulance and chased after Harry, his voice booming in the background. “Hey!!” He said again when Harry kept walking, ignoring his superior. With only a few long strides, Aaron grabbed Lucas by the back of the shirt and pulled him around face to face.

“That was un-fucking called for and you know it,” Aaron ate the word ‘scrub’ before it came out of his mouth. “That’s a patient, not your punching bag in there, and we’re here to do a fucking job. I could have you written up, I could have you fired for what you just pulled, and maybe you SHOULD be. If I ever see you do some petty childish shit like that again, you are gone. Hear me?”

His grip only tightened as the echo of the last words died down. Harry was truly shamed on the sidewalk. Police at the scene couldn’t help but see, and Harry could see them all trying hard not to show what they really wondered of him. He shrunk in Aaron’s powerful grip.

“…Yes, I-I hear you. I’m sorry.” He held up his hands as if he were asked to put them behind his back. Aaron released him, letting the color flow back into his knuckles.

“…Take a minute, get your shit together, and go check on the others.” Aaron grimaced and hustled back to the ambulance, with Harry feeling very unwelcome pretty much everywhere.

This had better not go like that did, Harry wondered to himself.

The ambulance skidded up the driveway, hardly slowing down before it came to an abrupt stop in front of the garage. There was a pong table and red solo cups littered everywhere, an abandoned party – which was just like good friends, bailing when one of them was in trouble. A flash of sympathy for Lucas appeared on Aaron’s face.

Inside were a handful of school kids all in numerous states of distress. Some were buckled over in pain from their sobs, some stoned with hands on their heads like they just finished a sprint, all soberly staring at the floor. Lucas wasn’t breathing.

Aaron cleared the airway with a gloved finger – Harry didn’t discover a pulse – Aaron shone a light at his dilated eyes – “Cardiac Arrest,” Harry said – Aaron yelled “Paddles!”

Jeff was ready hustling with the defib. Aaron ripped off Lucas’ flannel shirt, buttons flying everywhere. Wires and stickers landed onto his smooth and pale torso under quick hands, which grabbed the paddles out of Jeffs hands. Aaron rubbed them and placed them on Luke, one atop and one a little to the side. “Clear!”

Nothing happened.

A great deal of shouting erupted in the house, which ended with Harry being aggressively excused outside. He fell onto the grass, clutching at it with shivering hands. He didn’t charge the defibrillator.

2- Aaron

He had never liked the new kid Harry, but Aaron was beginning to really hate him now. It wasn’t just his senseless need for violence against his brother, it was how he neglected or mistreated almost anything he got his hands on.

But lingering there in those thoughts just wasn’t healthy. He didn’t expect Harry to get anything done checking on the other people in that gang fight, he doubted Harry could even tell they were a gang. He really just needed a second to let the short hairs on the nape of his neck stand down.

“Jesus, I’m so sorry about your brother…” The ambulance softly shifted to pick up Aaron’s 6’5 frame.

“Don’t be,” Lucas scoffed. “It’s his own hole he dug, trust me. I can’t stand that little prick.”

“But he’s your only brother, right?”

Lucas shook his head. “Of course not, I got brothers on the street. Family is what you make it,” he said, implying that Harry had made something else of their family.

“Well…” He folded his arms. With Lucas about as tended as he could get at the moment, he leaned against the cabinet and gave him a serious look while he wondered of what to say.

“Put the speech down now,” Lucas pointed. He wondered he was gonna say something poignant, but then added… “…Drop it. Drop the speech, boy.”

They both started laughing – it was hardly even funny, but it was a saturday night and both of them wished they were somewhere else. Lucas winced as a cracked rib made itself known while Aaron wiped a tear from his eye.

“You got a lot of balls trying to boss around a big dog,” Aaron said, doubled over and blushing. “My bite is way worse than my bark.”

“That right?” Lucas said, suddenly considering it. He gripped the mans sleeve from the stretcher, pulling him closer. “You know you bark pretty goddamn loud.”

“Yea-I-uh…” the words failed him. Aaron did not expect to be getting lost in his eyes, green only for the brightness of the ambulance lights, but otherwise rich and dark. “…Am… big.”

He felt like an idiot, a loved idiot with a near strangers palm on his cheek. Before they even knew it their lips met, stubble and facial hair threatening to light like a pack of matches. It could have been a peck, before Aaron sank into Lucas’ mouth. For just a few moments that could never ever last long enough, nothing else existed but them. It was like a part of them that had been missing all their lives had just been found. Or, perhaps more likely, they were desperate to fuck like mad reptiles that have only just been let out of their cages.

