Controversial bisexual encounter (male)

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Gayky guy was staying at his friend’s place for the night. He referred to his friend as ‘the Phan’ owing to an old joke where he was perceived to slip in and out of sight almost by stealth owing to his solitary and shy nature. His non-abbreviated nick name was ‘the phantom’. Despite his past shyness, however, he had grown into a rather socially savvy young man.

The gayky guy received his nick name from being a bit nerdy and admitting to thinking that he likes seeing male nudity despite not identifying as gay…hence he would not be called gay as that would be a dismissal of his diverse nature.

He had never seen his best friend in the nude though and as he happened to suffer poor sleep that night he went to check up on his friend in his room in case he happened to be awake on his laptop and fancying a chat. Having left his guest room Gayky saw Phan spread out on his bed with his athletic legs bared and covered by a thin sheet fitting of a warm summer night. It was relatively bright and in a near testament to the fact Phan placed his forearm over his face in his sleep making the sheet reveal his shoulders and upper chest a tiny bit. He also kicked faintly with his legs which caused the sheet to roll up on his thighs a bit.

Gayky liked seeing his friend in such a state while also concluding that it would not be in any way appropriate to wake him up. However, he did not go out of his way to leave the room and just as he was about to go he turned around again to look at his friend’s scantily clad one more time. The sheet had moved further up on Phan’s body with his face obscured and the bulk of his lower genitalia was exposed; Gayky could see a smattering of his shaft and his scrotum was fully exposed. G felt butterflies in his gut and semi-audibly sighed in surprise. After coming to terms with him staring at his friend he took the time to enjoy the view; the hairless balls were the fattest and pinkest he had seen with great symmetry and hanging long almost rebelliously in the heat of the night. G took a few steps forwards to look closer and stroked Phan’s left inner thigh with his fingertip…the muscular leg of his contracted a bit above the knee and the big fat testicles reflexively and smoothly ascended towards the thinly veiled penis only to lower themselves back within a second. The gentle contractions and sights made Gayky anxious for more and he lifted the sheet meekly with his finger revealing Phan’s pseudo-flaccid penis resting sideways against his leg…it was thick, turgid and seemed sleepy as well with the glans barely visible from underneath the accommodating foreskin with pronounced soft edges. The lighting seemed to make it seem smooth and even like a simple drawing, which prompted G to lower his palm and fingers on it, running them back and forth sideways across its length and finally lifting it up a bit by fitting his fingers between the groin area and the shaft…of course he had to give it a little squeeze…pressing and palpating it like the holes in a flute and he then proceeded to slide the foreskin back and forth applying just a tiny bit of pressure. G had a hard time remembering that the owner could wake up as he felt he had to play with it and he was excited to see the semi-circle shaped, light and spotless glans with a tender opening just wide enough to allow a thin but powerful blast of ejaculate to pass. He visualized how it would look like as the penis was getting more restless, wider and longer and moving up like the pointer of a clock but he did not want to risk extreme embarrasment and breach of trust by having Phan wake up on him. He slowly let the penis to its own devices running his hand down to the inanimate mattress over the sack making sure to get a good feel of its forbidden contests for the memories before withdrawing from the room slowly.


The image of what he saw that night kept coming into his dreams that night as he somehow managed to sleep. The men saw each other again in the morning and Phan did not appear to have registered any forbidden touching or peeking. The memory would come back to G every now and then providing an uncomfortable mixture of guilt and arousal.

NSFW: yes
