Whispers in the Forbidden Woods: A Taboo Tale of Incestuous Longing and Surrender.

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As she walked deeper into the woods, the sun started sinking behind the trees a little more quickly than she had anticipated. Ada, however, was not worried – she had been wandering through these forbidden woods for the past few months, enjoying the respite they offered from the world outside. She had been avoiding the prying eyes of the society outside the trees, searching for a feeling of freedom.

But today was different, she felt an unfamiliar presence around her during her leisurely walk. She stopped mid-step. With her heart pounding against her chest, she tried to shake it off. But what she didn’t realize was that she was no longer alone; she was being watched by someone – someone who had been keeping an eye on her for a long time.

As she walked deeper into the woods, she heard the sound of twigs snapping under an approaching pair of footsteps. She grew more uneasy by the moment, then stilled her breaths, looking to her surroundings to spot the stranger. Ada tried to step backwards, but she felt a hand gripping her arm firmly before she could react. She was startled, but for some inexplicable reason, she didn’t scream… she didn’t protest.

“What are you doing here, Ada?” the voice, which she recognized, whispered into her ear.

“I–I was just taking a walk, I didn’t think anyone would mind…” Ada stammered, trying to keep the fear out of her voice.

“Mind? I don’t mind… I’ve been waiting for you,” the voice replied, trailing off its last couple of words, leaving Ada perplexed.

It was a deep voice, one she had heard before, and it made her scared and intrigued at the same time.

As the man stepped out of the shadows, Ada instantly recognized him. It was her uncle, the same man who had been creeping deeper and deeper into her dreams. Ada thought if the man felt the same way towards her, if he was consumed by the same desires she was.

“Don’t try to run, little Ada, it’s just me,” her uncle murmured, with a sly grin on his face, one that Ada couldn’t tell if it was sinister or filled with anticipation.

“I know it’s you, uncle,” Ada said, trying to keep her voice steady.

“I’ve always known you were curious,” he chuckled. “I’ve waited a long time for you to come here.”

Ada’s heart raced faster than ever before as she watched his hand reach slowly for her waist. What was he doing?! The touch of his rough hand sent shivers up her spine. She felt a forbidden desire bubble up within her. She had all the time known that being with her uncle would be taboo, that it had to stay hidden, but the reminder only served to heighten the throbbing in her chest.

“Uncle… what are you doing?” Ada whispered the words, her lips inching closer to his.

He leaned in and whispered back in her ear, “What I’ve been wanting to do for a long time.”

As he pulled her closer, Ada’s hand fell against the rough bark of the tree, her back sliding down until she was seated on the ground, her uncle’s hand still gripping her waist in a tight grip.

“Tell me, Ada, have you ever been kissed by a man?” he asked, his eyes dark yet sparking with mischief.

Before she could even answer, his lips met hers in a soft embrace. Ada’s mouth opened, inviting him deeper, as she pressed her lips closer to his, the scent of musk filling her senses. She had often imagined herself in this situation, but nothing could compare to this feeling of being wanted so desperately by her uncle.

As they broke the kiss, Ada’s uncle pushed apart the hair from her face, his hand tracing down her jawline before he leaned in for another kiss. Ada gasped as their tongues intertwined, the tip of his tongue brushing against hers in a tantalizing dance.

He didn’t stop there; his lips traveled down to her neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses. Her pulse quickened as his lips grazed over her collarbone. Her mind was in a haze, consumed by the sensation of his lips and the warmth of his hand against her skin.

“I want you,” her uncle whispered in her ear, his voice echoing through the fog in her mind. “I want you, Ada.”

Ada didn’t hesitate; she leaned in, grabbing his shirt, pulling him closer. She whispered back, “I’ve been waiting for you, too.”

The lust between them grew as they fell to the ground, their hands roaming over each other’s sinful bodies. They knew this was forbidden – they knew that this could never come to light, yet they just couldn’t fight the urge, the longing that had been with them since their first encounter.

Ada’s uncle slipped her clothes off without hesitation, his large rough hands brushing over her sensitive skin. Ada moaned as his hands roamed around her breasts, his lips trailing down from her navel to her tingling spot between her thighs.

He started licking, suckling, and teasing her core, the tension that had built within Ada finally letting loose as she moaned out loud, feeling her climax approaching. Her uncle slowed down momentarily and moved to where she could see him. It was now that Ada’s gaze met his, his eyes filled with need, want, and wanton desire.

Ada felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment, but the pleasure he continued to bring didn’t allow her to maintain eye contact for long. His hands reached up to hold her thighs, pushing them aside as he drank in the taste of her inner thighs and then finally coming back to the core of her pleasure.

He was gentle and yet powerful with his tongue and fingers, giving her just the right amount of pressure as she came aside under his skilled ministrations. Ada had never felt anything like this, lost in the heat of passion, consumed by the intensity of their forbidden love.

As they lay together, breaths ragged, held in each other’s arms, Ada couldn’t help but feel selfish glee at this moment of intimacy. It was theirs and theirs alone.

“You’re perfect,” Ada’s uncle whispered, leaning in to kiss her cheeks.

In that moment, Ada felt loved, cherished, and adored. As they lay there, Ada wondered of the looks they’d get if their love was ever discovered, yet for the first time she felt like it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except them: nothing, no one. They were one; they were free to love each other, in these forbidden woods.

The end.

Word count: 2056