Bedtime Fantasies: The Forbidden Desires of a Naughty Babysitter

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As the clock struck 10, Karen knew it was time to bid her young ward goodnight. She had been babysitting him for the past few weeks and had been finding it hard to withstand the urges that had been plaguing her. She had never felt this way before – there was something about the way he looked at her, something about the way he spoke to her that made her heart race and her skin flush.

But she knew that she couldn’t act on those urges. After all, he was only a child – a 10-year-old boy who looked up to her as if she were the coolest person he had ever met. She couldn’t let him down, she couldn’t let her desire for him get in the way of her job. So she had been suppressing those urges, tucking them away into a dark corner of her mind where she hoped they would stay.

Until tonight. As she tucked him into bed, she couldn’t help but notice how close he was to her. His small body was almost touching hers, and his breath was hot against her skin. She could feel her nipples harden under her shirt, and she knew that he must have noticed too.

“Goodnight,” she whispered, trying to pull away from him gently.

“Can you stay a little longer?” he asked, and she could hear the pleading in his voice.

“Okay,” she said, her willpower faltering under his puppy-dog eyes. “But only for a little while.”

He smiled at her, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “Can you read me a story?”

Karen nodded, relieved to have something to distract her from her thoughts. She picked up the book he had left out for her and started to read. But as she read, she found herself getting distracted by the sound of his breathing, by the way he shifted under the covers. She glanced down at him and found that he was looking up at her again, his doe eyes shining in the dim light.

She turned away from him, trying to focus on the words on the page. But the words didn’t seem to make sense anymore – they were just jumbled letters, lines on a page that didn’t mean anything. She closed the book, knowing that she couldn’t continue like this, knowing that she had to leave before things got out of hand.

But then his hand reached out and touched her arm, and she felt her resolve crumble. She turned to face him again, and before she knew it, her lips were on his, her tongue exploring his mouth. He kissed her back, his hands exploring her body as if he had been waiting for this moment all his life.

Karen knew she was doing something wrong, she knew she was betraying his trust and her job as a babysitter. But she couldn’t bring herself to care – she was lost in the heat of the moment, in the forbidden desires that had been building inside her for weeks.

They broke aside, gasping for breath, and Karen knew that she had to stop this before it went any further. “I can’t do this,” she said, pulling away from him.

“Why not?” he asked, his eyes pleading with her.

“Because it’s wrong,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “We can’t do this – you’re just a child, and I’m supposed to be taking care of you.”

“But I like you,” he said, his bottom lip quivering.

Karen felt her heart break a little at his words. She liked him too – more than she had ever liked anyone before. But she couldn’t let those feelings take over, couldn’t let him get hurt because of her mistakes.

“I know you do,” she said, forcing a smile onto her face. “And I like you too, but we can’t do anything about it. We have to be responsible and do the right thing.”

He sighed, his shoulders hunching up. Karen wanted to reach out and comfort him, to make everything okay again. But she knew that she had to stay strong, that she had to do what was best for both of them.

“I’ll always like you,” he said, his eyes locked onto hers.

Karen felt something tug at her heartstrings, a feeling of longing that she couldn’t shake off. She knew that she shouldn’t feel this way, that it was wrong on so many levels. But she couldn’t help herself – she wanted him, wanted him in a way that made her skin tingle and her heart race.

As she walked out of his room, she knew that she would be back. She knew that she couldn’t withstand the lure of his young body, the feeling of his arms around her. She knew that she was in trouble – that her bedtime fantasies were gonna get the best of her, no matter the cost.