My little girl : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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I love watching my little girl grow up, I’ve seen her mature and develop her own interests. She’s the light of my life. Ever since Diane passed away I haven’t been able to recover, so I dedicated my life to making my little girl’s life the best anyone has ever had. Her name is Ryan Ann Flores, she’s 17 now, and her birthday’s on Sunday. She hasn’t been coming out of her room lately though… It’s odd.

I don’t know much more I can about her, she’s the spitting image of her mother, I told Diane that before she passed. She’s a lovely girl, with many hobbies such as reading, playing piano, baking the most lovely of treats, and occasionally will dabble in a bit of a language or two. I sometimes hear her trying to say words in god knows what language and I chuckle at how bright she is.

I’m getting a bit concerned with her though, she’s been crying more. I can only listen because if I ask about it, she’ll ignore me and push me away. She’s not one to open up about her feelings, however she has a therapist she loves. I just want what’s best for her. She’s the most amazing young woman and I hope she can be as successful as she wants, doing whatever she wants.

She’s very social as well, she has her friends over all the time. Everyday it’s a new person it seems like and I always have to keep track, but for a man like me it’s horrible trying to remember them! Haha. I just… I don’t know how to tell her, to let her know that I exist, her crawlspace is very cramped.
