Wonder Woman – Modern Girl – Celebrities & Fan Fiction – Sex Story

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Terminal forty-six pinged again. Steven debated for a moment if his three strikes rule was better used for three pings in a single work hour or a ping on three consecutive work hours before realizing that forty-six fit both criteria.

He fidgeted with his glasses and cleaned them compulsively before standing up. This was the part of the job people didn’t tell you about, and it was the one likely to get him to quit. When it was just routing the business server through a DNS sinkhole or turning the router off and in again, that was easy street. That was what you went to coding bootcamps for after spending a childhood lobotomizing adware you accidentally downloaded. Knowing that your parents couldn’t just buy you a new personal computer taught you how to get innovative with solutions and how to reduce things to their base components. It didn’t prepare you to tell basically every person in the office one after the other that you could see their traffic. It didn’t teach you how to have the same conversation about attempting to access pornography during work hours with a couple hundred different grown-ups.

Of course, even if he didn’t know who terminal forty-six was, he could have guessed. Everybody had their own user account of infractions. Thirty-five was the middle-aged guy who kept trying to access third-party baseball streams, fifteen was the quiet guy who (judging by his forum pings) was probably using his pay to buy and modify firearms in between searching up foot pictures, and three was the sunshine and kittens secretary whose pings alternated between inane social media and highly degrading bondage. You started to build little versions of everybody in your head. Put some on a watchlist and imagined what others got up to in their free time.

Forty-six was the new girl, new-ish at least, the kind who behaved like a stereotype of a confused grandparent when it came to her tech despite being on the younger side of employees. He had assumed religious homeschooling, but she hadn’t brought up faith with anybody he knew. Within the very first week of her working for the business, she’d been in the middle of a presentation when a pop-up ad appeared on her laptop. And, to the horror of everybody in the room, had then proceeded to click it. Seemingly confused and irritated when the sinkhole caused the redirection to lead to a blank page instead of her promised fortune and implied viruses.

With that in mind, he reviewed her logs to get ready to talk to her about them. It was easy with the knowledge of her practices to view any pornographic redirects as just her clicking on every single ad she saw, but that was a bit incorrect. If that was true she’d be pinging him every few seconds instead of once every few hours. The majority of them could be explained by her clicking advertisement that offered her a reward, but that made the one or two that seemed to have been pornographic advertisement more of an abberant. It was crucial to figure out why the person was seeking out what they were for when you had “the talk” with them. The more you could convey the things they needed to do to not have it again while injuring their pride as little as efficient, the less likely they were to see it as being you taking things out on them and more you doing your job. It was surprisingly easy to make enemies just by knowing the traffic people tried to make when they wondered nobody was looking.

He stepped into the bathroom and checked himself in the mirror quickly. Because, despite everything, some part of him rebelled against the idea of being disheveled and gross if he was gonna be the guy whose job it was to talk about pornography with his coworkers. He needed a haircut, but that was the worst of it. His skin was clean, his teeth were white, his glasses weren’t covered in flakes, all of the basic things you needed to pull off the sort of nerd chic that an office expected of you if you weren’t a wise old sage or didn’t have the pretty hollywood sort of autism-spectrum disorder.

When he walked down the line of cubicles with their backs to the window, a couple of chairs turned. Even if you were one of the few people who hadn’t been called into Mr. Yeung’s office, you knew what it meant. You’d seen enough of your coworkers come back with red faces and sit at their cubicles awkwardly for the next hour. Everybody loved rubbernecking when he came out, even if they wouldn’t admit it. He wasn’t personally a fan. It at all times made him self-conscious of how he was walking. By the time he got to forty-six, he wasn’t sure he even knew how any more.

Forty-six was hunched in her chair, squinting at her screen. It was hard to tell if she needed an eye exam or if it was frustration. Judging by the fact that she kept looking down at the paper near her keyboard and letting out angry little grunts, it was probably the latter. Despite how jumpy and hyper-aware she usually was, it took him clearing his throat for her to turn around and see him. It was an admirable amount of focus on your work. Or he just wasn’t that noteworthy. Both could be true at the same time, but he would pretend it was entirely the first one.

