Mom? – Short Horror Story

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I lay in bed tossing and turning, untill the nightmare becomes so horrific that it shocks me awake. I should be relieved that I woke up from that terrible nightmare, but the anxiety I felt lingers with me, I'm trembling with fear. My body feels feverish as I'm drenched in sweat. I lay as still as possible, afraid to make any kind of movement as to give off I'm awake. After a moment passes I master up some courage and slowly peek out from under my blanket, the vast darkness that stretches out to the far end of the room reeks danger. Suddenly the door at the far end of my room opens just a little, filling the room with a soft glow of the hallway light. I'm relieved to find my mom standing in the gap of the door looking at me. I call for her, eager for her to hug me and tell me I'm safe. But just as I do she moves away from the door. Not wanting to spend one more moment alone in this frightening room, I jump out of my bed and sprint after her as fast as I can. She's not in the hallway, so I sprint into her room. I'm shocked to find her asleep in her bed, when she was standing in the doorway just a few seconds ago. I shake her awake while I call out for her, hoping there is some logical explanation. She wakes up with a groggy murmur, seemingly annoyed I'm disturbing her sleep. I ask her why she was standing in my doorway just now, and ask her why she walked away. She just looks at me with a what are you on about face and gruffs at me to leave her alone.

submitted by /u/divineephoenixx
