Lathered Lust: An Intimate Encounter in the Shower

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As the warm water cascaded down her body, Ariel let out a contented sigh. Her shower was her sanctuary, a place where she could escape the stress of her day and indulge in a few moments of peace. She lathered up her loofah, closing her eyes as she scrubbed away the day’s grime and stress.

But the peacefulness was short-lived when the door to the bathroom opened, and she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her from behind. Ariel instinctively jumped, ready to scream for help until she heard his voice, “Hey, it’s just me.”

It was her boyfriend, Jack. She felt relieved to know that no one had broken into her apartment. Jack could at all times make her feel better with just one sentence. However, she was still trying to wrap her head around why he was joining her in the shower.

“What are you doing here?” She asked, turning to face him. Water dripped down her curves, and she watched as his eyes raked over her body.

“I couldn’t resist. Watching you in the shower is one of my favorite past times,” he grinned, his eyes still trailing over the drops of water that clung to her skin.

She couldn’t help but laugh at his words. Jack had at all times been a little bit outrageous, something she found endearing. But as he pressed his lips to hers, the water splashing on their faces, the humor was quickly pushed apart, the tension between them growing stronger by the second.

His hands roamed her body, stopping to linger on her breasts. Ariel let out a moan, heat and desire pooling low in her stomach. She had never experienced something so intense, the way Jack touched her pushed her to new heights of pleasure.

Without breaking contact from her lips, Jack stepped forward, pinning her against the wall of the shower. Ariel’s breathing came in short bursts as Jack’s hands continued to explore her body. Her hands fell to his waist, pulling him tighter against her.

She could feel him growing harder against her, the proof of his desire. Ariel reached down, her hand already on his fierce member, and tightened her grip. Jack let out a low growl of pleasure, the sound vibrating through her body.

Without a word, Jack picked up Ariel bridal style, positioning her under the stream of water again. She let out a gasp as the cold water hit her warm skin, but the shock was quickly replaced by pleasure when Jack took her mouth in a searing kiss.

She clung to him, feeling his muscles flex beneath the wet fabric of his shirt. Ariel’s body was ready to give in to the pleasure, but she wanted more. She wanted to feel all of Jack, not just a few touches and kisses.

“Jack,” she whispered. Her voice was low and husky, full of need.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” he replied with confidence. Jack guided her to a corner of the shower and set her back against the tile wall.

Ariel’s breathing was ragged as Jack dropped to his knees, his eyes never leaving her face. She could feel his breath against her inner thigh as he leaned in, his tongue flicking out to tease her clit. She let out another moan, the pleasure building inside her.

As Jack’s tongue moved over her, she finally realized that her desire for him had been building for a long time. She couldn’t pinpoint when it had started, but with Jack between her legs, she felt like it had been there all along.

Ariel could feel her body clenching around Jack’s tongue, the pleasure building higher and higher until she let out a scream as she climaxed. Her release was intense, more so than anything she had ever felt before. All of her muscles tensed as she felt the peak of her pleasure, and she came hard onto Jack’s tongue.

As she came down from her high, Jack rose to his feet and pressed his lips to hers. Ariel tasted herself on his mouth, and she loved it. His hard cock pressed against her once more, the evidence of his desire obvious.

She could feel herself growing wet again at the wondered of his hard member inside her. A desperate desire to have him filled her entire body, and she reached down to touch him once more.

Without breaking the kiss, Jack took hold of him and put him in place at her entrance, easing himself inside of Ariel until he was fully impaled in the heat of her sex. She gasped at the feeling of him, as though he had been made just for her.

Jack started slowly, his hips gently thrusting in and out of her. Ariel’s body quickly adjusted, and she was ready for him to give her all he had. She met his gaze, the intensity of their actions had her heat up. Ariel’s body was ready, her mouth open with a moan that got louder as he began to pound into her in earnest.

The sound of the water splashing around them filled their ears, accompanied by Ariel’s gasps and Jack’s grunts. She felt his body tensing, a clear sign that he was close, and it was enough for Ariel to trigger her own orgasm. She screamed his name, voices lost to the sound of the water.

As the intensity of their orgasms faded, Jack and Ariel stayed locked in an embrace in the steam from the shower. The water had turned colder, but the passion that had just washed over them was far from dying.

As Ariel stood up, Jack wrapped his arms around her, his head in the crook of her shoulder, and stared at her for a second. Ariel had never looked so content, so at peace. He felt like this was a moment that he could re-create for her time and time again.

It was more than just the intimacy; it was the fact that they both felt safe enough to explore their desires with one another. It had been a long time since Jack had felt this way about anyone.

They were both smiling, sharing nothing but their time together in the shower. Nothing else mattered. Not time, nor past relationships, nor baggage.

“Just to be clear,” Jack said finally, looking at her curiously. “This wasn’t just a one-time thing, was it?”

Ariel shook her head, still feeling his warmth, his presence around her. “I’m just getting started.”

Lathered Lust had opened up a world of possibilities for them, and the best part was that they had nowhere to go but up.