Page 247 : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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In the past few weeks my brother’s changed. We used to play all the time, but now I barely see him. He sits cooped up in the basement which has become his new room, reading in a large black book. Four minutes ago, he invited me down into the basement.

“Want to play a game with me?” He said. His voice was much deeper than I remember, but at the same time lighter and faster. He stood still in front of the door staring at me as he said it, his eyes didn’t move in the slightest, and if I’m honest it creeped me out a bit.

“Sure Rob, what are we playing?”

“It’s a new game. You’re going to have to get blind folded!”

“Oh that’s so cool!”

We walked down the steps into the basement. In the very middle of the room laid the thick black book opened up. I saw the number 247 and the title Succubus. What’s a succubus? I wondered. A bunch of candles lined up in a circle. Rob asked me to sit down in the middle, and I did so. The eye cover slid over my face.

Now, I am a bit worried.

“You’ll feel something on your wrists. Just relax.”

“Okay, what’s the game about?”

“We’re going to call for somebody. Summon them.”

“Uhh okay.”

Something wraps around my wrists, then against my legs. It tightens so I can’t sit up, forcing me to lay down on the floor. For thirty seconds all I hear is silence, and I can’t help but feel creeped out.

“I don’t want to play anymore,” I say, “I want it to stop.”

Silence. The feeling of worry wells up within me. I kick and push and jerk my hands but they don’t move. I feel something burn on my wrists, I rub the back of my head against the floor, trying to get the eye cover off. I manage to pull it down a bit.

I look around the room, shaking my head left and right. I hear something coming from the right, but I see my brother laying in the corner. He doesn’t have any eyeballs. I scream, jerking my head to the right.

A little creature stands there holding the book. His eyes are strained on the page. I see red skin covering his eyes. His pupils are slits. The bottom half of his body is that of a goat goat, and his feet are hooves. A small tail extends from his back ending in a spade.

“Cut into the intestines but where the hell are the intestines?” He says, patting his own stomach. My breathing speeds up. “Oh well, I can always stab you again.”

I’m kicking and jerking as he sits down beside me. He brings up a knife covered entirely in brown rust. He pulls up my shirt as I beg him to stop, and he holds me steady. The knife shoots down into my stomach.
