im literally so confused(M21)

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I don’t normally post, but what happened to me last night was so strange that I feel I need to distribute it with someone because I swear I’m not crazy.(everything In this story is, to my knowledge, 100% true.)

So me & my fiance, (F21) just moved from an apartment we’ve lived in for a year into my gf’s grandmother’s house. We literally just moved in two days ago. Across the street lives my gf’s uncle & her cousin(F19) I’ve known her cousin for a few years & we’re all around the same age so we all get along pretty well. She’s all the time been cool with me. As long as I’ve known her she’s all the time been very polite, nice, well-behaved, also intelligent, if not naive. What I’m saying is, she not a wild girl, she’s not flirty, shes just nice to everyone & she’s a virgin, she’s never even had a bf really, she’s in a long distance type relationship with a boy she’s know since college but never met & he lives in a different country. But anyway, I just wanted to give some background info before I get into what I witnessed.

So last night/this morning, I was laying in bed, next to my sleeping gf. It was really late, probably 2 or 3 in the morning. I hadn’t been to sleep yet & was really tired, dosing off. I was just on the phone playing a game. Then all of a sudden I hear footsteps outside our room, not far, like right outside the door. I wondered it was my gf’s grandmother bc when we lived here a few years ago, she would come say bye to my gf before gonna work(I didn’t realize the time, or did I remember that her grandmother literally just retired.) So I turned the phone over, laying it on the bed, closed my eyes & pretended to be asleep, only bc I didn’t want her grandmother to think I’ve been up all night bc she wants us to get up early & go put in job apps… as soon as I lay the phone down & close my eyes, the bedroom door opens(which is very strange bc her grandmother & everybody else all the time knocks before coming in) so I’m laying there pretending to be asleep, I’m thinking that she is coming to wake up my gf for some reason so I’m just going to wait until they begin calling her name before pretending to wake up. But instead, she shakes my arm & says MY name & thats when I realized it wasn’t her grandmother, it was her cousin. I was kinda confused but I was still pretending to be asleep bc I was already in character, so I slowly pretend to wake up, she’s still shaking my arm & saying my name maybe 3 times total, then I just barley opened my eyes & thats when I see her & there she is, my gf’s cousin, completely topless, standing over me, her breast were pretty much right in my face & i got a pretty good look, even just for a split second. As soon as I saw I didn’t really figure out, I immediately closed my eyes again, I guess she didn’t see bc she kept shaking me & saying my name, then my gf wakes up & sees her, she didn’t say a word, just got out of bed & they left the room. I kept pretending to be asleep until they left the room. I stayed in bed, I figured if they didn’t know I was awake then I’d keep it that way to avoid any awkwardness. I was so tired I couldnt even processe what had just happened & I actually ended up nodding off & when I woke up I wondered I had been dreaming, but the way they’ve both been acting tells me that it’s not just in my imagination. Her cousin didn’t come over once today & she usually stays over here bc her sister just had a baby & is over here everyday & I kinda brought it up to my gf, I asked her if somebody had come into our room last night, i could swear somebody woke us up & she said “oh, no, I don’t think so. You’re probably just confused, it was probably me waking you up when I went to smoke, I told you I loved you when I went outside. That’s probably what It was” I brushed it off at first, but the more I keep thinking about it, I just don’t know. I swear she was laying in bed right next to me when this happened. It couldn’t have been a dream, it was too real. It had to be real. Especially since they’ve been acting strange. I first noticed when her cousin walked over here, like i said shes all the time over here, but today she didnt come inside, she stood on the porch & talked to my gf, she made a good effort to get my attention & wave at me through the screen door but then she just turned around & left & later on, my gf & I were talking about her cousin & her “bf” & she said to me something like this, “she does like one other guy, he lives down here, but he has a gf, she says if they ever broke up she would try to het with him” she didn’t say who this person was, only called him “him” & this is the first I’m hearing about this & her & her family love to gossip so I doubt that I wouldn’t have heard something like that….

Well that’s all I’ve got for now. I really don’t know that to think. I know it happened. I saw it with NY own eyes yknow?

NSFW: yes
