Eighty One – Laura’s Story Pt. 02 – BDSM

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The highly polished brass plaque contained only one word ‘Oakham’. Large stone pillars flanked the glossy black door of the Georgian building. After a deep breath to compose herself Laura pushed the ivory button situated below the brass nameplate. Seconds later a voice from the small grill asked if she could be of help. Instinctively Laura glanced up at the camera. “It’s Laura Miller, here to see Mr Weston.”

“Of course, please come in.” The friendly voice replied as the lock released with a loud click. Laura pushed open the heavy door to reveal a large reception area decorated to compliment the style of the original building. Rising from her desk the mature, attractive woman stepped forward to greet her.

“Hello, I’m Grace Edwards, Mr Weston’s assistant. He’s expecting you. I’ll show you straight through.”

“Thank you. It’s a lovely building you have here, it feels so welcoming and the décor’s terrific.”

“Isn’t it just. It’s so quiet but well situated for the city, we’re very fortunate. This way please.” Laura followed her into a long wide hallway. If the thick carpeting and wood panelling alluded to an air of opulence the original modern oil paintings confirmed it. The assistant stopped at the first door on the left, after a light knock she pushed it open before inviting Laura to enter.

“Mr Weston, Mrs Miller has arrived.” The formality between the two struck Laura as odd, so unlike her own very informal relationship with Abbie. Graham Weston screwed the cap onto his expensive looking fountain pen and carefully placed it onto the desk before rising from his chair.

“Laura, how nice to see you again so soon.” His memory had not deceived him. Even in her everyday office clothing he wondered she looked as enticing as she had in the little black dress. Although not quite as heavy as that evening her perfect make up made her all the more adorable. He thought if that was the norm or whether she had made a special effort for their meeting.

“Hello Mr Weston, what a lovely building you have here. You must be so proud of it.”

“We all like to be surrounded by objects of beauty and, so far, we’ve been in the fortunate position of being able to select from very rich pickings.” His words were accompanied by the same restrained half smile she had noticed so often during their previous meeting. “But where are my manners. May I offer you some refreshment? Tea, coffee?”

“No thank you, I’m just fine.”

“Splendid. So Andrew informs me that ‘the game is afoot’ as Sherlock would say. I’m so pleased to hear it.”

“How could we refuse?” She said, slightly unsettled, “we have everything to gain and nothing to loose, don’t you think?” Oh, he wondered, the irony of her words. Such opportunities rarely presented themselves so completely; the ideal situation and the ideal subject at just the right time. The onus was then on him to advantage from those favourable circumstances. He had to take care of the details, manipulate the circumstances and incite a satisfactory outcome.

“I’m a firm believer in the old adage ‘it’s not the winning but the taking part that matters’. Personally I’d be more than happy if you were to win the shares, as long as you play a good game.”

“I think we can, that’s why I’m here.” Weston certainly hoped so.

He was used to dealing with very attractive, intelligent women but more often than not they had found him or the organization. They were women who wanted secrets turned into experiences, women who provided no opposition. What he hoped for in this situation was a challenge, a battle of the mind, body and soul.

“I understand that you’re happy with the arrangements and are here to ‘sign on the dotted line’, is that correct?” He opened the top draw of the gigantic oak desk and took out a vanilla folder. Handing over the first sheet he said, “This is the basic agreement for the game. Andrew plays the game, you have to return any lost pieces and you both must stick to the rules.” He handed the sheet to Laura, unscrewed the cap from his fountain pen and offered it to her. She signed the bottom of the sheet. He hoped she hadn’t noticed the slight tremble in his hand as he took the sheet back. “And this is the agreement to sell your shares to us should you decide to resign.” Her slight hesitation and raised eyebrows conveyed her unease. “Oh don’t worry. I’ve assured Andrew and I can assure you that this is to be held by a third party and will be returned on completion of the game, win or loose.”

“It’s a lot of trust to place in somebody we hardly know.”

Weston leaned across his desk toward her, then in a neutral tone he said, “this is just our safeguard to make sure you’re not wasting our time. My research gave no indication that you two were ‘quitters’ as the Americans so crudely put it–quite the opposite in fact. But, you don’t have to do this you know, it’s up to you.”

“Oh, no, no. It’s fine, really.” He smiled as she placed her signature on the bottom of the sheet. His heart beat that little bit faster. Success.

