Exposure Therapy Fourth Session – Fetish

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“Time to wake up Sweetie. You must’ve dosed of when you started to relax. How do you feel?”

As all the time I felt amazing. So calm and almost drained. Both mentally and physically. But in a very good way. Like all my worries and aches were gone with the wind.

“I feel wonderful ma’am, but I also feel like I need an energy boost. Because I feel quite drained.”

“Drained huh, then I know just what you need. Since you’ve been starting doing yoga and other stretching exercises you need to start thinking of what you put in your body more, and we can even start to introduce some weight training.”

This sounded like real progress! I cannot believe I doubted this. I were gonna get muscular, get rid off my addiction, and turn my life around. All thanks to lovely Doctor Cox.

“That sounds amazing Doctor, truly!”

“That’s great to hear. Now the first thing you want to focus on before you start training with weights is to have a strong foundation. So doing squats and other exercises that focuses on your legs and butt is important. Before introducing too heavy weights. So that you don’t get to sore as we’ve talked about.”

That made sense. Whenever you create something, if the foundation isn’t strong. The rest would collapse.

“Sounds like a good way to start.”

“I will give you a schedule of exercises that you will do each day, and at the end of the week we’ll see how much you have improved.

This way you’ll be even more motivated to do each day’s exercises. But just because you’ll start doing this you can’t stop doing your stretching exercises. Stretching every muscle in your body is very important. There’s a study that shows that if you’re able to limber up all your muscles. You can relax much easier.”

Not only did the stretching help me keep my mind off of porn. But it was really good for me. To be a calmer more relaxed person.

“All this sounds incredible! You said something about dieting too right?”

“I said that you need to start thinking of what you put in your body. Dieting is of course a part of that but it isn’t everything. You see, the study that showed so good results and positive effects from stretching all your muscles didn’t exclude any muscle group. So in order for this to be as effective as possible. We have to try our best to stretch ALL your muscles.”

I didn’t quite figure out. I wondered my yoga and stretching exercises had done just that. I felt that I was getting much more limber.

“I don’t know what you mean ma’am. I’m doing all kinds of stretching exercises.”

“You are doing very good, but not all muscles can get stretched from just regular yoga. You need a more advanced version to get the best results. But only very dedicated Good Boys will see that this is the most effective method to reach his goals.”

I was a Good Boy. I knew that doctor Cox knew what was best for me. Of course I was dedicated to get rid of my addiction.

“I am dedicated ma’am. I will do whatever it takes to become healthier.”

“That’s very good to hear. I knew you were a really Good Boy. There are some muscles that is impossible to stretch without the help of tools. Luckily you already possess something that we can work with at home.

Now before I give you your new tasks for the week and the additional advanced yoga poses, we have to talk about adding some new flavors to your diet…”


I cannot believe I had to do all these tasks. But I couldn’t deny that after I was done with my “advanced yoga” I felt incredibly relaxed. I tried to look past all the sexual factors of it. Like Doctor Cox had told me, not to focus on. But it was really hard to not think of some of the exercises as not being sexual.

Once again I knocked at the door to my therapists door and waited.

The door opened and there stood my gorgeous therapist. Had she all the time looked so divine? I felt a rush of blood to my groin.

I imagined Doctor Cox as being the Goddess in a porn video, telling me what to do.

My daydreaming ended abruptly when she started speaking.

“Good afternoon Sweetie. How lovely to see you.”

She held out her hand, and instead of shaking it. I leaned down and gave it a kiss. It felt like the right thing to do.

“Good afternoon Goddess. Oh-h sorry, I-I mean ma’am.” I managed to stammer out. What had I just said?! Now she’d think I was an even bigger freak, and would never see me again. She could see the discomfort on my face and answered.

“Oh don’t worry Sweetie. You can call me that if that makes you more comfortable. Actually, we’re going to try out something new today. A little more immersive for us both. Later on during our session, I actually want you to call me Goddess. Does that sound like something you would want to do Sweetie?”

I was stunned. I could feel my arousal through my whole body. This was like a fantasy coming to life. I could’ve only imagined something like this happening.

“If you think that’s a good idea… Goddess.”

