Chapter 3: Anita gets caught [M22 F42] – Short Sex Story

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This was Dec 2021, Anita had got extremely conscious about not leaving her phone unattended, she started to act extremely protective of it that it started to raise concerns. I already was suspecting that there was something brewing for a few months now based off of her change in dressing n attitude. One night, after she went to sleep, I took her phone, I knew the code to unlock it, it hadn’t changed. And started looking for messages. There it was, just too easy, plenty of messages to Adam, the latest message from him read “please come back to my apartment, my roommate is going to be out this Thursday and Friday”, to which she replied “cannot be a 2 hour session this time, I have to pick up kids on Thursday, can make a quick 30 min stop, can’t wait to feel you inside me again, 2 weeks is too long”

I had what I needed to confront her, I took the phone to her and asked her to wake up, and to explain this, she got very angry that I had taken and searched her phone without her consent, I told her she was acting very suspicious and I have found evidence anyway now. She then started weeping and said she loves me but needs to feel attractive and Adam makes her feel that way. I told her this has to end right away or we are done. This argument happened over the next whole week.

She pleaded that this has become her lifeline, she feels like she is living before they started the affair she felt depressed n dead inside. She said she will never again lie to me but I should allow her to continue seeing this guy sparingly. We eventually started talking without screaming at each other and with temper under control.

I asked her if this means an open marriage, she vehemently denied, she said she’s concerned about the friends relatives thinking poorly of us, she said she loves me n can’t imagine sharing me with anyone else, she did not want to risk losing the perfect family we had, and that the kids needed a stable home. I said the same should apply to her, she said yes, but it will take time, she said she’s gotten addicted to having sex with Adam, that she’s been fucking him for the last 8 months. She promised that she will slowly bring that down to eventually completely stop it, she also said she will takecare of me and not keep me excluded like she has been doing for the last 5 years.

No amount of pushback from me was having an effect, she kept reiterating and convincing me to not take any rash decisions.

She said Adam is a nice boy, very clever, recent graduate, very hard working, she met him when he interviewed for her business and she was able to get him on her team. He was only 22, 20 years younger to us. She said she will arrange for a dinner with him so I can get to know the person. I wasn’t interested, and said I don’t want to meet this guy, but again she insisted and won scheduling for us to meet on a Friday evening.

She arranged the kids to go to their aunt’s place. She was super excited. She cooked about 4 dishes. She was all hyper as this was the first time she got to invite him home. She wore a floral skirt that felt too short, and a tank top. She poured half a bottle of perfume complaining of smelling like the food she had cooked.

Adam stopped by around 6:30/7 pm, she almost jumped on him giving him a hug as she welcomed him inside. It was very awkward for me and Adam to meet our eyes. She got us some whiskey and sat next to Adam with her glass of wine, she sat so close that he was literally getting squished between her and the side of the sofa. He didn’t seem to mind. He put his hand around her holding her at her waist. I continued to feel disrespected and uneasy. Then she came and sat on my lap as she started talking about how we metany years ago, giving me a peck on the cheek during her narration. Hugging her arms around me. Adam now seemed mildly frustrated, so he asked if we still love each other, she quickly cut me off and deflecting the question, said she will show Adam around the house, with that she got up, held his hand and asked him to follow her, he followed her close behind, complementing her that she smelled like a flower. As they turned the corner of the stairs I saw his hands disappear below her skirt, n they disappeared from my sight.

Giggles continued and a couple of shrieks as they walked around upstairs and then came back down. I had set the dinner plates. We had dinner together, she told me how they started getting close at work and how their relationship began (this is for another day). Adam thanked her for the food, he told me I was lucky to have such a sexy lady to stay with. She hugged him before he left, this time he lifted her as he hugged and they kissed briefly and he left with a grin on his face.

My wife sat on me as we cuddled and finished the night with a movie and some fingering her pussy.

NSFW: yes
