Swimming in Bondage – BDSM

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The day was warm and sunny when she decided to go swimming in her cool, outdoor swimming pool. Being rich and eccentric, however, meant that her swimming suit was a bit different from the rest.

She splayed her short legs across the glossy tiles as she wiggled herself into her catsuit/wetsuit. She kept all of her gear in a nearby closet, safe and ready for use. Her catsuit had already been lubed up, and she crawled into through an opening in the nape.

The catsuit was completely black, a shiny material that had been made of water-repellant technology. It was designed so that once she sealed herself in, there would be absolutely no water touching her skin. It had to stop several times to smooth out the air bubbles, creating a powerful vacuum that clung to her soft skin.

She had to pause for a moment to catch her breath as she attempted to shrug it over her shoulders; the incredibly tight catsuit had been taking a toll on her. Eventually, though, her arms found their place and her fingers slipped into their individual pockets. The lack of friction on her hands caused them to lose grip on the hood she finally pulled over her face.

She made sure that the ear plugs attached to the hood were aligned perfectly. She would be completely deaf with them in, but they also prevented all water from entering her ears.

She quickly pulled the hood over her head. She fumbled in the dark for a second, before her hands found the long tubes that dangled under her nostrils. She steadied herself before shoving them deep into her nasal cavities. They completely stopped all breath and water from entering or exiting her nose, making her reliant on her mouth for air.

She made sure that her hair and catsuit were completely smoothed of air before moving onto the next thing; her mask. She had experienced how bright the sun was first hand, and wanting to preserve her sight, she specifically designed this mask to block out a large part of the sun’s rays. It didn’t really matter that she couldn’t see much, since her pool was very linear in design. As long as she kept her wits, she wouldn’t bump into anything.

She pulled the mask over her face. It was a hood, similar to her catsuit hood, with large goggles, and the area around her mouth was open. She aligned the goggles, staring through her significantly darkened vision. Her lenses had been tinted and pepper-potted, meaning her worldview was seen through very tiny and dim holes. She didn’t mind, though, as she had dressed this way so many times she could practically do it with her eyes closed. She locked the mask with small belts around her neck, making sure that it aligned with the catsuit. It hung around her large, covered collarbones, with small hooks around the circumference. She hooked them to her catsuit and to her head tightly, making another vacuum around her head. Her mouth jutted slightly outward due to the pressure.

Next were her legs. She grasped for her “mermaid tail.” It was a long, rubber tube with several buckles and a long, flanged fin that would align with her catsuit and completely trap her legs, making them unable to move. It had taken a lot of practice to allow her to swim with her legs bound, but she had managed and now she was much more proficient in it.

She needed no lube as the slippery rubber slid between itself and she wiggled into the tail. She shimmied her way while still sitting, finally getting her feet into the pockets. She smoothed all the air between her tail and legs, making sure it was tight before she leaned over to buckle her legs together. She made sure that every buckle was hooked tightly; the ones at her ankles, above and below her knees, and her waist. It ended just below her breasts.

There was one last buckle; the one between her legs. The tail contained two very small holes on either side at her crotch that allowed her to pass a buckle between them, securing them tightly on both sides. They would not only keep the tail securely against her body, but also would provide a little pleasure every time she moved her legs.

Finally, she had just one more item to complete her ensemble; her gloves. They were long, going all the way up to her elbows, also covered in numerous buckles. She slipped on onto her wrist. The gloves were similar to mittens, in that they had one, large pouch instead of individual fingers. They had been stiffened at the fingers and wrist with a heavy material, causing her hand to be unable to clench or move. Her thumbs had also been attached securely to her hand, making her unable to use any of her fingers. Her hand had been transformed into paddles, perfect for swimming, though not much else.

She easily buckled her hand in one-handed, buckling at the wrist, forearm and elbow, while also hooking it to the catsuit. Her remaining arm was much harder to get in, but it was manageable with a lot of maneuvering. Her limited eyesight meant that she was mostly reliant on her sense of touch to fumble her glove onto her hand and buckle it in. Eventually, she was able to securely buckle her hand in and finally, she was ready.

She was trapped in her suit now, unable to walk or move her hands, barely able to see and completely deaf. She had set her servants to come and unlock her in exactly 3 hours, so she had no time to spare. She wiggled her way into the pool and began to swim.