“I do. Now we need to expose you more to your addiction in order for you to learn how it has been controlling your life, and by acting out a role playing scenario. I will be able to see how you react.”

Was this really happening? I could never have dreamed of anything like this could happen in real life.

“But before we do that. I want to start the session as usual. Sit on the couch and tell me about your week. I bet it has been quite a challenging couple of days.”

I sat down and took a deep breath.

“When I went home from my last session. I didn’t know how I felt about my new tasks. It did feel reasonable. The study you talked about clearly showed results if you stretched every muscle, and I knew that both the throat and asshole have muscles. I never thought of that you could stretch them out before though.

I was a little hesitant on how I should start, but I remembered that lube is very important to reduce the pain.

I knew that the sex store I bought the dildo last time would have a lube, that was made for this sort of thing. So I decided that before anything else, I should go there and buy some lube.”

“That’s very responsible of you. Recognizing that you should take care of yourself the right way, and to buy the right things at the right place. So how was your shopping experience at the sex toy shop this time? You felt a little uncomfortable last time, even though you were doing the right thing. You thought the shopkeeper teased you, even though she only tried to help you.”

I remembered how embarrassed I felt the last time, and wondered that this time would be much better. Since it was only lube that I was buying. But somehow this interaction had become embarrassing as well.

“At first it wasn’t that bad. I was just looking around, waiting so that I would be the only customer left. I picked up a big bottle that I thought was a good size, and went to pay.

The same woman as last time was standing behind the counter, and it looked like she recognized me. She gave me a smile and said “Hi again, how was your new toy?”

“That was very receptive of her! Remembering you and asking how your experience had been.”

That had not been my thought when she asked the question.

“Yeah I guess you’re right. I had just hoped that I wouldn’t have to talk about such stuff with her. But I didn’t want to be rude either, and I remembered you saying that she was just a good seller, and didn’t mean anything bad.

So I answered truthfully and told her that I hadn’t used it.

She looked down and saw what I had in my hands and answered with “Of course, you forgot to buy lube. That’s why you haven’t used it yet.

It’s always a good idea to use lots of lube. Have you looked at the different versions so that you buy the right one for you?”

“You see, she only wanted you to be using your dildo in a safe way.”

I couldn’t believe I had a dildo. I knew I needed help, when I bought the butt plug, and now after receiving help I had a dildo at home.

“Yeah she seemed very interested in me using the dildo the right way. I told her that I had just brought a bottle that I thought was a good size and that I had never bought any lube before. It was quite a large bottle, but I thought it was a good thing since it wouldn’t empty to quickly.

She said that there was different kinds of lube, and since this was my first bottle. I shouldn’t buy such a large container. I should try different kind’s before I decided which was my favorite.”

“That was very gracious of her. Even though she would get more money if you bought that big bottle. She decided to help you so that you could make a more qualified purchase.”

“Yeah, I hadn’t looked at it that way. At that moment I only thought about how I had to be in the store for a longer time. But I guess you’re right.

Well anyway, she took me to where all the lubes were and she was right. There was a lot of different kinds. But I didn’t realize they were that different. I thought lube was lube. But that is certainly not the case.

She talked about how there were some that wasn’t compatible with latex. That they had a different feel and some even had flavors to them. When she told me this she asked if that was something I would be interested in. I started blushing when I realized that I had thought about it. Told her, that wasn’t necessary. So she picked out a small bottle with water based lube, and told me this would suit my needs. She said “This one is very versatile, you can use it for every hole. So if you decide to train your blowjob skills and feel like your spit isn’t lubricant enough. This is safe to swallow.”

“What a caring lady! Of course she couldn’t have known that you wasn’t gonna train your “blowjobs skills”. She could only assume that you would, since you bought that dildo the last time. But very good to know that is wasn’t harmful in any way.”

I guess Doctor Cox had a point. She made me see things in a different light. In that moment at the store I just felt ashamed. That the lady at the store thought that I was some big cocksucker. When I actually hadn’t even taken the dildo out of its box.

“That’s true, I did have a better understanding of lubricants for sure.

Well that was pretty much it. With a red face I went to buy the lube. She wished me good luck, take it slow and to be safe, and I went home.”

