Charenton House – Pillory Ch. 01 – BDSM

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Walking through the street gate of a gorgeous old Victorian house, I’m really starting to doubt my sanity. Rose bushes lining the walk, ferns in corners, blue and purple flowers make this seem like a restful place. Can it really be a bondage castle?

What seemed like a simple internet survey of kinky practices has become a strange experience. The survey pretty much confirmed what I already knew. I get turned on by bondage porn and wish I could be bound up, unable to escape. I didn’t care much about what would happen in the bondage, just the bondage itself was the thing that got me hard. Especially if I see how the bondage is applied. It’s the end of choice, the end of alternatives, the click of a lock which would excite me.

So I’m here. After the last survey, I got an invitation – an offer of a bondage afternoon. It would be a test.

Thank you for your time to fill out our several surveys.

We think you may be a bondage enthusiast who is really about the bondage itself and not what happens along with the bondage. These people are rare.

We’re offering you an afternoon experience of bondage to check if you are still enthused in reality and not just in fantasy. Only our staff will see you and you will probably not see them. There are safety procedures and you will be able to leave upon a safe signal.

The time and place are listed below. We think you will have fun.

I quickly accepted — but now that it’s really in front of me, I’m not certain I was sane.

When you arrive, enter the code 5823 on the panel at the door, enter and go directly through the door in the hall with the green light lit above it. You will get further instructions then.

Welcome to a new adventure and hopefully a new exciting life!

I entered the house and immediately saw the door with the green light. There is also a door with a yellow light and a few other doors. It’s dark wood paneling with old style lighting. To the left is a staircase going up. At the far end of the hall in front of me I can see steps going down, but not where they lead. The house seems a little spooky, like it could be in a horror film. I tried to still myself and moved to the assigned room. Opening the door was a surprising change of scene. The room was all white walls, white tile floor and bright ceiling. There were frosted glass windows and a flat skylight also of frosted glass. Once I entered I saw a pillory to the right and noticed that there was a red push button next to the door I just stepped through. When I closed the door a recorded voice started.

Welcome to your bondage test! For the next few hours you’ll get to see if you really are into the bondage and maybe some other things.

First some safety issues. To leave you need to press the button by the door. If the hallway is clear of other people you will hear a buzzer and you can exit. In the event of a power failure or earthquake all doors unlock immediately for everyone’s safety.

Most bondage equipment will also release in the event of such an emergency. All bondage items which can’t be released in an emergency must never be used alone but only with supervision.

The main item in this room is the pillory. It locks with electromagnetic latches which will release in an emergency. You should notice two buttons near the wrist holes, one green and one red. The red button is your safe signal. You will need to either hold it for three seconds or press it three times to confirm you are really safe signaling and didn’t just press it by mistake. The green button is used to indicate you want to increase your bondage experience. During your bondage you may be asked questions by recording and you should signal with either the red or green buttons.

Before you begin you may want to use a restroom. If you press the door exit button, and when the buzzer activates, you can exit and the door with a yellow light will be the restroom. When you are ready to return to this room you use the restroom door release button and return to this room with the green light. You can also exit the front door and leave. Please note if you leave the house without completing your experience we’ll consider that you are not really a bondage enthusiast and will not be invited back.

As this is your first time here, undressing is optional but recommended.

That’s the end of this introduction. We’ll begin when you put yourself into the pillory and follow the instructions then.

This place is pretty neat. While I don’t feel I need to use the restroom, I’m gonna check it out. Pressing the door release the buzzer sounds immediately. Again, the hall has the door with the yellow light on just like when I arrived.

The restroom is a ordinary small room as in many old Victorian houses. Just a toilet and a small sink and mirror. A fan and light came on immediately when I entered. Using the facilities I look around some more and see some other things which are maybe not ordinary. The floor has green tiles which lead to a drain at a corner and the ceiling has a stainless steel grid which is a strange sort of vent. I finish up and return to the room with the pillory.

There’s no voice when I return so I inspect the pillory. It’s nice finished light wood. I see the buttons, green for my left hand and red for my right hand. The top of the pillory moves smoothly with supports all around so it’s sturdy. The is also a lower ankle trap which seems simpler. It just has hand latches. I would expect these high-tech things would be everywhere.

