Veterinary Day Dreaming – Erotic Horror

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Sapphire looks down at her notebook, then back to the teacher writing chemistry formulae on the whiteboard. She can feel her mind beginning to wander but she knows she’s already close to being kicked off the course. She really needs to concentrate.

The minutes pass excruciatingly slowly for Sapphire, and within ten she subconsciously drops her pen on the table and zones out. Her head rests on her hands as she stares blankly at the whiteboard, daydreaming about being back at the stables, riding horses.

The uncomfortable plastic desk chair beneath her has become her saddle and she can practically feel it moving rhythmically between her legs as her imaginary horse trots around a field. Her trainers and jeans feel like the form fitting leggings and riding boots she loves so much. Safety doesn’t matter in her daydreams, so no helmet, just the wind blowing through her shoulder-length blonde hair.

“Sapphire, could you repeat what I just said about the different forms of cytosine?”

Sapphire’s name tears into the her dream world and pulls her out. Her eyes widen and her face turns red as she realises the teacher is staring directly at her, along with half the class. She doesn’t say anything. She didn’t even realise she’d been asked a question.

“See me after class Sapphire, you’re clearly not paying attention.” The teacher says resigned. He picks another student who repeats the jist of his (admittedly boring) lecture, and the class moves on. Even if Sapphire could pay attention for long enough, she was now far too embarrassed to learn anything today.

After class she stays sat at the desk and the teacher walks over, pulling up a chair to sit opposite.

“I’m sorry Sapphire, but I’m going to report this to your academic advisor. You’ve failed every piece of coursework and test I’ve assigned, and I don’t see you making a proper effort to improve.”

Sapphire fights back tears. She really wants to pass this course with all her heart, and despite appearances, she really had put in a lot of effort to get here.

“I’m so sorry Mr. Jefferies… I really do try though” her voice trembles as she speaks, and the teacher feels guilty for having to put her through this. “Look, this isn’t your last chance. Work with your advisor, sort out a study plan, pass my tests and you’ll be fine. You can do this Sapphire.” The teacher cringes a little at his own motivational speech, but it seems to resonate with Sapphire who looks into his eyes and nods. “I’ll try harder Mr. Jefferies, I promise.”

Sapphire takes the bus home and scrolls through insta stories to take her mind off today’s class. She drifts into daydreams again, inspired by the content she scrolls through… then an Ad plays. Her first instinct is to scroll past, but she lefts her thumb on the screen just long enough to see what it’s selling: a gorgeous pendant horseshoe necklace. She taps through to the store, and buys one, excusing the impulse purchase for herself as a motivational prize to work harder on her vet course. Weirdly, her card doesn’t get charged…

The letterbox clangs shut and something falls to the floor. It’s the morning of Sapphire’s meeting with her academic advisor, and she’s getting ready in her bedroom as she hears the noise and goes to investigate. She bends over and picks up the mysteriously unremarkable package that had been dropped off, and takes it back to her room to open. She tears the outer package and slides out an elegant, but unbranded black box. The lid of the box opens on a hinge to reveal the necklace she’d seen days ago on Instagram. “Oooh”…

The metallic horseshoe pendant feels cold and heavy as it rests against her chest. Her fingers delicately follow the curve of the horseshoe as she admires it in a mirror in her bedroom. She decides she’ll definitely be wearing this for her meeting today, and gets ready to leave.

She sits down in one of two chairs in front of her academic advisor’s desk and waits for him to show up. Usually she’s the one to be late, not the other way around, and that makes her feel weirdly anxious. Was this a bad sign? Was this the final straw that got her kicked out?

A few minutes pass before someone she doesn’t recognise pokes his head through the door.

“Sapphire, by any chance?” He asks as if he’d already had to ask a few times.

“Oh yes, that’s me” Sapphire turns to the door and smiles politely. “I’m here to meet my advisor, Paul”

“Oh excellent, sorry I wasn’t given a room number so it took a moment to find you” the stranger walls in and sits on the other chair in front of the desk rather than behind the desk in the advisor’s chair. “Paul couldn’t make it unfortunately, so he asked if I could meet with you instead. I’m Felix.” They lean forward in their chairs and shake hands, and Sapphire notices how surprisingly calm she feels.