“You remember how you wondered that she was teasing you and using your inexperience to make fun of you? I think that now we can truly put those worries to rest.

I can clearly tell that she really cares for your well being and that you should perceive what she says with a more open mind. In fact I want to tell her myself how much I appreciate her helping you. What’s the name of the store?”

Doctor Cox was right of course. I just had a hard time viewing it from that point of view when I felt so embarrassed.

“It’s called Toys’R’N’Us. It’s quite close to my apartment.”

“What a smart name. I can tell for certain, that it was the right decision to make you go to this place to buy your future tools.

Speaking of stretching tools. How has your advanced yoga and stretching exercises been going?

“Well it’s been going quite good all week I guess. The pose where I lay on my back with my legs above my head really does stretch out my back, and the dynamic stretching exercise you gave me where I squat down and imagine that I have a ball under me that I am bouncing on, stretches out my butt muscles.

But when it comes to the internal stretching exercises I have a little problem.”

“Haven’t you been using your stretching tool, or what seems to be the problem?”

“I have used the stretching tool. Like you told me. Both in my mouth and in my butt. But I have a hard time not thinking of it as being sexual. I mean, it’s a life like… dildo, maybe I could use something else for my internal stretching that wasn’t so phallic shaped.”

She must see how I could perceive this in a sexual light.

“I remember clearly that I told you that this was for your well being. Not for anything remotely sexual. Just because your stretching tool is a silicone cock doesn’t mean that you should fantasize about sucking cock when you are doing your throat stretching exercises. Or imagining taking cocks up the ass when you are doing your sphincter and bowels stretching exercises.

What you should be thinking about is how this will help you with your addiction. Instead of jerking your dickie all day, thinking about all the kinky fetishes you’ve talked about that you have.

You are literally taking the problem into your own hands, because the problem is YOUR naughty dickie. Not the cock or rather your stretching tool that you are using for your own well being, so that you don’t have to jerk all day.”

I couldn’t help myself. It was so hard not to think those thoughts. Even though I was imagining a Goddess with a strap on. Not a real cock. But I bet that she didn’t mean a REAL cock.

“I’m sorry Doctor. I’m really trying my best. I can’t help it. I get super horny and can’t think straight.

During the week, every time it’s time to do internal stretching, I lose focus on the end goal. My cock gets hard and instead of focusing about doing my best to stretch. I just lose myself in my fantasies and feel so guilty for it.”

“I understand that it’s hard for you. That’s a part of why I want you to continue with using the same stretching tool. You are challenging yourself each time, and you have the opportunity to face your addiction head on. This is a big part of the exposure therapy.

While still doing your stretching exercises, that are so good for you. You get to see what has been fueling your insecurities. This will help you grow as a person.”

Face my addiction head on. “Literally” I wondered and inwardly groaned.

But that was not the right mindset. Doctor Cox was right. If I ever were to get rid of my addiction. I had to face my fears, my insecurities.

“I don’t know how I could stop my thoughts from spiraling away. It’s incredibly hard not too.”

“There is a solution, but we will talk more about that later on during the session. Just be rest assured that your dickie won’t get hard from using your internal stretching tool in the future.”

Why hadn’t she told me about this solution last week? Maybe admitting to myself and seeing my own reaction to the therapy was a part the healing process.

“That’s great to hear. Can’t wait to know what the solution is!”

“You’ll have to wait, my impatient little boy. Now before we start your hypno therapy. We’re going to act out a little role playing scenario. Where you will indulge in your fetishes. So that I can see how you react. Does my good little boy want to do that?”

I had never liked to be in the college play when I was younger. I had all the time been to shy. But the prospect of acting out some fantasy of mine. In order to cure my addiction, sounded like a great deal to me.

“Yes… Goddess. I would like to do that.”


“Good Boy, you know that you should always treat your Goddess with respect. Don’t you sweetie?”

“Yes Goddess.”

“Then be a Good Boy and crawl to my feet and give each one a kiss, so that I know you are truly a Good Boy and a loyal Pet.”

My body moved by itself. It just knew what to do.

