Malice Pt. 02 – BDSM

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“Yes, sir.”

First time I heard those words, it was exciting.

I felt like the boss.

I felt like I was in charge.

But now it’s been years.

Now I hear those words a hundred times a day. So much so, they are starting to lose meaning.

I am the boss.

I am in charge.

And it’s boring.

I’m not an idiot. I knew what Yasmine was doing when she humiliated and refused me. She was a fucking prostitute, telling me I couldn’t have her? Oh, please… I knew exactly what her plan was.

And yet, it worked.

You’re not a man. And I don’t fuck stupid boys.

I can still hear her words.

Who the fuck does she think she is to tell me no?

The only thing she should have said was yes, sir.

But the truth is, if she did, I would never be this interested. I am hungry for someone who will disrespect me. Someone who will disobey me. Someone who will get my cock hard with one single no.

I want to tear off her clothes and bite her pussy. I’ll make her explain all about how she doesn’t fuck stupid boys and I will ram my dick in her pussy the exact second she repeats those words, stuttering and drooling, trying to stay in control while I fuck her numb.

I want to feel her cunt around me while she tells me I can not fuck her.

That’s what I want.

You’re just a fucking whore. I want you, so I will have you. What else you got?

Then we could begin our little theatre of her being in charge… then we could play whatever fucking roles she had in mind. But only after I fucked her.

Oh honey, you misunderstood.

I rub my forehead.

I rub my nose.

I run my hands through my hair.

I can still hear her voice, driving me mad.

That cruel whisper, like I was so silly, my mere existence was enough to make her laugh. She turned me into a joke. Me!

She humiliated me.

How dare she?

The best part is… I’m turned on. Fucking hard because of five minutes worth of humiliation. What will she do to me after days?

I feel a cold sweat running down my temples as the driver takes me to the hotel suite I rented for the month. That’s where our meeting are to take place, as often as I’d like.

I’m gonna fuck that bitch raw three times a day all week so she will find out who is in charge.

She should already be at the hotel waiting for me. She’ll be wearing the most indecent lingerie money can buy. She will have ordered strawberries and champagne. Or something dipped in chocolate for me to eat right off her body.

Or maybe she will be naked wearing nothing but the chocolate. Or the strawberries. Or the champagne.

I am so excited I can hardly open the hotel room door. I keep removing the key card too fast or putting it in wrong. It takes me five tries to finally get a green light and hear the damn thing unlock,

The room is wonderful. More like a luxury apartment really, with room service.

I discover Yasmine already waiting for me. She is sitting at the table, drinking a glass of wine that she didn’t wait to open and going through a pile of legal papers.

“Joe” she has a spicy and disturbing smile “Sit”.

Do you hear that?

Her commanding me, like I’m a fucking dog.

But that doesn’t upset me nearly as much as the fact she is still dressed.

She looks hot, yes. But I wanted her waiting for me naked, like a good new toy.

What sort of whore is this, that we pay a fortune to have all dressed and looking like a lawyer?

“You look disappointed” she says as I sit.

“No, not at all”

“Yes, you are” she has a grin that makes me feel like slapping her. Or letting her slap me “You thought I’d be here naked, with my legs spread open for you, wearing nothing but heels and a tie I bought you as a gift?”


She laughs at my expanse.

I want her to choke on my cock.

“Here are the Non Disclosure Agreements your lawyers sent me. They are all signed, I believe they were non-negotiable”

“I had issues with indiscreet girlfriends in the past”

“I don’t doubt it” she nods. I reach out for the wine bottle so I can serve myself, but she doesn’t let me have it “You don’t drink. We need to talk about something important, you should be sober”

“You are drinking” I point out.

“Yes, but I know what I’m doing. I was given your list of hard limits, we’ll have fun within them. But I still need to go through the specifics. You are interested in BDSM, do you know what it means?”

“I do. Do we really need the school teacher convers…”

“Bondage means I will tie you up and restrain you. Is that what you want?”

“I thought you were going to guess what I wanted”

“That’s later. First I need consent, honey. Now… bondage… is that what you want?”

“Yes, it’s what I want”

“Discipline means I expect you to obey me. I will make you obey me. If you do, I will reward you. If you don’t, I will punish you. Is that what you want?”


“S&M means I will hurt you and I will enjoy it. I will use tools if I have to. I will humiliate you and turn you into my pet. Is that what you want?”


