Keyholder Demoness Ch. 04 – Erotic Horror

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It was eight o’clock in the evening and pitch black outside. Charity was at home and wide awake and she was completely certain what she had just heard – chains dragging across a polished surface.

“Fuck!” Charity whispered to herself.

The sound came from down in the cellar.

“Stupid fucking bitch,” she whispered to herself as she quickly crept into her bedroom and eased the claw hammer off the lower shelf of the bedside table. “This is where the heroine does something stupid in the movies.” She slid open the drawer and pulled out a key ring.

She moved quickly and silently back to the cellar door and slowly turned the door knob. The door was heavy but the hinges were well-lubricated. As she slowly pushed it open, it made no sound. Down below it was pitch dark. There were no windows down there.

There were also very few places to hide… The most defensible position was on the stairs. The lightswitch was in the hallway outside the cellar. She flipped it on and listened…


She started to creep down the stairs. “Here’s where the cellar door slams shut and locks,” Charity wondered. “What the fuck are you doing?” She crouched down and looked around the room. Nothing in the gibbet cage. No one behind the St. Andrew’s cross. The lid to the oaken chest was standing open, so hiding inside would be difficult. Charity looked towards the rack, someone could hide on the far side.

“Strange,” she wondered. Blue was pretty anal about how the equipment was configured between play sessions. It seemed that the wrist chains on the rack were payed out a little more than they should be. Generally, Blue would have left them fully retracted and the wheel locked.

Charity glanced up to the cellar door – still wide open… She looked down in her left hand. She had the key to get out of the cellar if the door was closed.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked herself as she moved further down the stairs with the hammer raised. She took one more look at the oaken chest – still empty – then tip toed towards the rack. The bed of the rack was angled at about 30 degrees. Someone could crouch in the shadows on the far side. Charity gripped the hammer with both hands. She quickly lunged the final step to provide a view into the area.

Nothing! Charity let out a heavy sigh.


Charity looked up towards the ceiling. “Fuck!”

She turned and ran on her toes to the stairs. The cellar door was still open. She went up, two steps at a time, through the cellar door, into the hallway. “Fuck!”

Someone was standing in her hall – their back to her. Charity raised the hammer and let out a scream. The person turned.

“Holy fuck, Charity!” Faith cried. “It’s me!”

“Oh, thank the Goddess!” Charity said, dropping the hammer on the floor and hugging her sister.

“You frightened me. I think I might have peed myself a little,” Faith laughed, stroking Charity’s hair.

“I thought I heard someone in the cellar,” Charity said. “Maybe it was you that I heard. You should have told me that you were coming.”

“What?” Faith asked. “You invited me over.”

“I did? When?”

“Your text message? An hour ago?” Faith pulled out her phone. “This message?”

Charity looked at the message, apparently from herself to Faith. “Can you come over, Sissy? Will you swaddle me? Just like we used to do?”

“I didn’t…” Charity started to say, but then wondered better of it. She didn’t send this text. But, there were not many people who knew that Charity sometimes called her sister “Sissy”. And, as far as she knew, no one knew about Faith “swaddling” her. Indeed, public knowledge of their activity would be highly embarrassing…

A little family history… Charity’s parents had tried to get pregnant for many years. Eventually they gave up. Faith entered their lives as a 13 year old foster child. Miraculously, a year later, Charity’s mother became pregnant with Charity. It wasn’t long after Charity was born that her mother passed away. She had no memories of her mother at all. She only remembered Faith.

Growing up, when Charity was feeling particularly anxious, Faith would wrap her tightly in sheets or blankets – “Swaddled. Just like when you were a baby,” she would say. Initially, it was probably a selfish act – Faith was likely angry that she had to babysit an annoying, screaming brat. However, the wrappings really worked! They were like a massive hug that made Charity feel safe and loved. They all the time calmed her down.

When Charity was in her late teens after a particularly harrowing bullying event in high college involving a straight girl Charity was crushing on, Faith reintroduced the idea of “swaddling”, although several rolls of ace bandages were used in place of bedsheets. Charity loved the feeling so much that she would continue to ask Faith to “swaddle” her occasionally. Over time, she found that the more restrictive the wrapping, the better. For the McKenzie sisters, “swaddling” had become a euphemism for some technically stringent, highly restrictive, hardcore, yet platonic, mummification.

