Exalted Auctions: The Virgin Bride Ch. 03 – Fetish

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Disclaimers: See Part 1 for disclaimers.

16. Dumpy Apartment Building

Judy knew that I’d be upset with her that she signed the auction contract without talking to me about it beforehand. She also knew I wouldn’t like the modifications she had agreed to. While she didn’t have to tell me everything that had occurred in her meeting with Penelope, she’d have no choice but to reveal that she had agreed to auction off our wedding night and a honeymoon period.

I was sitting on the couch when Judy walked into the apartment and placed her purse and a paper bag on top of the kitchen table. “Well,” I began. “What happened?”

“Everything went really well,” Judy said as she pulled a cheap bottle of wine from the paper bag. Judy grabbed two glasses out of the cabinet and set them both on the table. “I spoke with a woman named Penelope. Everything was very classy and professional. She thinks we can make a lot of money working with them. A lot more than just twenty-five grand.”

“Really?” I asked. “Like how much? Does the auction company take a cut?”

Judy twisted off the top of the wine bottle and responded to me, “She couldn’t give me a number because its unpredictable. She hinted though that we could be more in the ballpark of one hundred grand.”

“Are you kidding me?” I asked. “You could rent out an entire brothel in Nevada for that much money. Who in their right mind would pay that much just to take someone’s virginity?”

Judy poured a glass of red wine and handed it to me. “This is where we really need to be open minded,” Judy explained. “Penelope explained that we can make a lot more money if we offer the winner a unique experience. We got to act like it is a rare opportunity for kind of a luxurious experience. She made a lot of good points about how if we’re going to do this we might as well get as much as we possibly can out of it.” A loud motorcycle drove through the nearby intersection.

I took a sip from the tart glass of wine Judy had handed me before responding, “Those are just buzz words, Judy. You can use language like luxurious. You can say you offer a unique experience, but most people are going to see right through this. No matter how you try to dress it up. You’re still another woman engaging in the world’s oldest profession.”

“I don’t think you’re understanding,” Judy said. “Our focus was on the opportunity they advertised in the email. I could use my virginity to make a lot of money quickly. What Penelope helped me to understand is what I should have thought was how to leverage this in a way that will get us the maximum amount of value for what we’re exchanging.”

“I don’t understand,” I complained.

Judy poured herself a glass of wine. After taking a sip, she continued, “Think about it. If I spent the night with whoever wins the auction, I get what that’s worth. If I also spend the next three days with him, the winner gets four times the experience. That’s four times the value of the auction.”

“But isn’t the appeal of the auction taking your virginity?” I countered. “That’s enough money he could pay three other prostitutes. Might as well go for the variety.”

“Penelope is an expert at these auctions,” Judy explained as she nodded her head. “She knows how to get bids and attention. I trust her judgment on this one hundred percent. This is why I said earlier we got to treat it like a luxurious experience. Penelope offered to finance our wedding in advance. The auction will not only be for my virginity but also our wedding night and a three-day honeymoon.”

“The virginity auction was bad enough but don’t tell me you are considering pulling me into this,” I objected as I disparagingly shook my head and assumed a sour look. “That’s some kinky, messed up shit right there and not in a good way. This Penelope woman is trying to make a fetish out of our marriage. She must think some real pervs would pay big to bang some cuckold’s virgin wife.”

“No, it’s not like that at all!” Judy responded before clearing her throat. She walked over to the couch and sat down. Judy put her arm around me and explained, “You make it sound so dirty when it’s the opposite. You’ve heard how rich men pay extra for the girlfriend experience, right? It’s when a hooker acts like they’re in a relationship with the john. This is just like that but even more luxurious. It’s like the newlywed experience. I just have to roleplay for a few days and the winner gets the experience of having a brand-new virgin wife. In exchange we make piles of money.”

“Yeah,” I continued. “But at what cost? We don’t get to be together on our wedding night. You have to spend three days having sex with a stranger.”

“Why does it matter if I have sex once or several times?” Judy asked as she shifted back and forth on the couch cushion. She took another sip from her wine glass before continuing, “It’s not going to make any difference. After this is over with, you and I can have as much sex as you want. Every night can be our wedding night. If you want to have a real honeymoon together, we can do it. Pick where you want to go. We’re going to have plenty of money to pay for it.” Judy gently rubbed my groin through the material of my pants.

