(46F) When I was 18, I passed out and woke up with a guy titty fucking me

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The two things I liked most as a wild teenager were alcohol and sex. So, the summer after I graduated high college was wild to say the least.

One weekend, I went to this party and started flirting with this guy. We made out and and eventually made our way to one of the bedrooms where I fully intended to fuck him.

But after a few too many shots of Goldschlager, I passed out naked with him before he could get it inside me.

I don’t know how long I was out. But when I woke up, the guy was straddling my chest, holding my tits together and sliding his dick in between them.

Now, before you cry rape, find out I WANTED to have sex with him. I INTENDED to have sex with him. And once I realized who it was and what he was doing, I held my tits together for him until he finished.

When he was close to cumming, he told me to open my mouth and I did. But most of it hit from my chin down to the bottom of my neck and ran down on whoever’s bed we were in.

He barely said a word. He just got up and left. But about 20 minutes later, one of his friends came in butt naked with a hard dick and a condom already in place.

The first guy knew I wanted sex and that titty fucking wouldn’t satisfy me. So, he used it as an opportunity to get his buddy laid.

It worked like a charm, as the guy just climbed into bed, got on top of me and slid his dick inside. I never protested. Didn’t want to. I just wanted to fuck.

When the second guy came quickly, I told him to send someone else in. But I laid there and waited forever and no one ever came.

It was a missed opportunity for someone, for sure

NSFW: yes
