Caught masturbating by fiancee

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My gf, or known as my fiancee, is an Arabian ( 26f ), who is a nurse who usually works on her night shift at the hospital. We agreed to never had sex until we get married. A few days ago, she caught me masturbating to porn. I was wearing my earphones and I really enjoyed it.

The moments that are really embarrassing is she was home early from her night shift. Since I am wearing earphones, all I heard was the loud moaning from the porn.

She was at the door. I am not sure how long, but she was standing at the door, with her arms crossed looking at me lying on the bed with my laptop. I have been watching porn for almost 2 hours, and I didn’t know how long she has been standing there. While I was looking at her awkwardly, she just said “go on ” and slammed the door.

All I know is that she’s still angry with me.

NSFW: yes