Not taking the bait, I continued to object, “I don’t like this. You should tell them you’re not interested in that. If you’re hellbent on doing this, just stick with the virginity auction. This honeymoon stuff is way too sleazy and is only going to attract weirdos. We can make enough money without changing things up. We don’t have to degrade ourselves even further.”

“Honey, of course I told them I’d talk to you first before agreeing,” Judy lied as she rubbed the back of her neck. “But at the end of the day, it’s my body and I get to make the decision. Penelope is the expert here and she knows a lot more about how these things work than you or I do. I trust her instincts.”

“You don’t think I have a right to have a say in this?” I complained as my face grew red. “This affects me as much as it affects you!”

“Look honey,” Judy responded as she pinched her lips together. “Everything I am doing with this; I am doing for us. I’m doing it out of love for you. I wish there were other opportunities we could rely on. But unfortunately, we’re out of options. I am not thrilled about being intimate with a stranger, especially spending several days with him. It’s not something I look forward to. Trust me. But it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make for our relationship to flourish. I know you don’t like the idea of another man getting to sleep with me. I don’t like that you were with other women before me. However, I’m willing to set that aside and move our relationship forward. This is just a one-time thing that you should think of like me having a past fling.”

“I think you need to ask them for some more time to thing about this,” I responded before letting out a long, low sigh. “The last thing we want to do is rush into something like this and end up over our heads.”

“Sure, honey, let’s do that,” Judy lied as she looked past me. “You know, I was talking to someone at work who mentioned that there are some men who really like it when their wives have sex with other men. I think it’s called cuckolding. I guess it turns them on. Have you ever had any fantasies like that?”

“Of course not!” I objected before rubbing my jaw. “I can’t believe you asked me that. People shouldn’t be talking about stuff like that at an office. It’s inappropriate. Why would I ever want you to cheat on me?”

Judy took another sip from her wine glass before replying, “I was just wondering. Maybe there’s a way to make the best of all this. Like, when we finally do get to have sex, maybe the extra delay will make us both extra horny for each other.”

“I don’t know how much enthusiasm you’re going to have after four days of getting plowed by some horny dude,” I disagreed as I crossed my arms over my chest. “Whatever happens though, I don’t want any complaints when it comes to our sex life after we’re married. It’s bad enough you made me put up with this wait until marriage bullshit, but this is fucking ludicrous. Once this over and done with I expect sex on demand.”

“Anything you want master,” Judy replied in a seductive voice as she turned away from me and rolled her eyes. “Once this is over and done; you’ll never have to jerk off in the bathroom ever again. I promise you’ll be well taken care of.”

“I better be,” I said as I sneered impatiently. “Speaking of the bathroom, I got to go real quick.”

  1. Jewelry Store

“So how is this going to work?” Judy and asked into a cell phone as the two of us stood outside of the jewelry store downtown.

“Sweetie, I am so happy for you,” Penelope’s voice sounded from the phone receiver. “It must be so exciting for you to get the engagement ring you deserve. All your friends are going to be so jealous when they see your big diamond. We’re confident enough in your auction that we’ll front you a budget of $20,000 for the ring. Obviously, whatever you spend comes out of your winning bid. If you want to spend more than that you’ll have to figure out how to finance the remainder. I already worked the details out with the store’s owner. He also mentioned he can provide his own financing if our budget isn’t enough for you.”

“Thank you so much, Penelope,” Judy spoke, her eyes brightening and body relaxing as she recalled previous weddings she had attended. “Ever since I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to get married. Jessica is going to freak out when she sees my ring.”

Penelope cheerfully responded, “You ‘ve been doing all the right things, Sweetie. Now you finally get to have a taste of your sweet reward. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself. Anyways, I got another appointment so I’m going to let you go. Text me a picture of your ring when you get a chance.”

Judy put the phone away and turned to me. “Everything’s been taken care of,” Judy explained as she nodded her head. “We just have to pick out the ring.” Before I could respond, Judy opened the door and walked into the jewelry shop as I followed close behind. A bell sounded when the door was opened.

