Stuck Between Her Legs – Erotic Horror

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Hello! This is the first piece of writing I’ve shown anyone outside of some short stories on twitter. I hope you like it, and if you do I’ll write more!


An alarm chirps, painfully piercing my deep sleep. With my eyes closed I try my best to instruct my body to swing at my bedside table to hopefully hot and snooze it. All I need is another half hour of sleep I tell myself.

My body doesn’t respond. The alarm chirps faster but I still can not being myself to open my eyes and deal with it. It takes a few more chirps as my mind crawls out of hibernation for me to realise – that’s not my alarm.

“Ughh” someone groans and I finally feel myself moving. I hear a hand hit the alarm and the chirping stops, leaving me with my thoughts which quickly turn to fear at who might be in my bedroom. That fear only escalates when I try to open my eyes and move again but fail to do both. I try to talk, just to say anything, but it feels like I’m in a dream and as much as I will it, I can not even make a sound.

More movement, but not in my control. I hear the sound of something crawling beneath the bed covers, and I get the strong sense something is approaching. Oh god. I can not move and I can feel it now. It’s something big, something warm. It’s got fingers like a giant hand and it’s… giving me a scratch. Not like a scary painful scratch, like my whole body had been itchy and this was the relief. What the fuck is going on!

“Hmm?” I hear somewhere over me. It’s the same voice that groaned before. The scratching stops and whatever it was that touched me retreats.

“I didn’t say anything babe” says another, manly voice, again somewhere above me, maybe over my head? Only this time I feel like I recognise it.

“Oh that’s weird, I thought I heard someone saying fuck” says the groaner. I definitely recognise this one now, but my mind can not grasp why I would be hearing it now, like I’m still asleep and stuck in some difficult-to-follow nightmare.

“Oh. Do you want to fuck?” the other voice responds. I know who that is. Why do I feel like I’m eavesdropping, this is my own bedroom!

“Ughh no. I just woke up. I just thought I heard someone.”

Oh my god. It clicks. That’s Maria! And the other voice, that’s her boyfriend… Dan was it? What the fuck are they doing here?

“Hmm?” asks Maria again.

“I didn’t *say* anything. Are you alright?” Dan asks. I can hear the frustration in his voice beuond the tone you’d expect from someone being rudely awoken by an alarm.

“Huh. Yeah I’m fine. Sounded like someone said my name that time.”

Dan doesn’t respond.

I try again to make a sound but it almost feels like I don’t have a mouth to open. Maybe I am actually speaking, Maria heard something, it must have been me right? “Maria!? Can you hear me?” I put all my willpower into getting those words out.

No response, but then I begin to move again. This time I’m going somewhere, or I’m being taken there. My own limbs aren’t doing this, so I think must be being carried.

Suddenly, without consciously opening my eyes, my vision is filled with a gentle dark pink glow. I feel like I’ve been uncovered as cooler air washes over me while someone or something carries me out of bed.

I hear soft footsteps on the floor beneath me. Yes, the floor is beneath me and I am being carried, I confirm to myself, trying to keep my spiraling catastrophising mind grounded.

The sound of a switch. The gentle pink glow gets brighter, but no clearer. The solid colour completely surrounds my peripheral vision. Is it some sort of blindfold I wonder?

I hear my abductor take a few more footsteps in this brighter space, then the sound of a door closing.

“Hello? Maria? Dan? Anyone?” I bounce around in my mind in desperation, hoping that maybe if ai can convince myself I am speaking out loud someone will hear me.

“Umm… hello?” says Maria’s hushed voice. I can hear she’s confused.

“Maria? Is that you? Can you hear me?” I try to ask. If i were able to speak, I think I’d be yelling.

“Yeaaahh? Who are you? Where are you?”

It throws me when she asks where I am. She’s not the one carrying me? Surely she can see me.

“Maria! It’s me Nicole! I’m right here?”

“Nicole?” Despite being so hushed, her voice carries a lot of concern.

“Oh thank god you can hear me. Can you help me? I can’t move or see!”

“You… what? Why are you talking like in my head?”

“But I’m just talking, can’t you see me?”

“Umm, Nicole, this is my bathroom. It’s just me. Why would you be in here?”

I’m mind freezes, totally stunned.