“No speeches,” Aaron nodded, a little line of spit connecting their lips. “No talking,” Lucas replied, fingers gripping the back of Aaron’s hair.

“The other’s are all set, we’re ‘bout to head-” Harry opened the ambulance doors. Aaron and Lucas had jumped back at the intrusion, looking like a gust of wind had crossed them both. Harry saw – but he said nothing. It looked like he didn’t even know how to process it.

Lucas pulled out the IV, refused transport, and limped out into the night. The rest of the night shift was uneventful in the back of the ambulance, and quiet enough to hear a pen drop.

“Fucking breathe, please…” Aaron had his arms locked, pumping out ‘staying alive’ on Lucas’ chest.. Their kiss in the ambulance ran through his mind as he forced air into Lucas’ lungs. His eyes were open and unfocused, that lingering shock of miss-dosing resting on his face. Jeff used the Noloxone on hand, but it wasn’t gonna begin up his heart again. Where the hell was the adrenaline?

Aaron fought back tears, something he had never had to do in all his years while performing CPR. Lucas’ lungs filled up with Aarons breath one more time, then he jerked with an arched back. He flailed a little, turning onto his side and coughing up some unknowable mucus. The room melted, the mix of school kids and locals breathing a sigh of relief, wiping their brows and making plans to head home.

As Lucas came to consciousness, Aaron held him by the cheek. “You might be getting a speech from me about this one,” he said dryly. Lucas wasn’t amused though. Aaron saw his expression change and suddenly felt his own retreat. The conversation died, but Lucas survived.

This time Lucas accepted the ride to the hospital to get checked out. Pre-hypertension from extended cocaine use, liver damage, opioids. Nothing he didn’t already know about; nothing he hadn’t already stopped giving a shit about.

Later, by dumb luck, Aaron and Lucas bumped into each-other at the same bar.

“No, seriously,” Lucas stumbled backward with a beer in his hand, which was somewhere between his 10th and 20th drink. “Don’t act, don’t fuckin pretend you can control me alright you don’t even know me.” Lucas’ face had almost lost all the bumps and scrapes from weeks ago, but his eyes were more sunken and dark.

Aaron finished his screwdriver and set the glass down. “I know you’re hurting a lot Lucas. I know that I don’t… really know you… but-”
“Then let it stay that way!” It turned into a scowl. “Fuck off already yeah? You’re clocked out, you can stop nannying the world now.”
“…You’ve got a lot at home, you have shit you can do man, things you NEED to do. Harry is spiraling out too, in a different way. You need help, you both-”

“Oh for fucks sake!” Lucas put his beer down in a manner that put roughly half of it on the table. “You think you’re that big bossy bitch huh, who knows what’s good for everyone else yeah? Well you fucking don’t! You want to fucking… fucking use your faux-sensitive understanding bullshit to force me to do what you want, don’t you? Don’t you asshole?!”

“No!” Aaron’s face was hurt and pleading, scanning Lucas’ stumbling form and keeping eye contact while he searched for the words. “I see you hurting – I want to help. It’s just what I do, what I WANT to do…”

Lucas didn’t get his reply out; something destructive that he couldn’t quite bring himself to say. Either way, he was not about to let some new two-faced bastard back into his life, even if he was built like a marble statue.

Lucas glowered, weakly. “…You should find something else to do. You don’t know what you’re getting into, you’re just gonna get yourself hurt.”

Aaron’s eyes watered just barely. “But what about you? Do I just stand by and watch you hurt?” His large hand found Lucas’ slender one. “I don’t know how to do that, I don’t know how to not give you what you need. It hurts me too much.”

Lucas lost his breath, falling into Aaron’s eyes. “And what is it exactly, you think I need?”

The night progressed. They drank more and talked – about their lives, about how they grew up, about what Harry had pulled. It was worse even than Aaron knew, and their dad took the fall for it. It explained so much about his distance, this self-destructive spiral. And Aaron watched patiently, essentially babysitting a junkie, staying away from the hard stuff and keeping Lucas out of trouble. They played darts, smoked weed in the back alley together, Lucas offered Aaron a cigarette but he had quit years ago. Still they held that smokers semicircle in the cool night air, just the two of them.

As they went back into the bar, Lucas grabbed Aaron by the wrist, and pulled him into the bathroom. There were not many people here at this dive bar tonight but fuck it, let someone catch them…

Aaron pushed Lucas into the wall, basically lifting him up to kiss him passionately. Their tongues met and tasted each-other, almost licking eachother with their mouths open. Aarons crotch found Lucas’ and made a sausage sandwich with eachother, Aaron gently crushing Lucas. Aaron’s hand found his lovers ass while they reached down Aaron’s pants to play with his rock hard cock, changing shape in no time at all. He was long and thick, like a tail with a near mango hanging between his legs.

