Sweet Little Lies Ch. 02 – Fetish

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Anna returned to university every Thursday and Saturday. She had initially resented giving up one day of her weekend but had quickly realised the advantages. After class, drinks in the student bar were trendy, cheap, and fun, and she suddenly had a social life like she had never had or been allowed to have when she was living at home.

It was Friday, and Anna was packing up, ready to leave the office. As she went to grab the mouse to turn off her laptop, an email popped up.


A brief meeting has been scheduled to discuss your progress in returning to university and the fees owed. Your presence is requested in the main office at 4:00 pm Monday.



She wrote a quick response confirming her attendance at the meeting and pressed send.

Sitting several desks away, Dave glanced up from his laptop and gave her a quick wave as he took a gulp of coffee from a large mug. “Bye, Anna, see you Monday.” He said with a grin and a wink.

Anna could feel Dave’s eyes on her behind as she walked down the aisle of desks in her tight pencil skirt. She was looking forward to a cool shower when she returned to her apartment, the day had been warm, and looser clothing would have been more appropriate.

As the cool water poured over her, she wondered about the meeting. The shower gel foamed as she rubbed it in, paying particular attention to her breasts and one hand eventually finding its way between her legs. Turning around, one hand still on her breast and the other between her legs, she rubbed herself frantically, her forehead pressed against the cold tiles as she remembered that day in the office when the hand between her legs had been Miss Hegarty’s. Anna turned again and slid down the shower wall as she orgasmed. The cold tiles intensified the climax that took over her body as she slumped to the shower floor with her hand tightly tucked between her legs and gasping for breath.

The weekend passed quickly. Anna didn’t go to the club after the student bar on Saturday. There had been speculation about how little she was drinking, and some of her friends had teased her about having a booty call. She hadn’t been able to help blushing, which they assumed confirmed their suspicions.

On Monday at 4pm, Anna entered the office nervously. She wore a loose knee-length skirt, sandals, and a halter-neck top that made her already ample breasts look even more prominent. Her hair was scraped back into a tight bun on the back of her head, and a few loose strands framed her face.

Miss Hegarty sat at her desk, and Anna sat before her.

“Dave cannot attend, but we have discussed your case already and come up with a contract.”

Anna shuffled in her seat and looked from Miss Hegarty to the document on the desk. She could see several notes marked by bullet points. Miss Hegarty began to go through them one by one.

Anna felt hot, and her body began to ache longingly as she listened. This was not what she had been expecting, and the thong she had worn especially was soaked.

Miss Hegarty handed her the document and a pen. “Have you got any questions, Anna?”

Anna shook her head and signed at the bottom of the page, handing the document back to Miss Hegarty with a slightly shaky hand. She licked her lips and swallowed as she looked at Miss Hegarty expectantly, but Miss Hegarty just took the document, locked it in a drawer in the desk, and excused Anna, thanking her for her time.

Anna returned to her desk and was thankful it was almost time to leave. She wondered about visiting the bathroom to relieve the burning in her loins, but there wasn’t time. As she clicked the mouse, she saw that she had several emails. She clicked on the one marked urgent.


Your presence will be required at a meeting over drinks this evening with prospective client Mr. Ian Dupont. Please be ready by 8pm.

Fauna Hegarty

Anna was flustered as she got ready that evening, not knowing what to expect. She wondered about the contract. Miss Hegarty wanted Anna to call her by her first name outside of the office.

“Fauna, what an unusual name,” Anna wondered.

There was a safe word that she must use if she was uncomfortable with anything and wanted to stop. If she didn’t use the safe word when she needed to, the contract would end, and the funding of her university fees would be stopped.

Anna waited nervously, perched on the edge of the couch. She jumped when the doorbell rang, grabbed her purse from the coffee table, and carefully descended the stairs to the front door.

Dave smiled and opened the back door of the car. They made small talk about company on the short drive to the bar.

Anna had been to Le Sin many times. It was a trendy hotspot for students, a large club with live music and other entertainment. They entered through the small door to the right, which Anna had at all times assumed was the staff entrance. It had never occurred to her to wonder where the stairs were to the private area that overlooked the stage downstairs.

“Anna darling,” Fauna greeted her enthusiastically and kissed on both cheeks before introducing herself and Dave to the man that had been sitting with his back to them as they approached.

Fauna wore skin-tight leather trousers with black killer heels and a red silk low-cut blouse with a peek of cleavage. She towered over the other three with confidence. Once the introductions had been done, Anna was guided to the seat on the inside the booth next to Fauna. The men sat across from them, Dave across from Anna and Ian next to him opposite Fauna.

Anna noticed that each table had its own light just above the table on the wall. It was in between herself and Dave.

Dave placed his briefcase on the table and took out a Chromebook handing it to Anna.

“Anna will be taking notes,” he stated as he returned his briefcase to the floor.

“Let’s talk business then,” Ian said, raising his eyebrows and smiling at Anna.

A full hour went by. The only interruption was the ordering and delivery of drinks.

Suddenly the lights in the room went low, and the individual lights at each table automatically switched on. The table became transparent. Anna blinked as she looked down at her silk dress that had ridden up her thighs.

Fauna, sensing Anna’s discomfort, placed a hand on Anna’s thigh and squeezed, bringing Anna back to her senses. The light over their table was red. Others were blue and green. They continued the meeting. Anna tried to focus on the notes that she was taking, her fingers tapping away on the keyboard shakily. She noticed Ian’s eyes were staring at the table, and she felt Fauna’s hand rubbing her inner thigh, making her dress rise even more, the loose silk tickling her as it raised over her panties. Feeling her face burn, she continued to take notes as her superiors talked.