“Come in, come in,” a portly middle-aged man wearing a well-tailored company suit gestured to us from behind the counter of the jewelry store. “You must be the young couple Ms. Penelope told me about.” The man poorly concealed a smirk as he gave Judy the look over. “My name is Max, and this is my shop. Everything right now has a 20% discount. Would you like my assistance in finding a ring?” The jewelry store was brightly lit and smelled of air-freshener. As I looked around the store, I could see gems and diamonds sparkling underneath the numerous locked glass display cases strewn about.

“Not right now,” Judy responded as she wandered around the store with her eyes full of sparkle and gleam. “For now, we just want to look around.”

I walked over to a large display of rings and began looking it over. A diamond ring with a $6,000 price tag caught my eye. “Hey Judy,” I called out. “What do you think of this one?” I pointed to the ring.

Judy softly hummed to herself as she walked over and looked down at the display case. “Wow, that’s pretty,” Judy responded. “Can we take a closer look at this one?”

Max walked over to the display case and pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the case. He picked up the ring that we had been looking at and handed it to Judy. “Ahh, yes,” he commented. “That is one of our most popular rings, especially for couples on a budget.”

Judy stopped humming as she brought the ring up to her face and carefully inspected it. “I don’t know,” Judy studied the ring before biting her cheek. “I deserve a ring that will get a lot of attention. How many carats is this?”

“That ring?” Max asked. “That ring is only a single carat.”

“It looks pretty nice to me and that’s a good price especially with twenty percent off,” I pointed out.

Max took the ring from Judy and placed it back into the display case. He then selected another ring and offered it to Judy. “Why don’t you try this one on?”

Judy extended her finger and allowed Max to slide the ring into place on her ring finger. “Wow, that diamond is big,” Judy commented as she fixated her gaze on to her finger. “It’s beautiful”

I looked down at the display case to check on the price of the ring. “Judy, that ring is listed at twenty-five grand,” I spoke in a quick and sharp tone

“Indeed,” Max responded. “It’s a two-carat diamond. With twenty percent off, it should fit the budget that Ms. Penelope mentioned when we spoke.”

“Really?” Judy responded with excitement. “Imagine what the girls at work will be saying when they see a diamond this big.”

“Judy, doesn’t that seem like a lot to spend on a piece of jewelry?” I responded as my eyebrows drew together. “Remember, everything we spend gets taken out of whatever you earn on the auction.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Judy responded dismissively. “We’re going to make so much money that we might as well indulge a little. I’ve always dreamed of being the girl with the big diamond ring.”

“It is quite nice,” Max began before continuing, “but of course, it is not our biggest diamond.” Max reached over to Judy and removed the ring from her finger and returned it to the display. He then walked back across the counter and into a back room only to soon emerge holding a small box. “I want you to try this on, Miss.”

Judy extended her finger once again and allowed Max to place the ring on her finger. “Oh wow,” Judy responded. Her jaw went slack as she stared intensely at the ring on her finger. “That diamond is huge. Oh my god, I love this ring.” Judy’s lips slowly shifted into a smile and her glossy eyes began to shine as she held her finger up in the air. “How many carats is this one?”

“Three carats,” Max responded.

“Three carats?” I responded as I pinched my lips together. “Do you really need that big of a ring, Judy?”

“Don’t worry, honey,” Judy responded as she began tapping her foot on the ground. “I am sacrificing a lot for us right now. Just let me treat myself a little. I want to have the wedding I always dreamed of, and this ring is it. This one fits our budget as well, right?”

Max shook his head. “I’m afraid not,” Max responded. “That’s a forty-thousand-dollar ring. Before our twenty percent off. However, that also makes it by far our best deal. If you were to buy this ring, you save eight-thousand-dollars.”

“Yeah, but we’re broke,” I interjected as I felt my stomach harden. “We are stuck at a limit of twenty-thousand-dollars. Maybe we should take a break and go get something to eat so we can have some time to think?”

Judy frowned. “But I really like this ring. Is there any way we could maybe haggle over it?”

Max shook his head “I’m sorry Miss,” Max apologized. “This is not that type of store unfortunately. However, I can offer you financing. Your benefactor can pay the bulk of the costs and you can make installment payments over the next eighteen months for the rest.”