“Ms. Prince?” He asked softly.

She stood up quickly and stock straight like he was a drill sergeant before slamming on a wide smile that wasn’t remotely sincere. She offered her hand robotically.

“Hello, sir, I do not believe we have met before. Are you also an employee here?”

It sounded like her reading a script that she’d gotten in trouble for straying from before. It was hard to tell if it made the rumor of her getting the job because she knew Wayne himself more or less credible.

He took her hand, “Yes, hello, I’m Steven Yeun, I’m the system’s administrator in this division.”

When she finished shaking his hand she pulled her arm back to her side where she kept it locked as she gave a very slight nervous bow.

“My name is Diana Prince, sir, I am a data entry clerk… in this division.” She added the final section like he had just taught her a new bit of shorthand.

“Yes… I know that…” He trailed off, “I was wondering if you could come speak to me in my office, please?”

She couldn’t hide the lightning flash of panic that hit her eyes before she buried it again. She looked at her terminal nervously for a second as if it was gonna give her an excuse not to follow him.

“It’ll just be for a minute or two, you aren’t in trouble.” He raised his hands soothingly, it probably didn’t work.

If his promise changed how she felt, it didn’t really show. After a moment she pushed in her chair and nodded stiffly.

“Okay, sir, if the boss asks why I wasn’t at my terminal, you will… cover for me?” It was clearly another piece of shorthand somebody else had taught her.

“It’s a conversation I’ve had with almost everybody else in this office,” He made sure that the rubberneckers could hear him, “You don’t need to worry.”

“Lead the way then, sir.” She raised her arm in gesture but only got halfway before the wall blocked her motion. It was like the building was too small for her.

When they walked back to the server room all of the people gawking had made a show of turning back to their computers and not looking, but he could feel them staring as soon as he and Diana were past them. There were whispers out among the sounds of typing too. Some people never mentally left high college. He was gonna spend the next few days being asked what he’d had to call her in for and he was gonna spend the next few days telling people that he wasn’t allowed to say. At least so long as Diana didn’t begin threatening him like fifteen or ninety had. If you were a piece of shit to the IT guy, personal data got misplaced at a higher rate. For what it was worth, she didn’t seem like the type.

When they stepped into the server room Diana looked around in what seemed like a mixture of admiration and horror at the racks. Steven slid back into his chair and gestured at the empty chair and desk where a more professional business would have had their second sysadmin working.

“You can sit down if you like, this shouldn’t take long but most people prefer it.”

He realized that his previous trip to the mirror had been wasted. No matter how un-shabby one made themselves look, they were gonna be shabby by comparison. She was… well gorgeous was sort of a useless word for it. In that she was practically flawless, it fit her. But it didn’t really capture anything about her. She had hair the color of ink which seemed to swallow all light around it that reached down to the small of her back in perfect uniform straightness. Not a single stray or errant curl or split end. She was tall enough for him to notice that she was taller than him, a good few inches taller than average male height. Her face was a near-expressionless sheet of pale white marked by dark pointed eyebrows and sharp emerald eyes that seemed to be sizing up not only the people around her but even the inanimate objects for how much of a threat they posed. Tight pursed lips, seemingly naturally red without gloss or paint, seemed to constantly rest in a state of half-frown that threatened to break out into a smirk. She had an exceptionally plain white button-up blouse and black pencil skirt, both of which were tight-without being form fitting. When she reached down to pull the empty chair back from the desk, a chord of muscle seemed to stretch the fabric of her sleeves.

If he had been asked to build his mental image of a successful, attractive company woman in his mind, he probably wouldn’t have dared to make her as phenomenal as Diana actually was. The distinction with her was that it only accentuated how alien she actually was. How seemingly rehearsed and foreign the small gestures of sitting in a rolling chair without causing it to move and the polite decline of a cup of coffee were. You took the most gorgeous woman maybe ever born and made one thing about her just that bit out of place and suddenly everything became accentuated not for what it was but for how it seemed like it wasn’t real.

