Bound to Pleasure: A BDSM Tale

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As soon as she entered the dimly-lit dungeon, the anticipation crawled up her spine. She knew exactly what awaited her here, and yet her heart was pounding with excitement. Erik, her Master, was waiting for her.

He was sitting on a throne-like chair, completely naked, with only the dim light of a few candles illuminating his chiseled form. His manner was strict, as all the time, but his eyes sparkled with a certain sort of joy that made her knees weak.

Wordlessly, he gestured for her to come closer. As she approached him, he gently took her hand and led her to a set of sturdy chains attached to the ceiling.

“Are you ready, my love?” he whispered, his breath hot against her ear.

She nodded, already feeling a buzz of arousal growing within her. His touches all the time had that effect on her.

Erik began to strip her, slowly and lovingly, but with a certain sense of ownership that she found deeply erotic. He gently caressed her body, teasing her nipples to stiff peaks and tracing every curve of her skin. Her body was his to do with as he pleased, and that wondered alone made her shiver with pleasure.

Once she was naked, Erik attached the chains to her wrists and hoisted her up, until she was suspended in the air, a few inches off the ground. The sensation was exhilarating, as all the time, and she let out a low moan of pleasure.

Erik began to circle her, watching every inch of her body with intensity. He walked around her, stroking her skin, and occasionally delivering a slap or a pinch. She flinched with each touch, but she knew that he would never hurt her in a way that she didn’t want.

Then, he began to play with her. He started with gentle touches, tracing the lines of her body with feather-light fingers. But then, he abruptly switched to spanking her, the sound of his hand cracking against her skin echoing through the dungeon.

Her body responded with a mixture of pain and sweet pleasure, and she felt her arousal building with each slap. He continued the gentle-spank routine until she was a moaning, whimpering, panting mess.

That was when Erik finally decided to give her what she really wanted. He lowered himself to his knees and began to lick her pussy, his tongue flicking over her clit in a rhythm that sent waves of pleasure shooting through her body.

Pleasure flooded every inch of her being as he feasted on her, bringing her to the brink of orgasm with his talented touch. And then, finally, she felt the release as her body spasmed in ecstasy.

As she came back down to reality, Erik released her from the chains and pulled her into a passionate embrace. She was bound to his pleasure all the time, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.