“I’m a postgraduate veterinary student studying how we teach and train vets.” he says confidently, with pride, but also reassuringly, like he knows he’s the right person for this situation “I’ve had a look at your record already and… well… lets see what we can do”

“Thank you Felix” she pauses “I really want to graduate” she blurts out unprompted.

“Hey, I’m here to help with that.” His voice is so soothing, she calms down enough to notice she’s been fiddling with her necklace, twirling the horseshoe around one of her fingers anxiously. When she lets go and it rests back against her skin it’s oddly warm.

“So…” Felix continues “you know you were referred by one of your teachers, but before I tell you what they think is the problem, I’d like to hear from you. So Sapphire, why do you think you’re struggling?”

Sapphire looks down for a moment thinking how to fit her feelings into words. “I… It’s like I can’t pay attention… I get distracted easily”

“What kinds of things do you get distracted by if you don’t mind me asking?”

Sapphire blushes at the question, embarrassed to answer. “Just like, my own mind? I daydream a lot…” Sapphire expects Felix to jump in but he leaves space as he’s expecting her to continue her wondered as he jots it down on her file. “… about horses” she says, compelled to fill the emptiness in the conversation.

Felix doesn’t look up from his notes but smiles.

“… riding them… grooming them…” Sapphire was oversharing, but Felix let her.

“Thank you Sapphire” he saves her from continuing. She’s relieved, the next thing she was gonna mention was daydreaming about *being* a horse. She felt a little uncomfortable, and adjusted in her chair.

“You seem to be focusing when it just the two of us. Do you find it easier to concentrate in one-to-one settings?”

“Umm I don’t really know… It’s not something I’ve had much experience with. All my classes are in big groups, so maybe?”

She adjusts again, it sort of feels like something on the chair is poking into her lower back.

Felix takes more notes and then looks up. “Well, that seems like a reasonable thing to try next if you’re up for it? I’m very busy with my own studies and administrative stuff, but I think I could find some time each week to go over course material with you?”

Sapphire tried not to smile, but clearly lit up. The idea of working regularly with such a nice clever man to keep her focused sounded like exactly what she needed. “Yes please, I think that would be really helpful.”

“How does tomorrow work for a first session?”

Her heart leaps, she didn’t expect anything so soon. “… sure, wow, thank you! That would be great.”

“You’re very welcome. I can tell you’re smarter than you’re showing in your tests, and that you really care about the course.”

Sapphire stays quiet, she doesn’t really know how to respond to someone being so supportive.

“Okay then, that’s us sorted for now. It was really nice meeting you Sapphire, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He stands up and opens the office door. Sapphire stands up says “Bye Felix”, before walking down the corridor, and heading home. Once she leaves the building and is sure no one is watching, she reaches behind herself and touches her lower back, where a bump has formed. She rushes homes to investigate.

Her anxious hands fumble with the keys for the front door of her flat, then she closes the door behind herself and makes a beeline for her bedroom. She stands close to the mirror and pulls down the waist of her jeans enough to see the grape-sized bump. It feels hard, like bone underneath the skin when she prods it gently with her finger. She let’s go of the waist of her jeans and they cover up the bump again.

A wave of dread flows over Sapphire as she considers what to do. She could go to A&E, but this didn’t seem like an emergency and she would be so embarrassed if the nurses wondered she was overreacting. She could make an appointment with her GP, but they were usually booked up for weeks in advance. She didn’t have the money for a private appointment and nothing else came to mind. She’d have to wait until tomorrow at least, book a GP appointment first thing in the morning, and hope they could see her soon. In the meantime, she’d just have to keep an eye on it.

And so she tries to forget about it and go on with her day. Horse riding forums and articles are her favourite way to kill time, so she lies down on the sofa and escapes to her equine world. She makes herself some dinner and eats while watching TV, occasionally readjusting whenever her bump gets uncomfortable behind her.

Later in the evening she builds up the courage to check again… surely this wasn’t an emergency. Back in front of the mirror in her room she pulls down her jeans again and… her jaw drops. The small bump has grown longer, and it’s covered in hair. She’s growing a tail!

