The Leeching Horror – Erotic Horror – Sex Story

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Author’s note: This is a short erotica based on a dream I had some time back. It is loosely connected to Lovecraftian lore with a monster straight from the deep. Gratuitous description ahead.

A chill tightens my skin.

My body sinks to the ground of its own volition, and I waver on my knees, stunned by a high-pitched buzzing in my ears. The thoughts of panic fade, smothered by an unnatural calm. There’s a foul taste in my mouth that I cannot quite place.

Then, I see it.

But only for a second. A flash of curdled flesh and a slavering maw.

I try to make reason of what I’m seeing, flitting from a dull panic to a weighted exhaustion. My eyelids threaten to close, but some small part of me is screaming to run. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Fingernails bite into my thighs, welling blood. And I realize, with a sluggish horror, that they’re mine.

A raking screech claws at the inside of my skull, and when it stops, there’s a distant moaning that makes my lips buzz. Claws catch the underside of my jaw, and I witness that abysmal countenance again, its every feature branding itself in my mind.

Slitted eyes regard me, and a tongue lashes behind long teeth.

I try to scream as its mouth unhinges, and that slimy appendage snaps free of its cage, drawing closer. My rigid body riots against the stillness, but these useless limbs are locked at my sides. I can only stare as that black tongue thickens, tracing the hollow of my open mouth before delving in hard and fast. It arrests my breathing, my throat working against the intrusion as it inches ever deeper.

Claws close around my throat, dragging me closer as it breaches the back of my throat and down, dropping into my stomach and overfilling me. My eyes roll back as I struggle for air, but my body has abandoned survival for this wretched incursion.

Its hot breath washes over me, and a rumble starts in its chest.

I am dragged upright, my focus dulled but for the crawling appendage coiling in my stomach, and further, until I’m merely a puppet to its whim. My arms drop against my will, and I’m pressed hard against its ruined flesh.

Deeper, deeper.

There’s a flicker of wondered as claws shred through my clothes, tightening in the flesh of my ass. Deeper, deeper, into places I have never felt before, twisting and twining through lengths of rope inside of me.

A pressure makes even my numb body buck.

As sentient as its first appendage, it rolls against my exposed cunt, rasping and latching. My knees shudder as it pulls painfully before filling me entirely. One motion, and I belong completely to this monstrous being. Only shudders of pleasure can escape me, though, the betrayal of a moan quickening it to the task.

Deeper, deeper.

Too much, and I’m gonna burst.

Even its strange cock is slick as it slides further, pushing to my end. Too much.

I am overfull as my arms hang limp at my sides, the traitors. But do I want it to stop? Deeper, deeper. There’s a pressure at my backend, the prick of something foreign.

Claws drag my ass open, forcing my body to bend as it takes me violently, never seeming to discover its own satisfaction. Intent on breaking me.

Deeper, deeper.

It breaches my delicate organ, my every muscle going rigid. That rumble becomes a ripping growl, and as it meets my end, rimming me from the inside before forcing its way through my last defense.

A blindness overtakes me, and my throat works around the intrusion to form a true scream. It burrows deep into my stomach and looses its seed, heavy and hot, in a place that isn’t meant to be breached.

It fills me until my stomach swells against it, that cock shuddering as it pumps, forcing my limp body to bounce on its gigantic cock, my mouth too occupied for pleading or sobbing. Hot tears chase down my cheeks, but of fear or joy, I cannot be sure.

Claws drag down my thighs, chasing lines of pleasure over my frigid skin. I shudder again as it remains inside of me, baring its teeth as it snaps back its tongue from deep inside of me. Then, the release is sudden, my body hitting the ground with a wet slap.

It stands above me as I curl around my swollen stomach.

And when I dare to look up, its shining cock is all I can see, dangling between its inverted knees. I’m cold, so cold without it, and I want to be full again. I stroke the irregular skin of its calf and lever up on shaking limbs.

That screeching comes again, but its strangely calming. It soothes the terrible ache in my skull, and I want to figure out it. I kiss its thigh, catching the heavy tip of its cock against my palm. It shudders and hardens, still dripping with sputum.


The wondered eats away at all others, until I’m shivering in expectation, eager to do heinous things to have it inside of me again.

Give me more.