“I’m… In your head” I admit. It makes sense then why I can not move, why I woke up in Maria’s bedroom, why I’m not bre… oh god I’m not breathing. I panic, so much that if I could breath, if I needed to breathe, I’d be hyperventilating. Being reminded of breathing makes me desperate to feel my chest rising and falling and air rushing in and out of my lungs, but the same innate muscle movements that would have done so before do absolutely nothing now.

“Why the fuck are you in my head?” Maria lets go of her control over her own volume and raises her voice.

In a moment of meditation that I didn’t know i was capable of, I manage to gently ease out of the near panic attack and mental hyperventilating. I’m alright. I’m not in pain. If I got into this I can get out of this. Someone can hear me. Maria is my friend, she’ll take care of me. She’ll be just as worried as I am.

“I’m so sorry Maria but I don’t know. I promise we’ll figure this out though.”

“Everything okay in there?” Dan voice says presumably through Maria’s bathroom door. He must’ve heard her talking to me.

Maria clears her throat. “Mhmm yeah fine, just a sec” she reassures then “god you’re annoying” except the second part didn’t sound like the first. It wasn’t loud or quiet, it was just as if I’d wondered it in her voice.

“Did you just call him annoying?” I ask

She has to whisper now “oh fuck, did I say that out loud?”

“He didn’t seem to notice. Maybe I just heard you think it?”

“Heard me… think?”

“Yeah like, you must be hearing me think, so maybe I can hear you”

“Can you hear this?” I hear but in that same internal talking voice.

“I can!” I say with both relief and excitement over a piece of the puzzle being figured out as if I’m trapped with Maria in some surreal escape room.

“Wow I need to be careful then. Sorry if I think anything bad.”

“I can’t hear everything, like maybe it’s just the stuff you want to say.”

“Sorry if I want to say anything bad then.”

“I won’t judge you.”

There’s a moment of silence between us as we both calculate the implications of being able to hear eachother without talking. Maybe we’re both nervous about what we might accidentally think next.

I break the silence, dragging us back to the puzzle at hand. “We need to tell Dan, even if he is annoying.”

“Do we though?”

I’m surprised. I haven’t been in a relationship in a while but I figure if something this weird was happening to me I’d want my partner to know.

“He’ll just make a big deal out of it.” She explains.

“I mean… we don’t *have* to but it is kind of a big deal.” Maybe Maria didn’t think this was as big a deal as me.

“Well I’ve got to leave the bathroom eventually. I’ll get rid of Dan and then we can focus on you… us”

I hear the sound of a toilet flushing and then a sink running. Unless we’ve been sat on a toilet this whole time which I don’t think we have this must just be Maria trying to avoid suspicion. I hear the bathroom door opening next and Maria walking us back into the bedroom. My pink blindfold gets darker again –

“Oh” Maria says internally.

“Come help me out babe” says Dan.

“Really?” Maria asks out loud. She doesn’t sound thrilled. “I already turned you down”

“We don’t need to fuck, just like, come and help me out?”

It doesn’t take a genius to understand what Maria has walked us in on, and yeah now I agree, Dan’s annoying. Maria’s got bigger things to deal with than his cock.


All I can hear is a few of Maria’s footsteps, and then someone moving on the bed.

“Sorry Nicole, let me do this quickly.”

I take a mental step back to what I’m about to witness, well, not quite witness, but be present for.

“Maria, you really want to do this with me here?”

“You can’t see anything right?”

“Yeah I guess…”

The room and our minds go quiet for a minute, then Dan grunts. The sound of gentle stroking starts. With so few senses, and nothing else keep me business, my imagination is forced into overdrive filling everything in in this deeply private couple’s moment. I imagine Maria sat on the bed her hand on Dan’s shaft, impatiently getting him off with very little passion and I don’t blame her. This isn’t romantic or fun, this is just Dan being horny.

The stroking stops and I feel movement, before a new sound starts. It’s a much wetter, almost squelchy sound than the stroking. The way Dan moans quietly and Maria breathes deeply through her through nose doesn’t leave anything to the imagination, Maria is sucking his cock.

And if I hadn’t got the idea already, Dan spoils any ambiguity. “Yes baby, suck my cock.”

“Shut the fuck up Dan” Maria says internally which makes me giggle, both because I totally agree, Dan doesn’t realise how un-sexy that is, but also because Maria’s has the impressive new ability of talking to me while her mouth is busy.