“Wonderful. And do you want me to that only in bed or do you want me to control outside bed also?”

“Why would I want you controlling me out of ber?”

“Foreplay. It makes things better”

That they do.

We were not in bed when she denied me last night and I spent the last 24 hours wanting to fuck her. Hell, I’m already hard just thinking about it.

“Then I want you to do it all the time. Not just in bed”‘

She lowers her eyes and I know she can tell my dick is hard.

“Do you know what a safeword is?”

“I do. I’m not a child”

“No need to be a brat about it. Do you want to use standard safewords or pick one of your own?”

This sounds fun.

“I want to pick one”

“Something that can’t be accidentally said in bed, please”

“I want it to be I’m telling you to stop”

She doesn’t seem to like that one all that much, but agrees.

“You understand I will not stop unless you say that exact sentence, yes? You can scream no and enough… but I will keep going. I will trust that if you are not enjoying yourself, you will stop me”

“I will”

“Be sure to do that. Sometimes submissives are proud and stubborn. They feel like the have to endure things no matter what. But this fetish is about absolute freedom of desires. If I can’t trust you to stop me, then I will always be worried and we won’t be free. Do you understand?”

“Yes, can I have a drink now?”

“Maybe. If you ask politely”

So it begins.

“Please, ma’am” I overcompensate and she gives me a glass “So, you’ll be leading us” I pour myself some wine “But what if I want to try something you never heard of?”

“Awn, aren’t you adorable” she crosses her legs, making me stare at her delicious thighs.

Alright, one glass of wine, then pussy.

“Come on, Yas, it could happen”

She has a cruel smile.

Evil and painful.

Like horrible things are about to happen to me.

“You call me ma’am” she stands, leaving the table, dedicating me no attention “You call me my queen, Miss or Yasmine. You do not call me by petnames unless I give you permission. You are not my friend. You know what you are?”

“Your pet” fuck, yes. This is the shit right here.

I want to fuck her.

I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to fuck a woman this bad.

I want to know what her cunt tastes like. I want to lick her slit and feel her clit in my teeth.

My mouth is watery as fuck.

“That’s good. You’re dismissed” she walks away.

“I’m… what?”

“Dismissed” she says, on her way to the bedroom “I already had dinner, I don’t need you to serve me tonight. You can bring me breakfast in bed tomorrow”

“Excuse me?” I sound outraged as she is already inside the bedroom, about to close the door that separates us “What are you doing?”

“Going to bed. I’m tired”

“And why are you closing the door?”

“Because I don’t want you to disturb me”

“You don’t want me to…” this fucking cunt. What the hell did I pay a fortune for? “And where am I supposed to sleep?”

“Couch, floor… what do I care?”

“Yasmine” I have an evil smile myself “I paid for a service”

“Yes, you did. You paid for the privilege of being considered for my bed. I’m considering. You should feel privileged”

“That’s not what I paid for!” I take two steps towards her and she turns into a giant before my eyes. She has that gorgeous hourglass body, sexy on every move. But, right now, she feels like a wild beast. I am quite taller than her, however her atittude seems to swallow me whole, making me feel tiny and helpless.

“That’s exactly what you paid for” she sounds as serious as sin “You’re a stupid little boy who can’t even control a boner during a conversation and you think you’re ready for my bed? I would break you, just like I did the day we met. I am considering, but right now you are not worthy, because you are a stupid boy and…” she smiles “Finish that sentence for me”

“You don’t fuck stupid boys” I bite the words, in rage.

“Yes” She nods and smiles, before closing the door “Good pet”.


“Blue balls” doesn’t seem to cut it.

I had purple balls.

I had depressed balls.

My balls were shrinking and rotting and dying.

And it was her fault.

I paid her to fuck me and she was fucking with me alright.

Two days went by and I wanted to fuck her so bad I was having chills whenever I heard her voice. On the second night, I was punching my pillow before bed because I had to release the tension somehow. Punching it. Considering biting it.

I brought her breakfast in bed. I went to work. I’d come back and she’d be wearing those fucking sexy lingeries that make a man’s blood pump down hard, and I was sure it was on purpose: just to tease me. No way a woman would actually enjoy sleeping with a thong up her ass like that.

She would revel in my angst.

Taking pleasure in the fact that I was having none.