“I didn’t…” Charity started again.

When she saw the text that she had apparently sent Faith, she was particularly perplexed. If she didn’t send the text, then the kidnapper – Keyholder – must have sent it. How would they know about “swaddling”? Did Charity ever tell Blue about it? Maybe in a moment of ecstasy? Had the kidnapper’s extracted the information from Blue? And, if so, how? Did they torture her?

“Of course, you sent the text, Charity,” Faith said with a concerned look on her face. “Are you sure that you are doing ok?”

“No,” Charity said quickly. “I mean, I didn’t know that you would be over so soon…”

“Oh! Do you still want to do it?”

“Yeah! Yeah!” Charity said turning to close the cellar door and switch off the light. “I could use a good swaddling.”

About an hour later, Charity was standing in the middle of her and Blue’s king size bed wearing only her chastity belt. Faith sat at the end of the bed with a large duffle bag of equipment, pulling out rolls of bandages. She stopped for a moment and looked up at Charity’s belt.

“That is a beautiful belt… It’s so sleek,” Faith said. She reached up and touched the center of the faceplate shielding Charity’s sex. “So smooth.” She rapped a knuckle on the metal – knocking the plate twice.

Charity gasped suddenly and her right knee started to buckle a little.

“Whoa! Did you feel that?” Faith asked.

“Yes. No. Not at all,” Charity said, breathlessly giggling a little. “You made a knocking sound. And that sound traveled through the air to my ear, where it was converted to an electrical signal and was transmitted to my brain. Then my brain sent a pulse straight down to my sex.”

“Wow,” Faith said. “What a torturous path…”

Charity closed her eyes and hugged herself for a moment, letting the arousal wash over her.

“How tight?” Faith asked as she picked up a pair of foam pads to slot between Charity’s ankles and knees.

“As tight as you can,” Charity whispered.

Faith was very diligent in her wrapping technique. When she was done, Charity lay in the middle of the bed, arms pinned to her sides, legs welded together. Only her feet and the tip of her nose were exposed. Charity had a mouthpiece with grooves for her teeth and a tube. While it was easy to breathe, Charity couldn’t really speak at all.

“Okay, baby. All done,” Faith said.

Charity’s sex was still ringing from the taps that Faith had delivered. It trembled with arousal. Charity systematically flexed her muscles starting at her toes and moving up to her head – relaxing as she went. There was very little give in the wraps. Afterwards, she lay as still as she could. Slowly the arousal, which had been so completely focused on her sex, began to spread out away from her sex in all directions. The intensity remained as high, but now the sensations pulsed from head to toe. Charity felt like she had become a massive clitoris – trembling, needy, yet with no agency to achieve any relief.

She needed some kind of external stimulation to push her over the edge. But she was locked behind a steel plate and no touch would ever be allowed.

“Hey, baby, I’m going to go watch the late show, then I’ll come back and unwrap you, ok?” Faith whispered in her ear.

A muffled whimper was apparently enough of a response. The bed shifted and Charity lay alone, her physical being transformed into pulse energy.

Slowly, Charity fell asleep.

When she awoke, she could still feel the pulse of energy vibrating up and down her body. But there was something more… a caress… and gentle squeeze… Was Faith stroking her torso? Charity tried to call to Faith through the air tube wedged in her mouth, but she was too relaxed to effectively make a sound. Charity knew that “hypnopompia” is the name of the condition – the state of consciousness leading out of sleep.

Suddenly, there was a pinch – a sharp, painful sting – on the upper side of her right breast. This was too intense for hypnopompia! Charity tried to move or scream or anything.

A cool sensation flooded into her chest slowly diffusing across her torso which was still abuzz with vibrations. The pain was gone. Charity’s panic evaporated. She forgot she was lying in bed and began to, once again, dream…

Charity was being shaken. The air felt cold on her slick torso. She slowly opened her eyes. She felt so groggy. She wasn’t sure where she was. Faith was sitting beside her, pulling off the blankets. Her mouth was moving and sound was coming out, but Charity didn’t find out a single word she was saying.

“I’m so sorry, Charity. I fell asleep watching TV. It’s about four in the morning. Poor baby! You’re still asleep aren’t you.”