“Well, if you have no other questions that just about concludes our business here.” He took a small card from the folder and slid it across the burgundy leather desktop. “Those are the details of the website who host online chess games. Andrew will need to register as a member, it’s all free, and then we can start.”

“That all sounds straight forward, thank you.” Laura rose from her chair seeing no reason to make the meeting last any longer than necessary.

“Laura, the pleasure is all mine, believe me.”

Whilst showing her out he opened the doors before stepping apart gesturing her through with a sweep of the arm–the perfect gentleman.


Andrew and Laura both loved lazy Saturday mornings. A leisurely breakfast in bed, reading the papers and making love. The order varied but not usually the content. After an appropriate measure of each Laura was first to make the effort to get out of bed. “Well,” she said with phony annoyance, “if that paper interests you so much you’ve obviously finished taking advantage of me and using me against my will so I think I’ll go for my run before I have a shower.”

“Oh, I’m sorry about that. I could tell you weren’t too keen when you kept shouting ‘oh fuck, yes, yes…’ right down my ear.” Andrew offered as an equally bogus apology.

“I was putting it on, don’t flatter yourself.” He loved her sense of humour and quick wit, something he found all too rare amongst the women he worked with. When visiting her office he envied the day to day banter he often observed between her and Abbie.

“How are you getting into town?” he called into the bathroom.

“Alice is picking me up and we’re meeting Olivia there.”

“Oh, you’re meeting her Ladyship, I hope you remember your manners.”

“Andrew, don’t be mean,” she scolded. “Olivia’s lovely. Just because she comes from a privileged background and is well spoken doesn’t make her a snob. Besides, she likes slumming it and I think she’d go for a bit of rough. That’s why she likes you.”

“Thanks very much. Just send her round. What time are you off anyway?”

“Alice said she’d be here around twelve.”

“Oh what convenient timing. That’ll just fit in with lunch out, what are the chances of that hey?”

“And what’s Mr Sarcastic planning on doing today?”

“I’ve got a few jobs to do around here first, then this afternoon I might watch the cricket.”

“Ooh, how exciting.” She said in her well practised histrionic manner. “Do you think somebody might win, or will they just play for four or five loooong days before calling it a draw?”

“You can make fun all you like. It’s complicated, that’s why you don’t understand it. You’re a woman and women’s brains aren’t developed enough to handle the intricate complexities of the game.”

“Thank god for that. Come on Jasper let’s leave him to it.” She knelt across the bed to kiss him goodbye, catching his flaccid manhood in the process. “Yuk, you’d better get a shower before you stick to that paper.”

By eleven o’clock Laura had showered and dressed, ready to meet Alice. She loved spending time with her. The two had been friends for years having shared a flat whilst at university. They had a lot in common, she worked for a marketing business in the city and her husband, Edward, worked as a financial consultant.

Laura went into the kitchen where Andrew was sitting on one of the high stools engrossed in something on his laptop. “I’m making coffee, do you want one?” she asked.

“Is it the really nice freshly ground strong sort with heated milk, or the crap sort from the jar?”

“It’s the sort that takes ages and leaves loads to wash up,” then the sarcastic tone returned, “but your worth it darling.”

“I know I am. You might want to take a look at this too.”

“What is it?” Laura asked before moving behind him in order to see the screen.

“The chess game. Graham’s challenge arrived as an email, when I clicked the link it took me here. Look, here’s the board and he’s had his first move. It has the instructions here.” He pointed to a column on the right of the board. “We’re playing black. Maximum 14 days per move.”

“Fourteen days! Bloody hell, with this and cricket you really play your sport in the fast lane don’t you.”

“Up to fourteen days, actually. And besides you may be glad of the time later on.” He continued with scanning the rules. “You can send private messages to opponents during play. If both players are online the game can be played live. Load the mobile app to play on the go, blah, blah, blah. Sounds straight forward.”

“How do you know if he’s online?” Andrew went back to the instructions.

“Here we are, ‘members available for live play are shown with a green dot next to their name’.”

“Is he green?”

“No. We’ll move anyway. There we go Pawn advances, take that sucker.”

“Are you taking this seriously? There’s a lot at stake here.” Laura scolded.

“Of course I am. Early stages darling, early stages. The game gets more interesting as it develops.” Laura left his side to pour the coffee’s.

