getting a but lift tomorrow should i cancel it?

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getting a but lift tomorrow should i cancel it?



  1. curiousnaturelover

    Yes. Unless it is for your own mental health. That butt is gorgeous and sooo tantalizing…?

  2. OldeSaltyBeard

    Writing in all lower case, bad grammer, and misspelling BUTT I feel you might want to invest that money in something else. At least you have your looks.

  3. Intelligent-Drop-759

    Your ass is amazing. Please don’t change a thing, you are beautiful and perfect the way you are.❤️

  4. supernaut6666

    It is very beautiful and cute the way it is. Nothing to be done, it is perfect and natural.??????????

  5. ArtDeth

    It’s your ass, if it makes you happy and you can afford it…don’t do it!!! Your ass is perfect just the way it is!