Bygone BDSM – BDSM –

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My phone pinged telling me I had received a photo. When I checked it I saw it was from my BDSM play partner. She likes to photograph me post play to capture the marks she has left on my body. She likes to distribute these with me in the days afterwards to remind me of her power over me and what to expect again. I knew I’d have to check the photo in private but I was in the corner of a cafe and so sat down thinking I could view the photo unseen.

“It looks like you had a good thrashing there,” a voice spoke behind me after I had brought the photo up on my phone. I was stunned and turned to see an older woman was sat behind me.

“Go on, show me,” she said. I shared the image with her and she stared at it for some time before continuing,” it is not unlike how my Norman looked after one of our play sessions.” She continued by commenting and asking, “he loved the tawse, have you tried that?”

I had to admit that I hadn’t as it was definitely the tool of the connoisseur of BDSM play. I was really shocked by this all, after all men and women who are now in their late 80’s never indulged in BDSM, or did they?

Dolly, the woman told me that BDSM was certainly not a new thing and that she and her husband had been regular players. I asked her more but she told me that I would have to wait and speak to her another day. I smiled as I realised that even at 88 she could still boss men like me around.

A few weeks later I met her at her sheltered accommodation. She told me it was nice to have a visitor and especially one she could distribute her experiences of her BDSM life with as her husband had long since passed away and she had lost touch with players she knew when she was younger.

We had some vanilla chat as I wanted to know just more about her and then we moved onto BDSM chat. I initially asked her how she and her husband got into BDSM. She told me that she had stumbled across her husband’s BDSM porn collection by chance. She was placing something in the shed and knocked over a box out of which tumbled a collection of magazines and 8mm films.

“Back then it was incredibly difficult to get hold of BDSM porn. You could only buy magazines or 8mm films in sex shops in big cities. The material was very expensive and the quality of the black and white pictures was poor.”

She continued by telling me that initially she had been horrified with what she saw but gradually as she leafed through the magazines she became more curious. At the time she was a secretary and worked for a tyrant of a boss. “I imagined him as one of the sub men in the magazines grovelling at my feet for my mercy but I ended up spanking him. It gave me a great thrill,” she continued with a giggle.

She gradually introduced BDSM into her married sex life by slowly taking a more dominant role in the bedroom finally to a point where she started spanking her husband and eventually tying him up.

“I found the Domme role came rather too easily to me and whilst Norman was in a job which required him to be in charge, he loved being dominated in the bedroom.”

Talk then moved on to how much harder it was to engage in a BDSM life before the internet. “It was very difficult to get hold of anything,” she told me. I asked how they got hold of any paraphernalia and she told me they used to have to send off forms in the back of magazines and wait a month before the items arrived. “Eventually we found a shop that sold items. You had to go into a newsagent and say the code word. Upstairs they had a selection of items and you were even allowed to try them out. Norman and I visited one day and we ended up with a particularly fine real leather tawse.” She had been able to try it out and whilst he admitted it really stung, he loved the feeling of being punished with it and the post play marking.

She continued telling me about their experiences including how they met other players. It felt like she was enjoying sharing her experiences with someone. She concluded telling me that by the time they reached their late 50’s their play sessions declined and eventually stopped. Norman died in his 60’s and since then she had kept the memories of those play sessions to herself. “People just weren’t as open as they are now,” she finally said with regret in her voice.

That last sentence felt like my cue to leave but she had one final surprise. She got up and went to a drawer where she removed something. As she turned I could see it was a leather tawse. She offered it to me and asked me to take it. “I won’t be around much longer and I would rather someone who appreciates this has it.” I fingered the hard leather with its three tongues and realised it must have been the tawse she referred to when we met and spoke about earlier. I felt very honoured to take ownership of her prized punishment tool and said I would put it to good use.

We said our goodbyes afterwards as we knew we wouldn’t meet again. A couple of weeks later I met up with my play partner for a session. After changing I knelt down in front of her and offered the tawse which she took. After tying me up she showed me that she was gonna use it. I saw a broad smile on her face before she blindfolded me. Soon I felt her presence behind me and then there was a whoosh and smack as the triple leather strips impacted my skin. After the euphoria of the strike the pain coursed through my backside and into my body. I had to admit I felt great and wondered about Dolly and that her BDSM life wouldn’t be forgotten.
