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After winning the Presidency, and becoming the 45th President of the United States, Sasuke, coming down off his victory high, decided to attend a party that was dedicated to his unexpected victory. Inside the White House, the party was a formal, tuxedoed affair that was in full swing on the second floor. Seeing the platters of appetizers on a set of tables in the corner, he isolated himself from others and started munching down on as many food as he could. Before he could eat his fill, Neji approached the President. “Hey, congratulation on your victory, mister President. I didn’t expect you to win.” “Me neither!” replied Sasuke. “About the promised state funding for the surveillance program, can we have your full commitment on this matter?” asked Neji. “What the fuck, are you talking about? I don’t think I ever made any such promise.” scoffed Sasuke with his cheeks full of food reminiscent of a hamster chowing down on nuts. Neji cupped his hand around the hidden microphone inside the collar of his suit and began to whisper. “It’s not working! I thought he was supposed to be a puppet!” “I am trying to work this marionette, but the strings don’t seem to behave properly.” said Shikamaru as he was suspended on the ceiling and trying to work his magic using the cross brace. “Who are you talking to, Neji?” asked Sasuke who increasingly became agitated. “No one, I mean, I am talking to myself, mister President.” replied Neji. Neji couldn’t help but notice that a disturbing large mass protruded out of Sasuke’s pant. “Hey, Shikamaru, there’s a huge mass in his pants! What the fuck is going on?” Neji said. “Pull his pants down, the strings must be fucking in a tangled mess somehow.” replied Shikamaru. “Are you fucking kidding me, you stupid ninja wannabe!? Right here? Where everyone can see us!?” yelled Neji. “Yes, right there! Half of them are reptilians and they’re aiming their laser guns at me as we speak!” yelled Shikamaru. “Are you sure you’re talking to yourself?” asked Sasuke. “It sounds like you’re talking to an actual person.” Neji pulled down Sasuke’s pants, which revealed that gender-swapped Naruto was sucking on Sasuke’s dick the whole time. “What the fuck!?” yelled Neji. The strings that Shikamaru were pulling were squeezing Sasuke’s throbbing balls, which made it easier to gender-swapped Naruto to milk them. The sudden horror that Sasuke witnessed brought back painful memories. Flashes of old memories filled his mind. He was standing in a room naked while gender-swapped Naruto groomed his hair. In another memory, gender-swapped Naruto sang a lulaby as he filled his head with a cyberized brain. In another, he was dancing on a pole while touching himself erotically. The intense shock burst his brain and promptly killed Sasuke. “Oh, great, who’s going to become our puppet now?” asked Neji. “The answer is right in front of you.” replied Shikamaru. “Who? This gender-swapped monstriosity?” asked Neji. “Just put an orange wig on him and no one will notice the deception.” said Shikamaru. And thus gender-swapped Naruto became the first female President of the United States. The end.

NSFW: yes