Diana sat down but kept looking around, “This is… your office, sir? It looks more like a lair. Or a nest.”

Steven shrugged, “It isn’t really an office because I’m not really a boss. Mr. Lefebvre likes to joke that he works in the office of soft power and that this is where the actual control is. Of course, he also says that doesn’t mean I can have a raise, so take his opinion for what it’s worth.”

She didn’t laugh or smile. To be fair, it wasn’t a funny joke, but he expected at least some semblance of reaction even if it was to scowl at him. Instead she kept looking around as her brain started to put things together until she finally focused on him.

“So you are not actually a figure of authority, sir?”

“I…” He started but trailed off. His whole script for how this conversation went was getting less usable by the minute, she was fascinatingly good at wrenching the conversation around unpredictably, “No, I’m not. You don’t have to call me sir, either. If you’ll excuse me for asking, is English your first language?”

She shook her head, “No, actually. Greek is. I have not been in this… country… for very long.”

“Oh? That’s not a problem. One of my grandfathers lives in Greece, where are you from?”

“Themyscira.” She responded flatly.

“I’ve never heard of it, I’ll have to ask him about it when I talk to him again.”

“He is unlikely to have heard of it. It is very secluded and there are few men.” She started, then seemed to stop herself, “But it is very beautiful. I miss it often.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, it sounds lovely.” He scratched under his chin nervously, “I shouldn’t keep you too long, so let’s talk about why you’re here.”

Once again, something like panic flashed under her eyes, but she did a better job of masking it this time. Her smile widened, she showed some teeth. Of course they were flawless, expecting anything else at this point was probably the stupid thing to do.

“You mean in this room, at this moment?” She phrased it both as a question and a statement.

“Yes, as in, why I called you away from your cubicle.”

She visibly relaxed, then nodded for him to continue.

“Well, as the administrator of the computer systems here, I have a monitor of what everybody is doing on their computers. Of course I can’t watch what everybody is doing on their computer at once, but… without getting too much into the technical explanation, if somebody tries to access certain websites the company doesn’t want them to using their work computers then my terminal gives me a little notification here.”

Almost as if in demonstration, thirty-five pinged noisily. Steven groaned and rolled his chair over to silence it.

“That’s Jenkins in thirty-five, his team is on a big winning streak and he keeps trying to watch the games during work.”

“I do not follow a team, I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Well, see.” Thirty-five pinged again and he sent a popup warning, when it pinged again he just groaned and set the website to be allowed for the next few minutes. “Thirty-five is just one example, there’s lots of other stuff that the company doesn’t want people doing while at work. You have a lot of freedom with how you can use your work computer, but that has limits.”

“Oh? Have I done something which is outside of those limits?”

“Well, yes. But that’s not the whole thing. Everybody gets bored occasionally, so we don’t really have any problems with somebody occasionally trying to access something they shouldn’t. But when it happens three times in a short period or several times over the course of the same day, I’m supposed to report it to management.”

Diana’s eyes narrowed, a mixture of being frightened and sizing him up. He needed to change his tone.

“Is this a serious offense?” She asked sharply.

“Most of the time, I don’t even bother reporting it.” Steven raised his hands defensively, “I’m supposed to, but I really don’t think it’s a big deal so long as it isn’t something illegal or dangerous. Mr. Lefbvre doesn’t really care either if it’s just an occasional thing, he doesn’t like to needle people. But if it does happen enough, we both get in trouble for not taking the proper action on it. That’s why I figure a meeting like this once somebody gets about halfway to where it becomes a problem is best. If you’re going to keep using your work computer in a way that the company doesn’t accept, you need to either space it out better or it could be a real problem. For now, it isn’t.”

She stared at him for another moment or two before her face started to shift back toward the work mask she had been wearing before, the fake smile and the stiff shoulders.

“I understand, sir. Please tell me what I have been doing wrong so that I can avoid doing so in the future.”

It was so bubbly and rehearsed that it didn’t help the vague skinwalker impression she had been giving before. Steven felt a minor shudder pass through himself before he could stop it. She was clearly used to doing things just wrong enough that she got involved in talks like these, and clearly saw them as just as much of a punishment as being chewed out. On some level, he completely related.