I’m gonna hire a professional escort to do to me what regular girlfriends can’t.

What a great idea that was…

My dreams were filled with beautiful naked women who would obey my ever whim. They would let me do anything… except fuck them. As soon as I got undress, the women in my subconscious would deny me and call me a stupid boy. I’d threaten to withhold payment, but they all knew I was lying. So they laughed at me. Their smiles big enough to make the Cheshire cat proud, and every single one of them at all times reminded me of hers.

Her smile.

Her lips.

Her body.

I wake up covered in nightmares, cold sweat and sexual tension.

“Good morning” she says, as she walks by me “No need for breakfast in bed today, I’m up early” she is wearing this tiny translucent thing that makes my blood boil.

I go to sleep, I have nightmares. I wake up, the nightmare is still going.

I throw myself under the shower, my poor cock begging for help.

I’m hard since the second I opened my eyes, with an erection so violent that even cold water can’t undo.

There is not enough oxygen in this fucking bathroom to calm me down. I want to march out and grab Yasmine by her fucking thighs, spread her open on the couch and claim what I paid for.

Fuck this fucking woman all the way to hell.

I caress my shaft and that small bit of attention makes my dick cry tear os pre-cum. Please, sir, the poor lad is begging me, please, a little hand?

I can not go another day without jerking off. I tried to hold it under the assumption that sex would be that much better if I waited… but the wait is infinite and I’m done.

I put one hand on the wall for support and close the other one around my cock. The simple brush of my fingers against my engorged head was enough to get me moaning. My whole body felt touchy and hypersensitive from the lack of relief, but my cock was something else… there is no word in any of the five languages I speak to describe how sore, tired and furious my cock felt. My poor dick had been so teased and deprived of touch that even the lightest of scratches would feel like I was hitting the back of Yasmine’s throat.

I close my eyes, beating my meat to the wondered of everything I’d do to that fucking woman and her unattainable pussy when given the chance.

I hear a creak as the bathroom door opens. I don’t need to turn to know it’s her. So I just drop my cock, instead, and try to pretend I was just showering all along.

“Why did you stop?”

“I was taking a shower” I say, turning off the water and wrapping a towel around my waist “Don’t you knock?”


“Yeah… that thing you do when you hit the wood. Don’t you do that?”

“Hit? Yeah, quite hard. You want to try it?”

“Very funny”

She is wearing a light robe over her naked body. I know she is naked because the robe is very fucking thin and yet very fucking heavy. It’s hugging every single one ofe her curves, juts like my tongue would love to do. From the shape of ass to even the little nubs of her hard nipples, I could see everything. I could feel everything.

She was very naked and I was so hard, my cock was lifting up the towel.

“I think you better finish it”

She stares at my dick shamelessly and I bend to try to hide it a little. It’s pointless.

“Can you give me some privacy, please?” I ask, my hair is still dripping wet.

“No” she closes the lid on the toilet seat so she has a place to sit. She reaches out for my towel and rips it off in one swoop. Now, I’m naked. With my dick so very fucking aligned to her lips I’m about to faint.

She’d barely have to lean in to give me a blowjob. Her tongue on my dick would feel like heaven. Her tongue on my balls would make me want to die.

She sighs and her breath reaches the tip of my cock, making it stretch so bad it hurts.

Her legs are crossed in such a way that her foot keeps teasing my calf and I want to move my hips more than I want to live. Literally. I think if given the option I’d take a couple of humps into her mouth over the rest of my years.

“There” she points to a little step between the bathtub and the toilet “Put your foot up there. It will make it better”

“Make what better?”

“The jerking off”

“I don’t plan on doing that with you here”

“No?” she pouts “If you do, I might let you cum in my mouth” she has a way to lick her own words that makes me imagine what she is saying. Picturing my cock being stroked by her soft tongue “I might swallow” I don’t know if I have ever been that hard in my life, but I’m guessing not “Would you like that, Joe? Would you like to unload your balls on my tongue and watch me taste your cum before swallowing every drop of it?”

My erection is so powerful I can no longer stand up straight. I have to bend inward a little as if my dick was me new center of gravity.

I put my foot where she told me to and that fucking move gets my dick practically on top of her lips. And because Yasmine is an experienced expensive whore, she opens her mouth just a tiny fucking bit. Just to drive me crazy.

