Midnight Ch. 24: reCOIL – BDSM – Sex Story

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(This series is a collaboration with my good friend Sanchez. His ideas, I ran with it. We will see how it evolves. He has a sound concept, and characters, I’m primarily piecing it all together and seeing how it plays out. We hope you enjoy our efforts.)



Harbinger Shoals, South Carolina…2:00 PM

“Did Sanchez hit on you?”

Crimson Merrick hurried to her father’s side as he and Bobby Black Fox assisted in nailing planks to a backyard deck framed out relatively quickly by Niles Gullivant. Hovering next to Nodin she trembled more from her father’s expectations than that of Nick’s trimmer shaving her pubes without even a cut mark from being so close to her flesh. Crimson appeared to be tough not flinching in the heat of the moment, but in all honesty, she was a worry wart. “Not… exactly! I changed clothing right in front of him. It took three times pulling my pants up to get a solid glance. He was too busy with Dawn Bearpaw.”

“Once he noticed?”

“Tried to hand me a weed eater. When I refused to take it… he walked off without even a whistle. I feel so ugly now.” Nodin rolled his eyes at her; she was hands down one of the most gorgeous girls on the Rez. Company gorgeous most days. Today was the first day she had worn pants in over three months.

“Keep trying. I want to know if he can be persuaded to overstep his pride.”

“How does that matter Dad? Guys naturally overstep. He’s just another…” She wondered of the video her father showed her of how Nick took out Oliver Heavy Feather with subtle ease. “…I’ll try but I don’t think he’s going to chase after me. He seems to like Dawn more. We’ve heard wind he’s into Midnight Amador too. Maybe he has enough on his plate without me.”

“Make… him… want you.” Nodin growled.

“Yes Daddy.” She left her father before his commanding stare made her pee her pants. Mainly because she really did need to tinkle. She just didn’t know where. Mind off of it at the moment she searched for Nick and found him heading toward the barn with the weed eater still in his possession. Sucking up her pride Crimson Merrick wiggled toward the barn after him. Grass still on both sides of the beaten path she persistently looked about for snakes. Tempted to run she just walked carefully, terrified of every step she took.

Young Lukas Porcupine on his riding mower drove by her blowing kisses, “Hi Crimson.” She cocked a brow at the boy for his flirty nature but like many on the Rez didn’t take it personal. The boy did have Downs Syndrome so mocking him was not in her nature. Waving as he continued onward, she hadn’t even noticed a coral snake slithering across the walkway behind her, spooked into running for its life from the mower. It was a maze of activity, and the beasts of the field were as much on edge as the humans.

Within the barn Nick met up with Veronica Redmane and her father Joey in looking over the 1963 Jeep Gladiator. Joey having popped the hood was examining the engine, V inside the Jeep for safety. Beside Joey stood Dawn Bearpaw as ordered by Nick to make certain Joey didn’t notice the trap door beneath the truck. Finding old cardboard boxes broken down Dawn had swiftly used those to slip under the vehicle to mask the door. Clever thinking on her part even with spiders in the boxes running for cover.

“Engine looks healthy but until I can get a fresh battery and gasoline, even if I hotwired this bad boy I wouldn’t know for sure. It has oil so that’s a good sign.” Joey pulled the dipstick. “Wonder when this was driven last?”

“No idea who even owned it.” Nick held the weed eater over his shoulder like a baseball bat. He hadn’t bothered to research it with his people. People being computer friends, hackers if you must know. Said people paid very well to watch his back when he wasn’t looking.

“Doesn’t matter! It’s yours now, right?” Joey expressed.

“All that you can see.” Nick mused peering at Dawn Bearpaw, her eyes flaring at him as if hearing her deceased master Tom Sylver speaking through this enigmatic man in black. She nearly spoke “Yes Sir!” but bit her lip. Mentally honoring him was good enough. As if choosing the perfect time to enter Crimson Merrick knocked at least on the rickety bar door. Having stood outside a moment to unbutton her red shirt down to her lowest cleavage to let Nick, now everyone in the barn see her 36C’s, nipples poking through the red zone.

“There you are. If you want me to trim around the barn here hand that assault rifle over.” She hoped to get a curious reaction out of Nick when calling it a rifle. All he did was pass it off to her without even a glance and continued talking to Joey. Bearpaw grew instantly wise to the girl’s use of her body. Having gone through High College with the Merrick girls she knew one thing. Crimson was not the real slut of the two, so why was she showing off? Her Father must have had some agenda he needed her to perform. At least Nick didn’t look at her after declaring ownership of all that he could see. That would be war. Nodin Merrick would never allow his girls to be owned by anyone other than he. “Is there a working bathroom in the house?”