“What the fuck…” Lucas stroked it, at least two of his palms width, long full strokes running from tip to base. It was curved gently upwards, like it was too big for itself. “What the fff-”

Their lips met again while lucas scratched Aaron’s back, leaving long red marks that he would discover in the morning. He shivered as all his hairs stood on end, his cock hardening like it was stealing all of his blood to get bigger. Lucas panted, face flushed and lost in lust, dragging him again into the nearest stall.

Greedy for dick, he unbuttoned and unzipped Aarons pants and hurried them off. Lucas had hardly even glanced at it before he popped the head in his mouth, swirling precum around the head and slurping it into his cheeks. Aaron moaned and panted, his palms slapped and propped against the stall to keep him upright. “Fuuuuck….” He felt like a racehorse that needed to empty his balls in a hurry.

Lucas slurped and sucked, his sloppy sounds dousing the public bathroom with delicious fellatio. It wasn’t long before he was throwing half that dick into the back of his mouth, gagging himself. It didn’t feel like the head was going to fit back there. Still he worshiped that dick, his own cock like a steel sword that threatened to shred his jeans. His cock came unexpectedly, sending shivers up his spine and thoroughly staining his front – it was gonna look like he wet himself. Like he gave a shit.

Aaron was holding Lucas’ head on each side, cradling a cheek and gripping his hair like a frustrated ape. Maybe it was just something else taking over, a need to cum very very hard. He started bucking into Lucas’ face in rhythm with his bobbing. For a second he sucked on Aarons cock like a straw, like he was trying to pull it off by suction alone. He broke contact with a pop and showed off the streams and bubbles of cum dripping down his lips.
“Use me…”

He opened his mouth with his tongue out, locking eyes with Aaron. He made some gentle gagging sounds with the back of his throat, massaging the air. Aaron pulled his saliva together and spat into the back of Lucas’ mouth, lubing him as best he could.

With only a moment of alignment, slowly he pushed his cock deep. He broke that barrier at the back of the mouth, Lucas’ face and neck leaning back to build a straight line. He pulled back, the shaft wettening and slick under Lucas’ lips, before he thrust forward again, harder. Lucas relaxed his body, letting his head go empty, allowing Aaron to have his way. Lucas’ eyes grew somewhat half-lidded as he kept sucking, never breaking from Aarons gaze.

As Aaron sped up, Lucas got noisier. He made glucking sounds, slurping sounds, gasps for air when he could, and strained moans when he took Aaron to the balls. He felt his cheeks puff out like a fish, jamming the head to a point somewhere near his clavicle, past his adams apple. He felt like a frog with its pouch extended, growing used to taking more and more dick in his tight throat.

“Sh-Ah-Ah!-F–uh-I’m-” Aaron hardly got the words out before he filled Lucas’ mouth with cum. It was a welcome surprise that Lucas was ready for. Letting the cum in his mouth spill, Lucas dived down Aaron’s dick until his tongue could press against those spasming balls. The cock in his throat expanded with each heavy squirt, each one long enough to feel like the spray of a hose. Aaron held Lucas’ head down like he was applying an ice-patch, cumming so hard it hurt. It felt like a long time before he pulled back to let Lucas breathe through his nose. Still the he was trapped by Lucas’ sucking, who pulled every drop of cum off the shaft and out of his dick. He gasped and fought for breath while he showed off his sloppy mouth to Aaron, looking down on him with a face that showed a mix of adoration and shock, slowly catching his breath.

Hardly a moment had passed before Aaron stood Lucas up and sat him on the toilet lid, undoing the jeans. Aaron reciprocated and was known for it, Lapping and licking up Lucas’ dick. It was average and nice, and Aaron could fit it all in his mouth in one go. They were both clearly not virgins, nor un-experienced. Aaron got Lucas practically screaming when he came, cock and balls firmly stuffed into his mouth and neck. Aaron started slipping Lucas’ pants down to his ankles when he was stopped.

“Not here,” Lucas panted. “Bed. Need bed.” Aaron nodded dumbly. They stood to put themselves together, buckle their pants, smooth their shirts and comb their hair. They walked out of the bathroom with every patron – about 7 of them – staring at both of them wide-eyed. They paid their tab in a hurry and left.

III. Lucas

Lucas limped after his brother after hopping off the ambulance, on his way to his dealer.