“Uuuuhhhh…” She’s stunned and scared now, her eyes stay fixed on her reflection in the mirror where her tail flops over the waist of her jeans. Her mind is racing. She’d never heard of anyone in the world spontaneously growing a tail, she’d be treated like some kind of medical specimen if she went to A&E now. She reaches behind herself and touches her slender hairy tail and immediately pulls away when she realises she has sensation in it and it twitches. It feels silly trying, but she tenses the muscles in her butt and lower back as best she can, and sure enough, the tail twitches and moves to her command.

Thoughts of fear and emergency fade the more Sapphire looks at herself and practices swishing her tail. She can see the hair on it slowly getting longer as she stands there, and she catches on pretty quickly that she’s not just growing any old tail, this is a horse’s tail. She imagines how her tail will look once it’s fully grown, and gets very excited thinking of herself brushing and braiding her gorgeous new accessory.

Sapphire is so preoccupied, she hasn’t even noticed the horseshoe necklace she wore today, has disappeared from her neck. In it’s place, where it was resting on her chest, is the symbol of a horseshoe, like the pendant had tattooed itself on her skin.

Over the next hour Sapphire makes frequent trips back and forth to her bedroom mirror, less out of worry, more out of excitement. Each time she checks on herself, her tail hair has grown longer until it reaches half way down her calves. She runs her hand through her silky tail, then gives it a couple of swishes.

She hadn’t had enough time with her tail to be satisfied but it had gotten late. As much as she wanted to stay up admiring it all night she knew tomorrow was essential… but also, she wanted to see how it looked on her without her clothes on. Once her top and jeans are off and in the laundry basket, she slips out of her underwear and goes to turn her back to the mirror.

Unsurprisingly she absolutely loves how it looks on her. Her tail drapes beautifully over her butt and the shiny hair ends abruptly almost at her ankles as if she’d just had it trimmed at the stables. She playfully swishes it from side to side, enjoying being able to reveal or less of her modesty like a curtain. When she looks closer though, she notices something else about her body isn’t quite how she remembered. She gets a little closer to the mirror, adjusts her pose slightly, and holds her tail to one side to inspect.

Sapphire thinks she’d had enough shocks for the day, but here was one more. Her butthole looks puffy and swollen, not in a bad way, but it was far from the little one she wondered she had. Not the end of the world she thinks to herself, it’s not like anyone sees her butt naked but her, and it sort of suited the tail… her thoughts trailed off as she realised this might not even be the last shock. She’d spent all this time looking at herself from behind, she hadn’t wondered to look – “fuuuckkk” she says after turning around. In the mirror, she can see her vulva had changed to match too.

Everything seems a bit bigger and more… vulgar? Her outer labia now reach further up her crotch and have also grown the other way towards her butt, so much that the two seem to touch. Sapphire had already figured out the pattern when she saw her butt, but hoped that would be as equine as things got. She looks down at herself over her chest then back to the mirror, finding herself yet again considering all her feasible fates, and yet somehow still considering the positive factors of her current form.

Sapphire breaks her standoff with the mirror and goes to her bed. Her body sinks into her duvet as she stares at the ceiling while lying on top of the bedding. She thinks about waking up tomorrow, transformation taken to it’s natural conclusion, her mind in the body of a mare. She couldn’t live here anymore, so she’d have to discover her way to a stables and hope they took her in. She’d be ridden like any other horse, fed hay and apples as treats, groomed to look magnificent. Then Sapphire thinks of another fate, waking up human, her tail gone, her intimate parts restored… and she feels sad.

She adjusts on the bed so that her back is resting against her pillows and headboard, and spreads her legs. Who knows what part of this whole dilemma did it for her, but something was making her heart beat and her skin tingle. She sends one hand down to explore very carefully. Her fingers brush over her soft skin in the direction of her new form between her legs. When she’s close she hesitates, but quickly gives in to the temptation and she runs a fingertip along the middle of her vulva, feeling her subtly more leathery skin. Her fingers reach further and travel smoothly onto the pillowy ring of her asshole. She breathes deeply, processing even the smallest sensations of her changed body, and considering the implications of what she so desperately wants to do next.

Her eyes close and she rests her head back. Her mind returns to thoughts of herself slowly becoming a mare, as if her body’s natural response is to fill her mind with imaginary cautionary tales, only she finds the longer she thinks about this one, the less it scares her at all. She starts to enjoy the possibility, being treated like a prize pet, able to roam around her field, galloping and the wind rushing against her powerful body.