“Okay, so looking at your infractions, none of them are serious. Really, it seems like the main thing that’s happening is that you’re accidentally clicking on advertisements and getting redirected to blacklisted spam servers.”

Diana’s lips twisted in confusion, her brows narrowing in earnest uncertainty.

“I’m sorry, I’m not sure I followed that.”

“Advertisements,” Steven repeated, putting emphasis on the syllables, “You know, commercials? Offering you a deal on a new car or saying that you’ve won a free prize?”

“Oh, I understand now.” Diana nodded, starting to grin.

“Well, when you click on those, most of the time it tries to redirect you to a server which will download stuff that you don’t want onto your computer. So our DNS sinkhole makes it redirect to a blank page-“

Suddenly, every shred of anger was back on her face with none of the fear.

“You are the one who has been making it so I cannot claim my prize money?” She hissed.

“I’m sorry, what?”

She stood up angrily and pointed an accusing finger at him, “When I joined this company, Mr. Lefebvre told me that my job here was to make money, do you understand me?”

“Yes, I-“

“And if you are making it so that every time I am the millionth visitor to a website, it goes to a page which is blank instead of the one which gives me my reward, do you not understand how this is costing the company money?”

“Hold on,” Steven raised his voice slightly, “Those ads don’t really give you money!”

Diana blinked, the anger starting to falter and get replaced by the expression of a child learning that Santa wasn’t real and that the government didn’t actually help people.

“They… do not?”

“They don’t. It’s either a scam meant for you to click on it so that the scanner can download bad things onto your computer or it’s meant for you to put in private information that lets the scammer steal from you.”

“I… don’t understand,” Diana fell back into her chair and pressed a hand to her forehead, “Why would somebody use the internet to spread false information?”

“Well…” Steven struggled to discover a way to have the conversation he was having without sounding condescending, “Everybody’s goal is to make money for the most part, some people are just willing to do bad stuff to do it.”

“You mean villains?”

“I suppose you could call it that, but-“

“And you said the goal of everybody was to make money?”

He frowned, “Well, most people need to make money to live, so some people come up with crazy schemes for it.”

“Like, say, lying about the nature of internet content so that you can be the only one in a company who collects the rewards for website visitation?”

“I guess so,” Steven folded his hands over one knee, “Wait, what?”

Diana jumped back to her feet and pointed again, this time her face was triumphantly smug instead of angry.

“I see now! I caught you in your game! This was a recruit’s challenge! I’ve been waiting for a proper challenge since I arrived here.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Both when I was a soldier and when I was a general, there were those who would challenge their leader’s orders. Sometimes because they believed their own strategies superior, but often it was because they wanted to mislead their sisters in arms so that they could hog all of the glory for themselves. Once I did not see these as the acts of a villain, but I recognize they may have been so now.”

“No, those ads actually are scams-” Steven started.

“The proper response would be to spar with you, to pit the strength of our ideas against each other. But I believe it is almost never right to strike a man, so we shall settle this the other way.” Diana brushed her hair back and then produced a scrunchie from the breast pocket of her blouse. She tied her hair back and kicked the chair out from behind her.

“Sorry, what military were you in?”

“… the Greek one.” She responded flatly, she reached to the side of her skirt and undid a zipper, letting it fall around her ankles. Steven yelped.

“What are you doing?”

“If we are not to fight then I shall make you submit otherwise.” She responded as if she was explaining a very basic and sane concept to somebody who wasn’t following. “Of course, you could back down now and simply drop the matter.”

“I can’t just let you click whatever you like-” He protested weakly.

She undid the buttons of her shirt with surprising speed and ease before shrugging out of it, leaving her in a plain sports bra and pair of panties. With her arms and legs revealed, the raw bulky muscles under her skin were exposed, as well as the tight stomach and defined abs of her stomach. She was some sort of serious fitness freak. She reached down and grabbed his collar, pulling him up out of his chair almost effortlessly and lifting him off of the ground to bring them to even height, then pressed their lips together forcefully.