“Apologize!” He grabbed at Harry who pulled out of his grip.

“Get off me! For what?” His indignation was never stronger than when fighting his brother.

“The knee for a start!” He gestured, with his bandaged arms at his bandaged leg, gently bleeding after Harry had likely popped a stitch.

“You’re such a fucking dick!” Harry pushed his brother and quickly jumped out of range for retaliation. “You spend all our money on drugs so we can’t pay rent, you’re NEVER home, you don’t talk to me, what the hell happened, why can’t we be friends?”

“You landed dad in jail!” Acid dripped from Lucas’ teeth which threatened to melt a hole into the pavement. “You fucking ruined our lives for some bitch you don’t even know! You want me to apologize, how about you actually DO something about the shit you did!”

Harry gasped. “I’m working my ASS off in EMS and keeping our lights on. What the fuck have you been doing?”

“Selling ass for the same thing, FULL time!” His shout transformed into an angry whisper, trying to avoid the looks of the police officers existing in that dark realm between red and blue.

Harry was shocked – he knew his weekly pay was not enough to keep up the house payments, but he wondered Lucas had been selling drugs, not his body. “I… you’re gay? I didn’t…”

“You didn’t even ASK what I was doing. You have NEVER given a shit about what I’ve been up to. You don’t KNOW me Harry, you think I’m just the same 14 year-old who locked you in the shed once, even when I’ve done everything to get you on your feet. I can’t stand you moaning about this girl or your shit luck when all you do is sit around the house! Maybe I’m falling apart, but at least I’m living a life – like Mom would want.”

Harry swung for Lucas’ lumpy face but missed. With a hand and a leg Lucas tripped his brother up and dropped him to the ground. He stood over the amateur medic while a cop fast-walked over to them, his belt rattling under his pudgy belly.

“Is there some kind of problem here?” He asked seriously.

“Nope…” Lucas said, walking away. “Not at all.”

The days that followed were nothing but haze. It was a brown out. A brown-out is like a black-out but you still remember large chunks of the time you were fucked up. It was more fun than black-out to be honest, better experiences, but it is the sort of state which tricks the body into thinking it can keep it up. The brown-out lasted days, maybe a week, until it went to hard black.

The docs told him he overdosed. He had mistaken Heroin for Cocaine, or something like that. He honestly wasn’t paying attention, wondering if during his binge it had been an accident at all…

“Hey,” Aaron walked into the hospital room, the first time they had seen eachother since he had been resuscitated. He had a bouquet held to his chest, an assortment of different happy wildflowers.

“Ohhhhh what the hell…” Lucas groaned, then yelled sharply, “NO visitors – PLEASE!”

Aaron stopped in his tracks. He stood there for several moments, thousands of words and thoughts running through his mind. He eventually said… nothing, and left the flowers on the bedside by the hospital bed. It was the only gift and the only visitor Lucas had during his brief stay.

“It’s not a problem,” Aaron the designated driver said, looking for Harry’s car in Lucas’ driveway. “I knew he wasn’t let go just yet, he’s on his last strike.”

Lucas held up his house-keys with a drunken flair. “Then he’s not getting home til tomorrow evening…”

“Today evening,” Aaron laughed.

And as they went in, sure enough Harry wasn’t home. The house looked untouched since that party some time ago, even in the early dawn light. They were still drunk from the bar, barely able to keep their hands off of eachother.

They slowly undressed for in the bedroom until they were naked. It was a private striptease, slow and easy, eyes undercutting a silly performance with mad desire. Aaron flicked his hard nipples standing over the bed, 9 inch cock dangling gently to the side, one ball resting higher than the other. Lucas leaned back and pulled off his pants, showing his bleached asshole and comparably hard cock in natural light, slender body sprawled backwards like the sheer essence of humanity.

They pulled the curtains closed and turned up the music.

In a flash Aaron was Lucas’ big spoon, feeling his smooth arms and pressing his big dick against the small of Lucas’ back. He panted and leaned back against it, his own cock hardening further. One arm reached back over and held Aaron by the neck as he felt the lube enter his cleaned asshole. It was cooled and somehow sticky, even while it made everything else slippery.

The cock slipped through Lucas’s buttcheeks and pressed against his anus, catching their breath in their throats. Lucas let out a bizarre involuntary sound and jerking motion as he was breached, the excitement scaring away all thoughts. The lube made it soft, the smooth tube of Lucas’ asshole squeezing Aaron’s cock as it gently spread. Lucas whimpered as he was gently impaled, breath growing short while he was filled up.