Back in the real world, lying on her bed, two of her fingers have slipped between her labia and are slowly rubbing back and forth getting a very sensual feel of her new shape. She absentmindedly teases herself, alternating between working gently around her vagina and running her fingers along the length of her gooey inner labia. On her hand’s next trip down, without intention, her finger slides in and she sighs. One finger soon becomes two, which then becomes three with much more ease than she’d ever experienced before. Her fingers slowly slide in and out, slightly curled so that she can reach the upper walls of her sensitive insides.

Sapphire breaks from her fantasy and opens her eyes onto her bare chest, her skin flushed pink with heat, her slick fingers buried in her pussy, her beautiful tail splayed out beneath her legs. The mark of the horseshoe is there on her skin in front of her, but in the intensity of the moment she fails to distinguish it from the necklace she’d worn earlier. She can not pull her focus from between her legs anyway and she quickly returns to fingering herself, watching from afar, studying her own new biology.

She soon desires something else. Something deeper. Three fingers had barely been a challenge even with so little warmup. Now that she feels warmed up, a little more of a challenge feels appropriate.

Sapphire had made an impulse purchase online the week she’d moved out of her parent’s, into her own place. She wondered that with her newfound privacy, she could finally enjoy a small fantasy she’d had. She had ordered herself a dildo… shaped like a horse cock. At 11 inches long it wasn’t quite full size, but she had only realised just how big that still was once she held it in her hands, practically as long as her forearm and as girthy as her wrist. She tried to use it, but all she could do was grind against it, it was just too much to take in. Far too embarrassed to sell it, and too proud of it to throw it out, she’d kept it at the back of her wardrobe buried beneath a pile of clothes.

She reluctantly withdraws her fingers and swings her legs over the side of her bed. She feels like she’s rudely interrupting her own self care session as she stands up and goes to her wardrobe, opens the door, and digs around for her toy. Her hand touches it, cool, firm and big, and she pulls it out. She bites her lip and swishes her tail.

Sapphire returns to her bed, holding the silicone cock by its shaft. She opens a drawer of her bedside table, and picks a small bottle of lube out from amongst some other toys. She lays back on top of the bed again, and looks down at her nude body, and the beast of a toy in her hands. This feels like destiny, she thinks as her hand returns to her equine pussy. Her fingers rub, then plunge again as she test the waters, seeing if she still feels capable after the short break. She does. She pulls her hand back, takes the bottle of lube and squeezes some onto the flared tip of the dildo, then drops the bottle and spreads it in.

The heavy cock is awkward to handle, especially lying down. Sapphire has to use both hands on the shaft to position it between her legs, but manages to get the cool slippery tip resting between her lips. Her heart is pounding, out of apprehension over the size of this thing that had defeated her before, but also out of excitement. She takes a deep breath, adjusts the dildo ever so slightly so the tip is pressed against her and aimed into her body, then pulls is closer with both hands.

“Aa-” She squeeks as the wide tip of the horse cock spreads her. There’s resistance but it’s not uncomfortable at all so she keeps pulling it closer. The tip practically *pops* inside her making her gasp. From there she’s able to ease more of him in verrry slowly. She can not help but be proud of herself for getting this far.

The position isn’t quite working. She’s pushed the dildo in, but lying down she can not reach both her hands down and handle it well enough to get much further. She tells herself to relax and pulls the hard earned length out, the pop making her gasp again as the slimy tip falls out of her. Her apprehension is long gone, she just wants to have as much fun as she can in case her changes are gone by the morning.

Now kneeling over the dildo, she lowers herself onto it, feeling just cold lubey sliminess first, but then the pressure soon after as gravity helps guide her body onto the 11 inch toy. The third time her vagina stretches for the flare is no less intense than the first two and she gasps again, then keeps going. The once unsuitable dildo now feels perfect as it fills her inch by inch. Sapphire loves just how full the girth makes her feel. She rests further onto the cock and it goes deeper, much deeper than she realises until she can feel it get suddenly thicker. She looks down to see her impressive progress, half the shaft is inside her now, and the thickness she can feel is the dildo’s preputial ring. She wriggles her body ever so slightly then drops further until – “fuuck” she moans in a moment of intense satisfaction as she overcomes the extra girth and the ring disappears inside her.