This was such a rush. I dropped to my hands and knees, and felt how hard I was. If doing things like this, could get rid of my addiction. I hoped that the process was long.

I started crawling towards her.

“Good Boy, you know that your place is beneath me. That’s where you belong. Isn’t it Pet?”

“Yes Goddess.”

“Give each of my feet a long kiss and show your devotion for your Goddess.”

I crawled up to her. She was still sitting in her chair. She was wearing high heels that was open in the front. She wasn’t wearing any socks. So I could clearly see her feet.

I didn’t have a foot fetish, and even though this could be considered sexual. It was more about showing respect for your superior.

I leaned down and gave each foot a long kiss and looked up at my new Goddess.

“Have I given you permission to look at me?”

Doctor Cox said with a stern voice.

I immediately bowed my head.

“I’m sorry Goddess, I didn’t mean to offend you Goddess.”

“Good Boys should know proper etiquette, and know what is allowed and what isn’t. You do want to be my Good little Boy don’t you?”

“Yes Goddess.”

“And when you misbehave and don’t do what you’re told. Then you deserve a punishment. Don’t you?”

“Yes Goddess.”

“Good that we agree, before I decide what your punishment for not knowing proper etiquette will be. I want you to recall that YOU wanted to start a new diet to become more healthy, didn’t you?

“Yes Goddess, I did.”

“Remind me what YOU wanted to add in your new diet, so that you could become healthier and more virile.”

“I wanted to drink more milk and especially more cream. I just love the taste of yummy cream.”

I didn’t know why I had started craving milk and cream. But it must have to do with the new diet that I had wanted to try out.

The last session I remember vaguely, how I had heard somewhere that cream and milk was super healthy for Good Boys and asked Doctor Cox if this was correct. She had said something along the lines of.

“It is Sweetie, Good Boys loves slurping down cream and milk and it’s super healthy for them as well.”

So this past week I had been enjoying my new guilty pleasure. That WAS really good for me.

For some reason I started really craving it whenever I had my internal stretching exercises, and always drank some after each session. That was something that I tried to focus on, during the exercises.

“You do, don’t you. You just love cream. Wouldn’t you just love to have some freshly milked cream right now?”

“Oh I would love that Goddess. Do you have any here.”

I so hoped that she did. I could really need some cream right now. I could feel my mouth starting to salivate.

“I think that we can produce a special sort of cream that are perfect for Good Boys. Would you like some?”

Oh was I in heaven or what?

“Oh yes Goddess, I would love some.”

“Then close your eyes and take out that cute hard little dickie from your pants, and imagine my breasts.”

Without hesitation I took out my dick. Envisioning my Goddess’s perfect tits.

“Begin stroking your dickie with three fingers, and imagine that you could have the honor of servicing my perfect boobs with your mouth.”

I could really see it. Me on my knees sucking away on those round globes of perfection.

“Hold your hand that you’re not stroking with out in front of you.”

I did, and felt a small glass being put into it.

“This is a little container that you’re gonna ejaculate into. So that you don’t make a mess on my floor. If you make a mess you all the time have to clean it right?”

“Of course Goddess I won’t make a mess, I promise.”

“Good Boy, now imagine that my tits were covered with delicious gooey cream. Wouldn’t you love to clean them up with your tongue, and lick up every creamy drop?”

I started stroking faster. Even though I was only using three fingers I could feel myself coming closer to the edge.

“Yes Goddess, I would love to clean your amazing tits with my tongue.”

“Don’t you wish that a hunky alpha male could cover my big tits with cream for you to clean of? Savoring every lick of yummy cream.”

Why would someone else cover her with cream for me to lick? Couldn’t she just put cream on herself for me me to eat.

But of course she wouldn’t like me to question her. She was my Goddess after all.

“Yes Goddess, I’d love to.”

“Imagine that my breasts would produce cream like that. Big Gorgeous Creamy milk. Or BBC milk for short. Wouldn’t that be the best nourishment a Good little Boy could hope for? BBC milk straight from the source.”

That was a little odd shortening for her own produced milk. Didn’t she remember that BBC stood for something completely different as well. Maybe I could remind her of that next session. Right now I only wanted to feel good and follow my Goddess orders.