“Do you want anything with your coffee?”

“No, I’m fine thanks. Hey! He’s gone green, and the boards updated.” Laura could see the excitement on his face as he studied the screen, he loved games. “Moved his Pawn. Lets see. We’ll move our Pawn as well, like that.” Andrew talked to himself as he clicked ‘submit move’. After only thirty seconds the board updated again. “He’s moved another Pawn, trying to get control of the centre, standard stuff.”

“What are you going to do about it? You’re rushing it aren’t you? Is he any good?” Laura moved behind him to look over his shoulder and see for herself.

“Laura, don’t panic. This is how all games start. The early moves are fairly tried and tested. We get to the more testing tactical stuff later.”

“Let’s bring a knight out shall we. There we are. Submit.” Following a brief pause the board updated showing Weston’s move. Andrew countered with bringing another knight into play.

“He’s taken a pawn.” Andrew said in his casual manner.

“What, how bad is that?”

“It’s normal. You don’t play a game of chess without losses on both sides.” Andrew moved his knight. “And he’s left a message.”

“What does it say?” Laura asked, “I haven’t got my glasses.”

Andrew read it out. “You are now in debt to the tune of one pawn. Remember the rules.” Weston’s green dot disappeared.

“You know what that means now don’t you?” Laura asked. A hint of concern in her voice.


“I’ve got to give the pieces back to him, it said so in the rules. I thought you were going to play on a proper board with real pieces. How am I going to give it back when it doesn’t actually exist. I mean it’s out there somewhere, in the cloud… thingy.”

“Hmm. I see what you mean.” His thoughts were disrupted by the sound of a car horn. Laura leaned back to see through the front windows.

“It’s Alice. I have to go. We’ll sort out what to do later.” She gave him a kiss. After stopping briefly to check her make up and hair in the hall mirror she picked up her bag and left by the front door.

Spending time with Alice returned her thoughts to everyday life and the things which filled it. They went to work, they socialised, they went shopping and all of the other things Laura enjoyed.

But during the journey into town that day her mind constantly returned to the chess game. Alice was unable to withstand commenting on her unusual quietness.

“Come on, out with it. What are you so deep in thought about?” Laura knew there was no use in trying to brush it off. Alice would continue to give her a hard time until she discovered the truth, so she enlightened her on the situation.

“So you’ve got to return this pawn and you don’t know how? Or where it is? And if you don’t you can’t buy his shares?”

“That’s about it, and any other pieces Andrew looses. Yesterday it all seemed so straight forward; the men would play their game and, if Andrew won, we would buy the shares. Now, in the cold light of day the whole thing seems dubious, everything’s a bit… I don’t know, uncertain I suppose. The mystery of how I’ll be able to return the pawn, Weston’s strangely worded message and knowing how high the stakes are makes me feel nervous.”

“You’re an intelligent woman, and I’ll help you. Don’t worry.”

Laura felt happier after sharing her anxiety with Alice and grateful for her offer of help. Despite her unease, deep down she felt an excitement. She relished a challenge, and decided to regard this as an opportunity to show Weston that she was up for whatever his little game was. Yes, she wondered, come on Mr Weston do your worst.


The begin of each new week in the office followed a regular pattern. Conversation revolved around the weekend’s dating successes and failures, sporting controversies and critique’s of places visited. Laura had no issue with business time being spent in that way because she knew that when a rush job needed completing or an unforeseen issue came their way, the staff would step up to the mark and do their bit. They didn’t ask for overtime but worked a kind of unofficial flexible system.

As they drifted off to their desks, drawing boards and computers the space once again became a innovative arena. As Laura made her way out Abbie followed, through her own section of the open plan area and into Laura’s private office beyond.

“Do I have anything urgent this morning Abbie?”

“Nope. Not until three this afternoon.”

“Oh yeah, then it’s Mr Sleazebag again isn’t it?” Laura screwed up her face as she spoke.

“I’m afraid so. Perhaps you’ve misjudged him and he’s a really a nice guy pretending.”

“If he is he’s bloody good at it. He’s got the drooling off to a tee.”

“You should be flattered. He doesn’t slobber over me.” Abbie said, sticking out her bottom lip.

“Tell you what, later on I’ll hint that you fancy him then send him through. Right if there’s nothing pressing I’m going to work on these proposals.”