Faith pulled the mouthpiece out of Charity’s mouth. Charity thought why the blankets were so tight. “Oh yeah, they are bandages.” Goddess, she could use a fuck right now. So horny. Where was Blue? Faith was still making nonsensical sounds.

“You’re not overheated are you? Wow! Your nipples are red and swollen. Here, baby. Lie back down and I’ll unwrap your legs.”

Blue is not here? She’s been kidnapped. Charity had to go discover Blue. Charity had to go save Blue. Tomorrow morning. And Blue has the key to the chastity belt locked around her neck.

“Are you awake, baby? I’m so sorry. Oh! You’re so tired. Lie back down. Go back to sleep.”

Blue has the key. She couldn’t give it away even if she wanted to. It was locked around her neck. No way to take it off. Not as long as her head was attached to her body. Charity tried to make her mouth work. She wanted to tell Faith that they needed to discover Blue right away. How could she be so scared, so horny, and so sleepy all at the same time?

Faith was leaving the room. She was turning out the light. Charity was so horny…


When Hope was led into Charity’s makeshift office at the asylum in the middle of the next week, she was restrained in a full set of heavy prisoner shackles. Her hands were cuffed and locked close to a waist chain. Another chain descended from her wrists to the central link of a set of ankle fetters.

“What the hell is the meaning of this?” Charity asked the orderly.

“She has a tendency to become violent,” the orderly said. “She sent one of her handlers to the hospital last night with a severe laceration the full length of his forearm.”

“This is ridiculous! You all need to remove all these restraints, please,” Charity said.

“No can do, Ma’am,” the orderly said.

“Well, you have to release her hands at least,” Charity said. “In order to communicate with our guest, we have to use a lot of hand gestures. And, I should remind you that she IS just a guest. She is not a patient here. Unlock her handcuffs please.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” the orderly said.

Hope’s ankle fetters were so tight, that the bottoms of her sweat pants were bunched up, and for the first time, Charity saw Hope’s feet. She wasn’t wearing any shoes. Just as with her fingers, the end of each of her toes was fitted with a metal thimble-like cap. Many of the toes had rings and some rings had chains that draped across the top of her tattooed foot towards her ankles.

When the orderlies had placed her in the chair across the table from Charity and left the room, Charity finally smiled, “Hi, Hope.”

“Hi, Chai-Ree,” Hope said.

“I’m sorry about the treatment that you are receiving here,” Charity said, frowning and pointing toward the door. She knew Hope had no idea what she was saying, but the woman must have understood something. She started talking with her standard soft, delicate voice, but in a much more animated fashion, several times pointing to her chest and then over her shoulder to the door.

She held her right palm wide open over her right breast, then used her left hand to forcefully push her right hand away. She pointed at her lips and breasts, then drew an imaginary line up the length of her forearm.

“Did they touch you?” Charity asked. She pointed to Hope’s right breast, then actually grasped her own. “Ahhh!” she moaned, shocked at how sensitive her nipples were. Charity hadn’t meant to moan, but Hope was nodding and pointing at Charity and pointing towards the door.

“Assholes!,” Charity said, straightening out her blouse. “Alright, we’ve got to get you out of here.”

Hope seemed to be settling down.

Charity dug through her purse looking for some more hard candies. They seemed to be a good prop for many things, most notably building an environment of goodwill with the mysterious woman.

“Crap,” Charity muttered. She only had licorice flavored candies left – the one flavor of which she was not so fond. She set them on the table and picked one up and sniffed it dramatically, then held her nose and made a “blech” sound.

“Do you want one?” she asked Hope.

Hope nodded her head, so Charity unwrapped the paper and placed the candy in Hope’s palm. Hope quickly tossed the candy in her mouth and started sucking vigorously. After a moment though, she stopped and her eyes squinted.

“Thplech!” The candy flew out of her mouth and bounced across the table. Hope started using both hands to apparently try to scrape the taste off her tongue which made a lot of clicking noises and her face chains were ringing. Somehow she avoided cutting herself on the pins mounted in her lips. “Wuh-llla!”

“Here. Have some water!” Charity said, sliding a cup over towards Hope.

The decorated woman picked up the water and guzzled down about half the contents, some of it streaming down her chin and along the chains mounted from her bottom lip. Finally, she put the cup down with a final “bleh!”

