Intimate Domination

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As Sarah lay there on the bed, her heart raced with anticipation and excitement. She knew what was coming, but she couldn’t predict the intensity of pleasure that would pulsate through her body.

Her intimate partner, Tom, entered the room, his powerful presence commanding her attention. He locked the door behind him and sauntered towards the bed, his eyes fixed on her with a fierce intensity.

“You have been such a good girl, Sarah,” he said in a low, measured voice.

She nodded, her body tingling with anticipation. Tom was an expert in the art of intimate domination, and she surrendered herself to his every whim without reservation.

He lifted the hem of her dress, exposing her lace panties. He ran a finger over the soft material, watching Sarah’s body shiver with pleasure.

“I want to see you, Sarah,” he said firmly.

She obeyed, lifting her dress over her head as Tom watched with a predatory gaze. Her breasts spilled out of her bra, her nipples erect from the cool air in the room.

Tom’s fingers trailed down her torso, settling between her legs. He felt the dampness through her panties, teasing her with the tips of his fingers.

Sarah’s breath came in ragged gasps as Tom slowly stripped her of her panties, exposing her slick folds to the cool air. He traced a finger over her clit, making her arch her back with a ragged moan.

“Are you ready to submit, Sarah?” he asked.

“Yes,” she whimpered, her body aching with desire.

Tom pushed her back onto the mattress, spreading her legs wide aside. He took a blindfold from his pocket and slipped it over her eyes, removing her sense of sight. The feeling of being unable to see heightened her other senses, making every touch and sound feel more intense.

Tom took a silk scarf and bound her wrists, securing them to the headboard. Sarah was now at his mercy, her body trembling with anticipation.

She felt Tom’s breath on her skin, his fingertips tracing over every inch of her body, making her shiver with pleasure.

He kissed her deeply, his tongue invading her mouth with a fierce intensity. His hands roamed over her body, teasing her nipples until they were painfully erect.

Tom then ran his tongue down the center of her chest, his fingers trailing over her hips and thighs. He reached her core, tracing her wet folds with his tongue, sending waves of pleasure through her body.

Sarah was lost in a sea of pleasure, unable to control her own movements as Tom devoured her with his mouth. When she was on the edge of climax, he stopped, making her whimper with frustration.

“Please, Tom,” she begged. “I need more.”

Tom chuckled, his fingers probing her core and making her writhe with pleasure. He whispered in her ear, urging her to let go and surrender to the moment.

Sarah’s climax hit her like a freight train, her body tensing and shuddering with intense pleasure. Tom held her in his arms, whispering words of comfort as she came down from her high.

As they lay there, panting and sweating, Sarah couldn’t help but feel grateful for the experience. Tom had given her the gift of true intimacy, and she was forever indebted to him.