It was just the tip, and already Lucas wasn’t sure how the rest would fit. Like a sausage, he was spread to Aaron’s girth and just had to relax. He was struggling, gripping the sheets and grunting.

“More,” he said softly.

Aaron pressed in more, both of them losing breath, a shudder rippling between them. “I’m not your first, am I…?” He whispered.

Lucas shook his head “Just not… this big…”

Aaron bit down on the slender shoulder in front of him, making Lucas pant and moan like a dog. He yelled as Aaron groaned, stuffing the rest of his meaty cock into Lucas.

“Oh fuck oh fuck so deeeep….” He bucked slightly backwards onto him, feeling the throbbing cockhead pulse in his guts somewhere.

“So fucking tight…” Aaron said, pulling back to thrust again. Lucas screamed in pleasure, any words he used were indistinguishable from grunts and moans. He rolled over onto his front with Aaron still firmly lodged in him. Aarons strong arms held himself up over Lucas’ prone form. Lucas looked up over his shoulder and made eye contact; face blushing, eyes half lidded, and panting with his tongue lolling out of his head. His eyes rolled backwards and Aaron shoved himself back in. A rope of cum fell over the bed as Lucas orgasmed involuntarily.

The lube enhanced the smacking sounds, the sounds of a fucked asshole and ballsacks wetly clapping together. Aaron used gravity on every thrust, pounding into Lucas’ diaphragm and rearranging his colon in absurd methods. Lucas felt like Aaron was long enough to threaten to peek around his large intestine, bending to the side to fuck ever deeper.

“Inside, inside, insiiiiii-!” Lucas was holding his buttcheeks aside to let Aaron claim him completely. His thrusts were like attacks, grunting like a gorilla and slamming into Lucas balls deep every time. Lucas could feel every inch slide back to his red and sore opening and crash right through him. He could feel the pulsing in Aaron’s cock, knowing he was gonna cum, begging him not to pull out.

They both yelled as Aaron buried his cock one more time. His pulses were stronger, spreading Lucas’ ass tighter with every blast of cum. The release was overwhelming, a tremendous load that threatened to pop Lucas like a balloon. Another blast of cum shot to his heart as he pushed his ass up and into Aaron again, begging to get filled up like a car on empty. He felt like he could taste Aarons cum in the back of his throat again, thick and salty and savory, coming up from the wrong direction.

Aaron kept his dick inside while the cum swirled around, seeking eggs that weren’ there. He bit down on Lucas’ shoulder again, who shivered and came again with nothing but the bedsheets stroking his cock.

“So… much…” Lucas squeaked out.

“I… don’t get much time…. To play with myself,” he said, intermittently placing a new hickey on Lucas’ neck. “Shifts too long… Too much to take care of at home… I hardly ever cum…”

Lucas grinned, knowing he made Aaron cum a whole bucket. He hadn’t known it was such a challenge for him til now, yet Lucas still felt pride for drawing the passion out of Aaron.

He shrieked as Aaron leaned in again, feeling like he was being penetrated even deeper. “More…” Aaron whispered.

“LUCAS DON’T WORRY I-” Harry burst into the room with the Noloxone in his hand, the bedroom door swung open and slammed against the wall. Even the logic of Harry’s paranoid imagination failed.

In the bed was his boss, muscular and caring and lovable. It was fair to say Harry had been developing a confusing crush on his mentor, over now that he had clearly been fired. Underneath was his brother, eyes shocked and horrified to be caught being used like an object.

“L-l-l-l…” his brother stuttered.

Aaron’s long cock pulled out with a wet slurp, dripping with cum and lube, Lucas too shocked to do anything.

“You should leave,” Aaron said with his back straight, addressing nothing.

Harry had a choice. He could have just left. He could have found something better to do with his time, with his life. He dropped the naloxone as his heart crumpled like tin-foil, tears streaking down his face. He felt like he had nothing left in the whole world.


Aaron and Lucas stayed together, partying at Lucas’ strip club together and coming home to make passionate love on their days off. Eventually they would make plans to move to a different state, leaving Harry in charge of the family house. Over time, Harry began to accept his brother as he was, and accept Aaron as someone he could never have. It was hard, but it was better. In a different universe, Harry would have tried to kill one of them. He attended an anger management course, learning what made him feel insecure, and what made him lash out. He was unbelievably grateful that he didn’t act on his intrusive thoughts that night.

He parted with his sober brother one day with a tender hug, both so proud of the other for how far they had come. Though visits were few, it can be said that they lived happily for a long time.

NSFW: yes