Hope looked up at Charity who had watched the whole scene with a look of horror. But, Hope just smiled and started laughing. Charity was so relieved she began laughing as well.

“No more of these,” Charity said, and swept the remaining candies off the table and they bounced across the room, making Hope laugh all the more. “Bleh!”

Finally, after they settled down, Charity pointed to her own eye. “Can I look in your mouth?” She finished by pointing at Hope’s mouth. Charity held her mouth open to illustrate her request.

Hope pointed to her chest, “Meh?” Then, somewhat hesitant at first, she opened her mouth for Charity to look inside. Indeed, there was a sizable ball sitting atop a stud through her tongue. Charity could also see the chains that pierced each side of her lower lip. They stretched up to some mounts on the outside of Hope’s upper jaw. Near the mounts, teeth had been removed to make room for metal struts angled toward the roof of Hope’s mouth.

Charity took out her phone and turned on the flashlight to get a better view inside. The light reflected off an array of chrome hardware inside. She could not even theorize as to the purpose of the hardware.

“Who did this to you?” Charity asked. Randomly pointing at Hope’s mouth. “Who?”

Hope gathered the chains and jewels that hung from her chin. “Who?” she mimicked.

“Yes. Who? And why?”

Hope raised her hands to her head – the heels of her palms near her temples and her fingers pointed up. “Day ah bru bah (click).”

“Day abru…?” Charity tried to repeat.

Hope nodded her head vigorously. “Day ah bru bah (click).”

Hope pointed at Charity and then herself.

“You and me?” Charity guessed.

Hope waved her hands up and down making an hourglass shape.

“A woman? Woman?” Charity asked, doing the same with her hands.

Hope nodded. “Wu mahh. Wu mahh. Ay ma (click) oo may ah. Wu mahh.” She held her hands up again by her temples. “Oh so ay ma (click) oo may ah hhye eets (click) oh ah. Hhye eets (click) oh ah!” She made an hourglass hand signal again and then pointed straight up briefly before pounding her right fist into the palm of her left hand. “Hhye eets (click) oh ah! Day ah bru bah (click)!”


Charity was at home one evening when she received a text from Keyholder – a minimized URL. She ran to her computer (which had much better speakers than the phone) and she typed the URL into her browser which eventually displayed a single Play button.

“Charity, my love! I have been instructed to create a voice message for you again. I love you! I love you! And since I’m making this message that must mean that you are safe and well.

“They say that I should tell you about how I am being held captive. There isn’t much to say, really. I’m in a very nondescript room. No windows. No doors. There must be a door somewhere though.

“There are four chains; one for each limb and the attachment points are spread out in such a way that I can’t reach any of the walls. The chains make a lot of racket when I move around. It’s almost the only thing that I ever hear. I still have never seen anyone.

“There’s a chair mounted in the middle of the room. It doubles as a bed with stirrups so I can lie back and sleep. I refused to even sit in it at first. Some sort of rebellion, I guess. Whatever. They didn’t seem to care, so I gave that up after a while.

“There’s a toilet and two pipes – one for drinking and one has this tasteless mush which, I guess, is food.

“That’s about all there is to say about my cell.

“The boredom is killing me – my mind. I sit and think about you. I’m naked, but I’m still wearing the collar. I guess even they don’t know how to take it off. I scream at the walls – telling them that I can get it off by seeing you and then I’d let them do whatever to me. I’m so worried about your… Well, you’re as stuck as I am and it’s all my fault,” Blue voice cracked a little, she was trying not to cry.

“They never answer me though, I just see messages projected on the wall in front of me. Occasionally, I hear a voice though. But, I think the voice is just a parrot. It says, ‘Go to sleep. Go to sleep.’

“I think they are drugging me. I don’t all the time remember falling asleep, but I often wake up freshly cleaned. If I refuse to eat, I wake up not hungry. I once tried to bruise myself with one of the chains, just to see what would happen… But the next thing I knew I was waking up from a dream… I haven’t had my period, but surely I’ve been here for several months! I noticed my hair is getting shorter. Maybe time is moving backwards…”

There was a popping sound, the voice message ended, and the play button disappeared…

“This site can not be reached.”