OK! Now it’s time to choose. I’m here. It’s all ready to go. I just have to put myself in it. I wish someone else were here. Someone who would lead me, willingly, to the trap. But maybe that’s the point of this. I have to prove I’m really into this. Maybe I need to prove to myself I’m into this. I’ve played with handcuffs before on my own. This is a different thing. This is real bondage. And with all the electronics here, I don’t really know if it’s as safe as they say. Is this as consensual as is claimed? Am I putting myself into a life of slavery right now? The invitation did suggest this would be a begin to a new life or something like that. I’ve not seen anyone. Trust! Is this just technology? Is there a person behind this all? Who is that? How can I trust them when I’ve not met them?

Test the equipment. Let’s try the buttons when I’m not in the crazy thing. It closes and opens freely. Closing and opening but never latching. If the green button means “more” lets close it and press it. Pressing the green button, nothing happens. It still opens. There must be a sensor that figures out someone is inside. Or maybe there is no sensor and I’m being watched. Maybe all the electronics are really controlled by someone and all the buttons here do nothing. There do not seem to be any wires but they could be inside the wood I suppose. I don’t know. I don’t see how this works.

What if I just stay here and do nothing? If I leave I loose. But if I stay and do nothing, what happens? If I do nothing I’m still trapped! I’m just trapped without bondage. Trapped of my own indecision! What the fuck have I done? I didn’t tell anyone about this. If I never return no one will know what happened. I fucked up! My phone, send a message. Oh shit, my phone has no service. The room must be shielded. Shit! Shit! Shit!

“Hello?” I finally begin speaking. “Is there anyone there? Can I talk to someone?” No response. “Please! Someone, anyone!” No response. “Could you tell me who you are? Who’s in charge here? I want to do this. I just want to know who you are and if I’m safe.”

Sitting on the floor I try to collect my thoughts. I’m panicking. I’m not even in bondage and I’m panicking. I should leave. This isn’t for me. I get up, walking to the door I’m feeling regret. This is so tempting. This place is amazing. Am I a coward? I’m not a coward.

I sit again. Breathe. This is something I’ve wanted. I’ve wanted to loose control. How hot is it to give up yourself and let fate take it’s course? It’s hot. I want this. I need to ground my thoughts. Do not panic. This is the test. Am I a bondage slut!? I wondered I was. Breathe and ground.

I’ve decided. Walking to the corner I remove my shirt. Shoes. Remove them. Pants? Sure. Socks? Looks stupid with socks and underwear. The room is warm enough. No socks. Underwear? Do I really want my junk out in the world? But if I’m locked in the pillory nothing would stop someone from exposing me. But is it rude to just be out for people I don’t know to see. What the fuck? Plein air it is!

I move to stand in the pillory. The ankle restraint is straightforward. There are several places which I can spread my feet to difference distances. OK. I want to be comfortable. I open the main part of the pillory past ninety degrees and it rests open. I lean my head and try to discover the place where I’m most comfortable. It’s the middle positions for my ankles. Ok. I get my feet positioned and close the gate holding my ankles. I close the latch and it’s done. My feet are stuck. I open the latch again and see the gate swings open. Ok. This works. I latch it closed again. Now for the hard part. I move the top gate down and have it rest on my neck as I descend into the trap. Moving my hands into position. The wrist holes are a bit tight. I have to push my body down to get the gate to lower as much as feasible. Done. The voice returns.

Now that you are in place, we need to test things.

Press the green button.

Easy. I press the green button.

That is working. Now press the red button.

Easy. I press the red button.

That is also working. Pressing the green button now will lock the pillory.

Makes sense. But the voice didn’t tell me to actually do that. I’ve not been told to lock myself in. That must be consent. Let’s do this! I hear a thunk sound as I press the green button and I can not lift my neck. I’m in. I’m stuck. Wiggling around, testing the bondage. I’m stuck. I’m trapped. Oh shit I’m really trapped. I’m really stuck. And yeah, I must be a bondage slut because I feel my cock getting hard. Just hanging down I can not do anything about it but I’m hard. I’m excited. I want to fuck someone – something. I wiggle my ass. Maybe I can cum hands free! I thrash about to no avail. I wish someone would come and do something to me. It’s strange being alone like this. Is there a camera somewhere? Can anyone see me?

In a short time, I get used to this. I’m starting to relax. I’m here. I’m trapped. This is my reality now. It’s just the way things are. I feel that this will hurt if I’m stuck here too long.

Isn’t the voice suppose to do something? Oh yeah. Press the green button to increase the bondage. How will it increase the bondage? I press the green button and the lights go out. All is dark.

Welcome slut! Welcome to your new life!