Maria keeps up the amazing effort getting this dickhead off. A minute or two pass and I notice I feel odd, particularly odd given I hadn’t felt mcuh of anything until now. I feel warm, maybe a little tingly? I can not place any of the sensation because I don’t really have a sense of what I physically am, having made the assumption I was just squirreled away somewhere in the depths of Maria’s mind. Another mysterious puzzle to solve, but at the moment, not much I can do about it. Then I begin to feel sort of… gooey?

Maria makes a noise while her head bobs. I can not tell if it was a moan or an unimpressed sigh. Maybe she’d expexted him to finish already.

“Sorry. Can’t help enjoying it a little.” Maria explains to me.

It was a moan then, which made me happy in a way. At least Maria seemed to get a little something out of the chore. I was feeling more than just warm now, I was hot and slick with fluid.

I feel more movement, then, just like after I woke up in Maria, I feel that same sense of something approaching, the fingers of some giant hand creeping their way towards me. Suddenly the massive fingers breach my pink blindfold, the first thing I’ve been able to see today. Immediately a finger touches me, presses against me, rubs along me. I mentally bask in the incredible sensation of skin contact alone, so much so that it takes seconds of this intruding finger exploring my physical form for me to snap back to consciousness.

I feel like screaming, and I almost do, but in the brief moment that the intention rattles around my mind it gets transformed into a moan. Whatever is happening, being done to me, feels so fucking good. My whole form is being passionately caressed by this giant finger, smooth and lubricated by the fluid that I felt myself making. It massages me back and forth along what I’m beginning to recognise as the center of my form, between ridges and folds forming the image of a valley in my imagination. The finger explores further towards the highest point in the valley, where I feel closest to, and brushes against something that sends a jolt of pleasure through me. If I could make a sound, it would be somewhere between a squeal and a giggle.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying this too” Maria thinks.

It all clicks but I’m almost too embarrassed to think it. Dominos fall one after the other, as I solve factors to this puzzle.

I’m Maria’s *pussy*.

The pink blindfold is her underwear.

The giant fingers are hers.

And god do her fingers feel good. They’re intense but don’t push me too far, they’re gentle but apply pressure in just the right places, and they’re so soft, warm and smooth. The leader swirls slowly around the peak at the head of my valley, almost every cycle sending a shiver through me, her other fingers resting against less sensitive areas of my skin.

I wonder if she knows. Whether she’s already heard me thinking it. I can not tell her. I certainly can not stop her. I don’t want to shock her, Dan might take even a slight interest and be stuck with us while we figure things out. I want her to keep going.

Dan takes a sharp breath, and the sound and distant rocking of Maria’s head bobbing slow. The fingers that had been playing with me seem deflated as they retreat away from me, out of Maria’s underwear, back behind my blindfold.

Breathless, Dan manages to summon his deep devotion to Maria to say just one word: “Thanks”.

I can not mistake Maria’s unimpressed sigh this time. “Uhh”.

Desperate for more attention I consider asking Maria to keep going without Dan, and maybe I would have if the desire didn’t quite quickly diminish to the level of a sort of softly ebbing background horny-ness. The moment had passed, giving me the ability to think straight again.

“I better head off” Dan announces. “I’ll see you later”

I hear movement, Dan getting out of bed, and then the sounds of him getting dressed. In less than a minute of silence, Dan kisses Maria and says goodbye. The front door shuts behind him in the distance.

“Does he work weekends?” I ask, feeling silly after realising it’s the first thing I’ve communicated since we left the bathroom.

“No” she pauses “he’ll just going back to his place”

“Oh Maria, I’m so sorry. Do you need to talk about it?”

“Oh” she suddenly seems a little shy “No. But thank you. It’s alright. I know what he’s like, I just…” she pauses again. I wonder whether she’s finding the words for a feeling she’s familiar with, or if this is her first time coming to terms with feeling it. “I don’t want to be alone”

“You won’t be alone without Dan, trust me. You’ve got great friends, you’ve got family, and you’re stuck with me for now anyway”

She giggles out loud. “Oh god Nicole you’re right, sorry! I guess I felt like you were in the room with me, not still in my head.”

In her head. Phew! She hasn’t realised how embarrassing this whole situation is.
