Never wondered dick kisses could make me (32M) cum until my GF (27F) did it

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I guess this is a pro of being in a long term relationship with someone that comes up with methods pleasuring you that you didn’t think would ever work. During my last blowjob, she decided to begin kissing my dick which she had never done before. But the way she did it was so stimulating. She licked my frenulum then did this sort of exaggerated kiss. Once wasn’t enough though, I got her to do it again. There’s only been a few times in my life where my dick has been hard as that. Rock hard doesn’t even give it justice! I asked for it again and again. Eventually, she just did it non stop and I was in a new world of pleasure. She kept going and I tried so hard to hold on because I didn’t want it to end. I erupted and she continued to slowly lick my frenulum which felt unbelievable. This morning, she told me I’d get another blowjob later. I literally can not wait!

NSFW: yes
