Lucid Dreaming [FM] [Fantasy] [20’s] [Creampie]

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Lucid dreams are a marvelous thing, have you experienced them? It’s a glimpse into a world you really have no company in, but a safe space to explore your every wish and whim all the same. Perhaps you wish to fly, or fuck, or discover a long lost treasure. If you simply realize that you’re dreaming while actively doing so you can make these things a reality. Reality adjacent, anyway, though who’s to say truly which realm holds dominion over the other. By your mind you shape the world, they taught us as children. Perhaps with enough want behind your wish you alone can do so as well, at least in your dreams.

I blew out the final source of illumination in my study and I felt the hair on my neck rise and a shiver run down my spine. I knew logically there was nothing to fear in the room with me– nothing worth acknowledging, yet here I was contemplating the universal truth of safety under the covers all the same. I deigned to entertain these frivolous feelings no further as I ascended the long staircase from my basement study.

The incessant almost-whisper of a calling darkness plagued the air anyway. I did my very best not to quicken my pace, a blatant admission that the dark empty room was making my skin crawl and I was not giving it the satisfaction.

I stopped upstairs to tell the ladies goodnight, Astrid and her friend Mabel thoroughly inebriated and catching up after a good deal of time aside. Mabel was an intoxicating mocha goddess wreathed in nothing but lacey black panties and a gaudy toy crown perched atop the tight curls of her bushy black hair. She was lounging comfortably on the sofa, my darling wife and her canvas opposite her with a bottle of wine in one hand and a paintbrush in the other. She was painting over an entirely different sketch, something I assumed she’d abandoned somewhere along the way as Mabel had helped shift her mood. She was good at that, at grounding Astrid, a quality I quite admired. Astrid likes to paint her feelings lately, an outlet I encouraged her to rediscover for ideas she finds challenging. The sketch was unsettling, its faceless trio of figures with limbs a bit too long and not present grins still somehow too wide mesmerized me for a moment. Her more emotional pieces all the time had a certain quality to them I found hard to swallow, like a dream I couldn’t quite remember.

“Aleister,” Mabel practically purred as I approached, her alluring trill evoking memories and a magnetism for her I could hardly withstand.

“Just stopping in to say goodnight,” I said as I met Astrid’s stare, her piercing gaze sitting atop her petite frame no less menacing for her size. It told me somehow Mabel was exempt from the ire for the previous night but that I was not.

“Oh won’t you stay a while?” Astrid said, almost convincing me it might be a perfectly fine idea to do so, but I could sense the emerald venom dripping between her words.

My darling Astrid is a complicated creature. She is beauty bathed in moonlight; the grace of subtle wind. She is also a storm of raw emotion, an alluring tempest, and a slave to her desires to the point of ruin at times. I contemplated the ramifications of staying a while, but the slightly bitter taste of putting the pieces of a shattered and shame riddled Astrid back together just this morning was not to my liking.

“Goodnight,” I said, somewhere between unamused and close to wanting to acquiesce out of spite. I met eyes with Mabel and reveled in the wicked grin of her deliciously full lips for a moment before I left them to their evening. I could see the conflict between jealousy and the thrill of a taboo desire plain on my wife’s face. Better to leave her to dwell on her thoughts regarding the matter for the evening, I wondered, drunken impulses not quite enough to satisfy the annoyance I harbored for the fit she threw earlier in the day.

When I finally made it to bed I welcomed the darkness as I laid to sleep with Mabel on my mind, perfectly happy to satisfy my darling’s volatile desires in the privacy of my mind. Manifested or inspired into a dream hardly matters, my bedroom door almost imperceptibly creaked open and shut as Mabel’s woody vanilla perfume washed over me.

A moment later, Mabel’s bare breasts grazed over me before she firmly planted her lips on my own. Like a hundred flowers blossoming, this glorious aberration set my world ablaze. I placed a hand on either side of her face, drinking her in and getting my fill before letting my hands wander down to finally rest on her delicious ass. I playfully snapped the band of her panties but when she went to remove them I pulled her down onto me, my throbbing cock bare between us.

“I was hoping you’d come.” I said in barely the shadow of a whisper, her only response to writhe atop me, her dripping desire barely contained behind the barest bit of modesty. My own contributing to the mess enough to make the point moot anyway. She reached again to remove the last barrier between us, perhaps only to move it apart, but I took the opportunity to roll over with her and pin her hands above her head.

“She’s a bit ridiculous” I mused aloud, “She begged for weeks you know.”

“She’s over it I think,” Mabel laughed in response.

“Did she send you in here?” I asked, though I decided I didn’t care for a response and placed a finger over her lips, gesturing for her to stay silent on the matter. She flashed that impossible to withstand smile underneath and I couldn’t help but to swim back into her, hardly another wondered or care in consideration. Want and need blurred as I further explored her lips, finally releasing hands that immediately achieved for her the nudity she’d been after. Nothing at all between us at last, I let my mouth wander down her neck, savoring the feel of her heartbeat before giving attention to her full tits and chocolate nipples. She moaned and whispered an expletive to a foolish deity as I did so, her audible pleasure at the sensation causing me to thrust against her in response as my own desires threatened to overwhelm me. She reached down, firmly grabbing my cock and attempting to guide it into herself, but I did not yet give her what we both so desperately wanted. Instead, I placed a hand on her neck and applied a subtle pressure, watching her ache with anticipation, my other hand joining her on my cock, practically ready to explode as it was. I teased her for a time, until the wetness between us was a sea and the separation between where her flesh ended and my own began became an arbitrary concept anyway. When I finally let my cock slip inside of her it was nirvana realized, worth every moment of the tease. I thrust slow and deep and found her lips hungry for my own once again, but before I could subject my golden goddess to the slow ascension to glorious climax I had in mind she rolled me over with a strength I found the slightest bit alarming.

I rolled my eyes up to Mabel, a grin growing beneath their ghostly amber. “A dream after all,” I postulated.

“Maybe. Does it matter dear?” She sang, her eyes shifting from their rich brown to a deep red in the same instant I noticed her curled obsidian horns and tattered wings. Maybe they’d been there from the beginning I wondered, I couldn’t remember her any other way now regardless. “Lilith will accept your offering all the same.”

I attempted to roll her over once again but her strength was immense and for the slightest moment I was filled with panic at the feeling of submission. She undulated on top of me, bringing me to the very edge of ecstasy before letting the feeling subside, over and over and over again. It was exquisite agony, an absolutely unparalleled pleasure when I finally let myself give in to the experience.

I felt her gaze on me and that familiar rush washed over me once again, that spark between Mabel and I, the real one. That unmistakable chemistry that I couldn’t deny if I tried. She did not slow this time as I approached climax, instead crying out herself in pleasure as I painted her interior with my throbbing lust. Her alluring lewd visage shifted once again as I did so, this time to a kaleidoscopic mess of flesh and bone, my horror growing with every throb of my load into her. I felt her wiggle and writhe from within, her eyes piercing into my soul and rummaging around my mind, planting ideas and a message along the way.

I woke and sat straight up in bed, my cock still hard and aching and a mess plastered over my stomach. Another shiver ran down my spine and the hairs on the back of my neck finally relaxed. I shuddered with the feeling of making love to a pile of boney tentacles.

“Should have just let you ejaculate your message into my head in the basement…” I muttered to no one in particular.

NSFW: yes