“Off limits. Cop a squat outside.” Nick informed her. She offered a queer look toward the outside world and hesitantly stepped away with the grass trimmer. Shivering at how cold his response was her thighs grew moist. Not good considering her necessity to pee. With so many workers out and about with other riding mowers, she chose to go into hiding. Careful where she was stepping, she moved through the overgrowth surrounding the humongous barn until shrouded by tall weeds and a big willow tree. Dropping her denim jeans, she prepared to squat but feared peeing on her pants. Groaning she kicked her tennis shoes apart and slipped her jeans off holding them as she crouched to tinkle. Balance iffy she used the weed eater as a cane on the ground. Urinating with a sigh of relief she teetered just a bit to her left.

“OHHHH SHIT!” She lost complete control as the grass gave way and she fell sideways into the hole. Dropping the weed eater, it tapped against the back of the barn with a subtle thump. In the hidden ground next to her was a sunken ravine about 8X10 but only 3 feet deep. The fall wasn’t the issue. The snakes were. Freezing in the reeds covering the hissing serpents she counted 5 reasonably sized rainbow Corals. Two coiled ready to strike. Crimson could not move, nor scream for fear of being bitten.

Nick leaning over the hood of the Jeep had heard her muffled “Oh Shit” moment along with the sudden tap. Veronica also hearing it reminded him that it was her ghost. Joey looking toward Nick with a haunted glare realized Nick was sharper than he might have guessed. Stepping away Nick took a walk around the barn, Joey on his heels as back up. Seeing Crimson’s foot path of pressed down grass, they eased their way to the backside of the barn. There Nick spotted the weed eater handle against the barn wall.

“Merrick?” Joey called out.

“Down here.” She mumbled loud enough but feared the flipping tongues of the snakes. Hugging the wall Nick stepped on one of her shoes. Picking it up, then the other he handed them to Joey. Dawn while waiting at the corner of the barn saw the dilemma and raced to get her father Nodin. Hammers halting Nodin and Bobby Black Fox followed her to the corner of the barn, Dawn going no further even in knee high boots.

“What’s going on?” Nodin called out.

Joey showed him his daughter’s shoes as Nick grabbed the weed eater. Stepping lightly in the foliage trying not to rile the snakes any further than necessary, as well as not ponder much on Crimson’s next to perfect bare ass, he sized up the situation. Her jeans were laying to her left, but a snake had slithered on top of them in surrounding her.

“I need you to listen closely.” Nick advised her. “Any sudden moves on your part and you’re going to the ER. Let me handle the snakes you just freeze there on your belly.” No issue tough guy she wondered. Holding her breath her body was stiff and barely trembling at this point. “Joey? Ease around the dip there without falling in yourself. When I fire up the weed eater you’re going to drop one shoe to the back side near the coiled ones. They’re in strike mode so we take those out first.”

“With a weed eater?”

“Velocity will cut them as long as my aim isn’t off. When the shoe drops, they’ll react to the sound behind them.”

“What about the other three? They’ll go defensive the second we do this.” Joey Redmane eased through the thicket worried for himself as much as Crimson. Hearing hissing next to his leg Joe locked up tight. “No go! Another coral three feet from my foot. I can’t move!”

Nodin and Bobby took it upon themselves to move in closer to be of assist. Nodin glancing down at his daughter, 70% of her body naked under her red shirts ruffled up state along her backside. “Stay strong daughter.”

“Yes Daddy!” She mumbled.

“Whole pit of these bastards.” Bobby warned.

“If you fire that weed eater up it’s going to spook them Sanchez. We don’t have any Anti-Venom kits out here, do we?”

“We suck out the poison and hope for the best. While not advisable I’ve done it a dozen times in my life. I’m still here.” Nodin nodded a sudden respect for the man in black. “Been bitten by Mambas. It’s no fun but it just takes brave men to work together.”

“What do you want of me?” Nodin sighed.

“First thing? Stay out of my way.” A glare between the two Nodin knew Nick was not referring to the snakes in the shallow pit, but the one standing tall beside him. With a wince Nodin backed off. His daughter’s safety was his top priority. Bobby patted his fellow elder on the shoulder to relax. Easier said than done.

Out of nowhere… well, from above a thick shingle fell from the roof of the barn right over the snake next to Joey. With the coral covered Joey jumped back for safety. Looking up at the barn they spotted a friendly face. A large raccoon stood up chattering as if saying “Peace Out” and then faded away from sight. Comic relief but a worthy assist none the less.

