Weird ass dream i want to know bout

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(M16) So last night I had a dream about my step mom. I have been fantasizing about her since i was 8 when her a my dad got together. In the dream it was just me and her at my dads house. I was helping her do laundry. And she bent over and in real life it’s kinda just a nonchalant thing that i touch her butt but in the dream like i grabbed it and pulled her shorts down and ate her ass and then like felt her ass it was a great dream. (I write down all my dreams) I’ve been at my moms house for the last couple of days and I just got to my dads and today i felt weird around her and today it was just me and her and I felt more confident and usually, and slapped her ass today. And also before o went to bed i gave her a hug and grabbed her ass and she slapped mine. Anyways yea goodnight other pervs of Reddit.

NSFW: yes
