15 Years of Marriage Bliss: Find How Wife Still Keeps the Flame Alive with Exciting Oral Encounters

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We have all the time shared an intense pleasure for indulging in oral pleasures. Last night, with my wife in the midst of her period, her craving for the sensation of my throbbing manhood in her mouth was insatiable. As we laid in bed together, her delicate touch began to caress my pulsating member, teasing it ever so slowly. Unable to withstand her allure, I unveiled her gorgeous 34DD breasts, tenderly fondling and caressing them. But our longing grew too strong; with a forceful push, she urged me onto my back, her lips passionately planting kisses on my neck, working their way towards the tip of my engorged cock.

A symphony of pleasure filled the room as her soft lips danced upon the tender head, kissing and licking it with irresistible fervor. With each tantalizing stroke, her mouth gradually enveloped the willing tip, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through my body. She expertly alternated between stroking the shaft and taking it entirely inside her warm, wet mouth, igniting an intoxicating fusion of pleasure and desire that consumed us both.

Time seemed to stand still as our oral escapade continued, our passion intensifying with every passing second. In a whirlwind of ecstasy, I whispered to her that I was on the brink of climax. Anticipating her mouth to take me fully and savour every delicious drop, I was taken by surprise when she suddenly ceased her oral caress and began gently stroking my pulsating length.

Unable to withstand the impending surge of ecstasy surging through me, my release exploded forth in a torrent of pleasure. The first eruption soared through the air, narrowly missing my face, and lavishly painted my shoulder above. A euphoric laughter filled the room, as she delightedly licked and savored the warmth of my essence from my shoulder.

Afterwards, spent and satiated, we cuddled together, basking in the afterglow of our passionate encounter. With a contented sigh, we lovingly cleaned ourselves up, ready to surrender to a peaceful slumber, knowing that our cravings were fulfilled and our connection strengthened by the ecstasy we had shared.