“Friends in high places?” Joey grinned then called up to the missing animal. “My thanks little brother.”

“What about me?” Crimson wheezed.

“Working on it.” Nick sat the weed eater next to the barn then removed his t-shirt. “Shirts gentlemen.” The group hurried to go shirtless passing them off. “Joe? Hold off on the shoes, let’s try and cover the coiled ones. As long as Crimson doesn’t move, they’ll react to the motion around them. I’m worried the second I fire up this weed eater they’re going to bite her. We have to cloak them before I start it up. You fellas might need a new wardrobe. I suggest going to Rayna Waterfall for your new shirts.” Even under pressure Nick was trying to help others.

“What if this doesn’t work?” Bobby asked.

“Then take out your dentures and start sucking wounds.” Nick lowered into a crouch and fanned his black tee out dropping it down over the head of one in a striking pose. It seemed lost as to what to do. Bobby’s button down went next but the weeds in the ditch prevented it from blanketing the second coiling coral. “Fuck! Merrick? When I say start that weed eater you use it as I pluck these bastards out. Joe you’re going to grab Crimson’s hand an ease her out carefully as I distract these.”

Lying flat in the grass on his belly Nick used Joe’s t-shirt to wrap his forearm as best he could. Taunting the snake into striking at his covered arm Nick’s opposite hand stabbed out and captured the serpent just below the head. Dragging him out he handed it off to Bobby carefully. “One down four to go.” Careful strategy Nick smelled urine as he selected his next best move. “Now you pee?”

“Get me out of here.” She cringed.

“Working on it. Stay still.” He found a third one coiling defensively. The one on Crimson’s jeans had opted to get better acquainted and had crawled up between her legs and was sliding up along her butt crack. Giving her the willies, she closed her eyes and whined in a shrill nasally tone. “Shhhhhhhh!” Nick tried to calm her. Not happening! His shushing sounded too much like the snakes.

“Shoe!” Nick claimed one of Crimson’s Nikes and slipped his shirt covered hand into it as a rubber soled shield. Successful in capturing a second snake he again passed it up to Bobby who had discarded the prior snake to other workers now clustered about. Down the line they went. Three more to go.

Joey lay stretched out ready to pluck up Crimson once the coast was clear enough. Her personal plaything had slithered up under her shirt and was blinded by the garment. Joey dared to take that opportunity to reach in and drag the snake out. All good until it escaped the shirt, there was just enough wiggle room to bite poor Crimson on the inner thigh gap. Screaming agitated the other snakes as Joe pulled the one in his possession out and tossed it away. Sticks were used to capture it and relocate it from the work area. In her scream she reacted rearing up. A second-strike unavoidable bit her tit as her shirt draped open in her lift.

“MERRICK!” Nick had no choice. Nodin fired up the weed eater and moved to Nick’s right. Lowering the whirling wire it shredded two snakes upon impact, chunks of coral splattering Crimson. Joey instantly grabbed her by her hand and hair and yanked her up out of the hole kicking and screaming. Once free Nodin ceased his assault to tend to his daughter. Bobby and Joe carrying her out of the grass in rapid fashion lay her down in shorter grass to tend to her. Nick bolting up with a pocketknife cut her bite wounds. “Suck and spit Merrick. Don’t swallow! Four times at least. Bearpaw…” Nick ripped Crimson’s shirt from her and used it to dab her blood flow. Sucking on her tit Nick spat four times. Nodin lifting his daughter’s legs went for the inner thigh wound with his own knife and followed Nick’s routine. His cheek laying directly on Crimson’s cunt was awkward but necessary to save her. To save his daughter he would do it a thousand times over. Pretty safe to say a lot of guys would have done the same. Damsel in distress or undress.

“It’s not going to be enough.” Nick picked Crimson up into his arms to cradle her and bolted across the yard. With lightning speed, he carried her out over the bridge, disturbing the gator below with a riled yawn. Merrick, Bobby, Joey, Veronica, and Dawn right behind them watched Nick’s every move. Taking her to Merrick’s car Nick waited for Veronica to open the door for him and let him lay her inside. “Merrick! Take her to Cordoba General. I’ll cover expenses. Hit the floorboard or she won’t make it. V… ride in back with her keep her awake. Keep me posted.”