She reaches out and I close my eyes, waiting to feel her touch but… it never comes. Instead, her fingers hover just above my cock making me feel, not her touch, but her warmth. I moan, beating my dick violently. She might not suck me, but I will discover some satisfaction in covering her lips with my load. My balls are so damned heavy I’m going to cover her entire face. She does not seem to be bothered by that possibility while sitting there, watching my performance.

I want her to touch me. I want to feel her skin. Just the texture of her lipstick on the tip of my cock would be enough to make me cum.

I lean in.

“You can’t touch me” she says, making me angry. I squeeze my dick harder as she licks the disdain off her smile “But you smell me”

She stands and undresses her panties underneath her robe. That glorious piece of lace… and she offers it to me like a treat given to a dog.

I want to refuse her charity. I want to spit on her feet, lick her thighs and let her know just how dangerous it is to mess with a man for this long. I want to ignore the panties, hanging off her finger, because they feel like crumbs. Not a meal.

I knew accepting it meant handing over my dignity. I’d become the sort of man who jerks off and cums over a woman’s used panties.

I want to say no.

But that damn lace looks delicious as fuck and, I swear on my life, the smell is starting to get to me.

It was more than I could take.

I grab it off her hand so suddenly she takes a step back, startled before my uncontrollable desire. I shove my nose in her panties and breathe in.


I breathe out with a moan feeling my cock stretch so hard I fear I might have no blood left anywhere else. I open my mouth, touching some of the lace with my tongue, sucking on it, tasting whatever remains of her pussy.

She sits on the sink, spreading her legs, taking her robe out of our way.

Yes, fuck, yes.

“Don’t cum” she commands me.

“Impossible” I gasp, tasting her sweet puss on my lips, breathing the smell of her clit while I fuck my own hand like there will be no tomorrow.

“If you obey me, I’ll reward you”

The robe is somewhat open, letting me see some of her cunt, but none of her tits. She takes her hand between her legs and her face becomes undone with pleasure.

She is flicking her clit and I climax, listening to her high pitched yummy fucking moans. My cum shoots up in an impressive arch, tainting the sink and spreading all over the bathroom floor, my towel and Yasmine’s feet, which, by the way, are already squirming as she is near orgasming herself.

“Come here” she commands me and this time I obey without hesitation, even though I didn’t fully catch my breath and I still feel an annoying weakness in my knees.

“Just give me a few minutes” I kiss her chin, her jawline… I am grabbing her thighs and placing myself in the space between them “Just give me ten minutes and I’ll fuck you, my queen”.

“I told you not to cum” she says and I feel myself ache “I told you” she takes my hand on hers, guiding me to her pussy “Had you listened, I’d let you fuck me now”.

No fucking way.

“Just two minutes” I beg, desperate to have her pussy around my cock. Come on, you useless fucking thing, get hard again. Now. “Just wait two minutes”

“No, honey, I don’t wait”

She fucks herself with one of my fingers and I close my eyes.

She is so wet and warm. I need that around my dick so bad, I’m eager to double her pay right about now.

I have goosebumps.

You can do this. You can get hard again. Do it!

But she doesn’t give me as much as thirty seconds. Yasmine uses my fingers to flick her clit and tease her pussy, rubbing herself against my palm. I am her sex toy, just a thing that she use to get herself over the edge. Humping my hand like a bitch, her eyes roll over as she starts to cum.

I try to change the touch or the speed to stop her orgasm long enough to buy myself time to join in, but she’ll have none of it. Yasmine slaps my chest, grabbing my wrist tight, keeping me in place exactly like she wants me.

Making me obey.

Her moans become louder. Deeper. More urgent.

“Save some for me” I beg, as my dick is growing once again. But my time has come and gone. I touch my cock to get it ready faster. It’s not at its best, but it will do. I spread her legs but she slaps me on the chest again and I hesitate.

That second… that tiny fucking second of hesitation was all it took.

Yasmine cums, dripping pussy juice on my fingers, biting her lips and holding herself on the sink.

And now I’m hard.

“We can go again, now” I say.

“No. I’m good” she says, pushing me out of her way “Next time, do as you’re told”

Next time.

How the fuck am I gonna survive until then?

I nod, raging once again, and reach out for my clothes. If she is done torturing me, I have to get to work. I put on pants and shirt and I’m about to…

That’s when she stops me, taking some things off my hands.