“Okay. Shall I reply to Anderson’s and tell them you’re going ahead with them?”

“Oh God. Yes, thanks. I’d forgotten about that.”

“There you are you see. I keep telling you I’m worth the pittance you pay me.”

Abbie left, closing the door behind her. Laura hung up her jacket in the small wash-room leading off her office. She had at all times considered it quite a luxury having a private shower and toilet available to her at work.

As usual Laura lost track of time as she worked on developing her ideas. Designing was the part of the job she loved; the meetings and company factors she viewed as a necessary evil. An hour and a half had passed before she wondered of taking a break. Suddenly the pencil slipped from her grasp as the door flew open, startling her. A tall, well dressed man with greying hair entered, closely followed by a flustered Abbie.

“I’m sorry, he just rushed past me as I went to call you. Shall I get some help?”

“You can if you like,” the well spoken man answered in a deep voice, “but I’m sure that would be seen as a very uncooperative gesture. Alistair Mason’s the name by the way, just here to see whether your employer’s implementing the terms of the agreement, correct any fundamental flaws and report back to Mr Weston. I don’t think we’ll need you for now… er, Abbie isn’t it? but thank you for the offer.” He turned back to face Laura, a devious smile spreading across his face as he waited for the realisation to sink in.

As soon as he dropped Weston’s name into the exchange things started to make sense to Laura. Abbie continued with her anxious look, waiting for guidance. Laura slowly nodded “It’s OK Abbie, thank you.”

The man watched her intently as she gave Laura one further questioning look before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Unsure of how to handle the situation Laura decided to play a waiting game and remained quiet as the man began to speak.

“He didn’t mention that you were such a looker and you obviously keep yourself fit, that’s good.” He slowly walked around her as he spoke. She knew he was trying to intimidate her. The small trickle of sweat she felt run from under her arm indicated that he was succeeding. She remained still, facing ahead.

“I take a pride in looking after myself, yes.”

“I much prefer dealing with your type,” he said.

“Oh yes, and what type is that?”

“Stylish, your own woman, confident.” Whether it was his compliments or that she was relaxing just a little she didn’t know but as he once again passed in front of her, she noticed for the first time his ruggedly handsome features. The outdoor type she’d guess. Her thoughts were broken by his voice from behind her, so close to her ear and almost a whisper. “I love this part, the anticipation and potential.” He moved round to face her. “So lets see how you’ve been doing with the rules.”

“I don’t have any rules.”

“We all have rules Laura, that’s how the world works. And things tick along beautifully until the rules are broken. So if you’d like to lift your skirt we’ll be able to discover whether that’s the case here.”

“What! How dare you. I think you’d better leave–now.”

“I can do that of course but do you really want me to? It would mean you’d chosen to quit the game.”

“Chess is the game, which my husband is playing,” Laura spat. “We didn’t agree to anything like this.” Realising that her fortitude had no effect on him and losing more of her resolve with every passing minute she decided to ditch her pride and appeal for his sympathy. “Look can’t you just leave? I’m sure there’s been a mistake. You can go now and we won’t say any more about this.” She hoped her plea sounded more confident than she felt.

“Oh Laura, you know that’s not possible. You signed the agreement. You see things through to the end or loose your shares, simple. And, I’ll repeat, the agreement was that you follow the rules. So lift the skirt.” He watched her absorb his words, her confidence rapidly ebbing away. To her it was an unfamiliar situation, she was used to being the one in control. Blushing furiously Laura slowly raised her skirt. He moved away and perched on the edge of her desk.

“Oh dear, what rule have you disobeyed?” he said, slowly shaking his head.

“How would I know. I wasn’t told anything about your stupid rules.”

“Women like you are used to getting your own way, aren’t you? You ask for things and they’re done. If you’re told ‘no’ you find another approach until you get your own way. Well in this game you’re going to find out what it means to earn what you want, not have it given to you. You’re going to do things by the rules or quit. Now, remove them.” She couldn’t believe what he was telling her and expecting her to do, in her own office. She remained still, unsure of her next move. The hesitancy proved too much. He rose from the desk at speed, reached out and grabbed for her hair. His fingers twisted round taking a firm hold. Laura stood on tiptoes to try and ease the sharp pain in her scalp.