Fauna removed her hand from Anna’s thigh and lifted her wine glass. Three sets of eyes were on her as she confidently took a long slow mouthful. She replaced the glass on the table, and her hand reappeared under the table and rested halfway on Anna’s upper leg. Anna tensed briefly at Fauna’s touch but then relaxed and continued her work.

“I’m sure we can come to some arrangement about a generous discount, Ian,” Fauna said when Ian balked at the cost of the business’s services. As she said it, her hand slid between Anna’s legs and palm facing toward Anna. She spread her fingers wide, forcing Anna to spread her legs.

Anna took a sharp breath in and stared at the screen of the Chromebook. She swallowed as she struggled to keep a neutral expression on her face, which felt like it was on fire. It crossed her mind that red might not have been the best colour to dye her hair that weekend. She imagined that she looked like a sweaty strawberry at this very moment.

Eventually, Fauna relaxed her hand, and Anna’s legs began to close, but the slight slap she received on her thigh told her that it was a bad idea, and she spread them a little wider than before.

Fauna and Dave were both waiting for an answer from Ian, who was deep in wondered with his eyes conveniently glued to the table where Anna sat. Anna was grateful she was somewhat covered by the Chromebook as she waited awkwardly.

Fauna spoke next. “If you need more time, Ian, you can return to us, but we can’t keep this offer open for long.” As she spoke, she ran her hand up the inside of Anna’s leg and turned it to cover Anna’s sex. Anna picked up her glass of water and gulped, almost spilling it as she tried not to moan. Fauna was tapping her middle finger against her panties, and Anna knew it was evident she was wet there. She stared straight at the screen, but everything was blurry.

Ian cleared his throat suddenly. Anna jumped. The hand between her legs gripped her, her jaw tightened, and taking a deep breath in through her nose, she tried to relax, the maneuver had her breasts pressing against the silk of the dress, and her nipples were erect and showing through the thin material. Ian diverted his eyes from her chest. He took the pen and a small piece of folded paper from his shirt pocket, unfolded it, scribbled on it, and pushed it across the table to Fauna. “This is all I am in a position to offer,” he said.

Anna watched her boss’s perfect eyebrows shoot up, and a tight-lipped smile appeared as she slid the post-it note to Dave. Her expression was difficult to read.

Dave, taking the note, slipped his leg between Anna’s legs and moved them even further aside.. Fauna’s hand moved slightly as she placed two fingers on the inside of Anna’s panties and between her wet lips, sliding them slowly up and down. Anna swallowed as her belly did a flip, and her pussy seemed to have a life of its own.

Dave nodded slowly, expressionless, his head tilting to the side, and he looked at the figure as he spoke: “Well, it’s not what we were looking for, but it is still a fair offer. I think we can just about accept this. What do you think, Fauna?” He asked, raising his eyes to hers.

Anna tried to squeeze her legs shut, but Dave’s knee stopped her, and a slight moan escaped as two fingers entered her sharp and deep as the palm of Fauna’s hand pressed hard against the soft bare skin of her pussy.

Fauna wet her lips, quickly removed her hand from under the table, and held it out. “It looks like we have a deal, Mr. Dupont,” she said with a genuine smile.

Anna’s eyes were wide, and her breathing fast as Fauna’s hand shook Ian’s, her fingers wet with Anna’s juices.

Standing up, Ian grinned at Anna. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Anna. I look forward to seeing you again soon.” Anna also stood, glad that she didn’t have to get out from the table as she felt the wetness on her thighs, and she tugged at her dress, leaning over to meet his efforts to kiss her on the cheek. He kissed her so gently and close to her ear, and as he hovered there for a second, she wondered he would whisper something to her, but he withdrew and took his attention to Ian.

After the farewell, Anna finished typing the notes on her Chromebook and handed it to Dave.

“Anna darling, if you need to use the bathroom, it’s on the right.” Anna nodded gratefully, and Fauna stood to let her out, placing her hand on Anna’s hip as she passed her by and telling her, “You did well tonight, Anna. Your presence is much appreciated.”

When Anna returned, she was surprised that Fauna didn’t move to let her return to her seat and saw that a round of cocktails had been delivered, hers was on the table next to Daves. The cocktail went straight to her head, and she plucked up the courage to ask what was on her mind.

“The offer we accepted was much lower than what we asked for. Can the company afford that?” she asked timidly.

Dave and Fauna looked at each other and burst out laughing. Anna’s face flushed. Fauna quickly stopped laughing and grabbed her hand.

“Sorry, we weren’t laughing at you,” Dave said quickly, placing a hand gently on her back. “It’s just that we are elated with the deal. You see, the quote we gave is way above what anyone in their right mind would pay. The figure that he gave us is a lot more than we expected. You were quite the distraction, Anna, thank you.” His words brought another flush, which was warm, and she smiled shyly.

Fauna suddenly moved over to the seat by the wall where Anna had sat during the meeting. Anna waited for the instruction to sit next to her, but instead, Fauna tapped the glass table with her short scarlet nails, and Anna looked down. She raised her eyes to Fauna, her lips parted, and a look of surprise crossed her face as the penny dropped.

Dave smirked as he again told Anna how much her help clinching the deal was appreciated.

Anna looked at the table where Dave was sitting and could see clearly through the glass, but when she looked again at where Fauna was sitting, all she could see were reflections.