“I don’t think it is a good idea to go more into debt,” I objected while speaking through my teeth. “We don’t even know for sure how much money we are going to make. We shouldn’t do something we might end up regretting.”

“Let’s say I was to do the finance agreement,” Judy reasoned as she leaned in to look closer at the ring and gently stroked it with her other hand. “Could I delay the start date? I have… an auction coming up and I am not going to have the money to make the payments until after it’s over.”

Max rubbed his chin as he pondered Judy’s question. “I suppose that is an acceptable term,” Max concluded. “I will offer such an extension to payments beginning but only if you purchase this particular ring right now.”

“Deal!” Judy exclaimed as she extended her hand to Max before softly giggling.

Max stared at Judy before saying, “Oh.” He awkwardly extended his own hand and shook Judy’s. “Very well, please step back into my office and we will complete the finance agreement.”

I sighed heavily as Judy and Max headed to the back office together. All of that money for a stupid rock, I wondered. No one ever listens to me. I frowned as I shuffled over to the counter.

Max sat down in his desk. After pulling open a drawer, he produced a blank finance agreement which he began to fill out. “I am putting here that you agree to make installment payments of $666 a month. Those payments will begin on February 15th and will be due on the 15th day of each following month.”

“I know you said you don’t haggle but is there any other possible way for me to get a discount?” Judy offered as she placed her hand on top of Max’s.

Max looked Judy over and paused for a few seconds. “Unfortunately, miss, there is nothing more I can do for you. You already have saved eight thousand. Also, if it is ok with you and you don’t mind keeping a secret, I am willing to let you have this without having to pay the sales tax. Consider it a wedding gift.” Max winked at Judy.

“Well, I guess we have an agreement then,” Judy concluded with a nod of her head. “Where do I sign?”

After a short period of time lapsed, Judy emerged from the backroom with her new ring on her finger and a beaming smile. “Everyone’s going to remember our wedding, just like I remember all the ones I’ve been to,” Judy said as her eyes brightened while she admired her ring and unhurriedly walked towards me.

“Can we get out of here now?” I complained with a frown.

“Wait a second,” Judy responded. “I told Penelope that I would send her a picture.” Judy pulled out her phone and took a photograph of her ring finger and forwarded it to Penelope’s phone number.

As we walked out of the jewelry store, Judy’s phone buzzed with a text message. Judy opened the phone and read, Wow Sweetie! What a gorgeous ring. So proud of you for opening your life up to the gorgeous things.

  1. Photography Studio

In the days following her virtual meeting with Penelope, Judy received a to-do list that included scheduling a photo shoot with a photographer contracted by Exalted Auctions. Judy made the appropriate arrangements and had just arrived at the photography studio.

“Can I help you?” asked a tall and thin woman as Judy entered the studio. The studio was well lit and open and was otherwise devoid of anyone else. The room was the size of a college gymnasium and had a ceramic floor. A few stages were set up around the corners. Numerous types of lights were scattered across the room. The tall and thin woman stood next to a table where numerous cameras rested. A green screen was pulled out behind a table in the back.

“My name is Judy,” my girlfriend replied. “Is this the location of the photo shoot?”

“Ah, so you must be the virgin bride,” the woman laughed as she gestured for Judy to join her across the room. The woman was wearing a black blouse patterned with yellow dots. The top of her large fake looking tits pushed out the top of the blouse showing a nice bit of cleavage. A pair of black pants tightly hugged her long legs. She had long painted fingernails.

Judy blushed red as she approached the other woman. “I suppose I am,” She responded as she rubbed the back of her neck. “So, I guess they filled you in on the details.”

The woman grinned widely and replied, “I do a lot of school photos. Baby photos. Sometimes, y’know, naughty photos.” The woman winked at Judy. “But never something quite this naughty. I give you credit though. This whole auction scheme is brilliant. If I had the ability to pull this off, I’d be doing it too.”

“Yeah, most women don’t stay virgins and if they do, they’re the type that would never dream of doing something like this,” Judy responded with a nod of her head. “I’ve just always been very stubborn about things. It’s part of my feminism I guess.”