“Right!” Veronica climbed in and huddled on the floorboard and over her body holding Crimson’s red dress up to her bleeding wounds with no other options. A rapid begin up and swift turn around Nodin Merrick tore down the road as if the Devil were chasing him, Bobby feeding Nodin water to spit out the window as they drove. Dawn bringing Nick water to rinse his mouth of poison he spit another ten times to cleanse his tastebuds. At least they were all thinking.

“She is strong Brother.” Bobby Black Fox told Merrick from the passenger seat. “This man performed a noble deed.” Even Nodin could not overlook Nick’s kindness if it could be called that. He risked his own life for Crimson. That meant something.


Nick’s borrowed beach house, belonging to his friend and fellow soldier Marcus Jericho…

Midnight Amador struggled to discover something to do now that her chores were done. Bathroom cleaned using both arms instead of one she at least remained on her knees. Performing household tasks simply required that added effort. She went with one arm most of her morning but now it was just becoming a pain in the ass. Punishment embraced if she was disobedient concerning that much. By her Kami telling her to do things that required hands he was obviously expecting her to do it anyway. The one-handed challenges were hopefully in her favor if she were wrong.

“It is Kami’s birthday. I want to do something special for him.” She crawled to the kitchen after cleaning her hands at the bathroom sink where she could reach the faucets and soap. In the kitchen she explored pantry space for what food Nick had available. Luckily for her there was a cornbread mix in a rotary cabinet in the corner between the oven and kitchen sink. Beneath an island she found a cupcake baking tin and smiled. “It’s not a birthday cake but it’s better than nothing. I hope he appreciates my effort.”

As a mixing bowl she utilized her last night’s clean feeding bowl. Pouring the cornbread powder in Midnight stretched high over the sink to add water. Locating a spoon, she mixed it while the oven preheated. Batter on her fingertip she subconsciously licked it off and completed her task. Luckily for her the oven’s knobs were within reach above the door rather than higher up behind the range top. A careful pour of the batter from the bowl to the tin she accomplished her goal and placed the tray into the oven. Not knowing when he might return, she would just have to keep them moist.

While waiting on the cornbread she went ahead and set the dining table ahead of time, so that when he did come home with dinner it was all ready for him. Nothing else to do at the moment she simply sat on her knees in front of the oven peering in to see the cornbread turning golden brown. Boring but dedicated!

Resting there the phone rang again, her thoughts gonna. “Doesn’t anyone call his cell?” This time around it was the company again. “Good day Mister Sanchez. This is Magdalene Barbee Cantwell at Charleston Executive Airport. I’m calling to inform you that we serviced your Embraer E190 and washed it. It’s in travel ready condition should you require it. Fully fueled up and stocked with snacks just in case you have passengers on your flight. If there’s anything further you might require, do please contact me and I’ll have it taken care of personally. Have a good week Mister Sanchez.” Beeeeeeeeep!

“He owns an airplane too?” She looked down at the floor so as not to be caught on camera at showing excitement. “I have never flown before. I hope that goes better than my swimming lesson with that shark this morning.” She trembled thinking just how that scenario could have gone. Thank Kami he was as brave as he was. Serving him felt so very right.

“His birthday cupcake won’t have a candle to blow out.” She pondered on trying to make his birthday be as near too perfect as she could make it. “I could pull the wick out of the candle he used last night to eat dinner by. I wonder if he would be cross with me for doing that? I’ll just take the risk and pray he likes what I’ve done. If not, then I suppose I endure his wrath.” Her heart fluttered at the wondered. “Wrath… sounds thrilling.”

Spoken like a true to life newbie!


“Caretaker Police Department. How can we help you?” Dispatch operator Hannah Bell answered with a polite tone.

“Nick Sanchez! Hannah, right?”

“Yes. Hello Mister Sanchez.”

“I need a police escort to Cordoba for a one Nodin Merrick. His daughter Crimson has multiple snake bites. Let your force know if they see a speeder in a white Crown Victoria to get them to the hospital ASAP.”

“On it!” Nick overheard Hannah warning both Darcy Grainger and Herb DeWhitt. Herb calling back instantly over his mic saying Merrick just blew by him at 100 miles an hour. “Officer DeWhitt has the lead Mister Sanchez. We’ll get her there as fast as possible.”

“Thanks Hannah. How’s that wall going?”

Squinting at the surveillance camera monitor board next to her she shared her insight, “Camera feed in the cellblock shows it’s coming along nicely from the inside. How they’re getting anything done with Alexis Roster here helping I’ll never know. She’s teasing that Clinton guy like crazy. Sheriff Roster’s had to paddle her twice because she won’t keep her pants up.”
