Hit and run – Short Horror Story

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Jody was distracted while driving. It was late, and the streets seemed as quiet as ever. Good to get home quickly. He had a few cold ones,but I'm fine to drive, chill out.

He switched his attention to his cellphone for a bit, enough for his pickup truck to hit hard on something. The truck bounced side to side. Jody hit the breaks, sliding the truck a bit before coming to a full stop.

Jody saw in his rearview mirror what seemed like a dog; or what was left of it. No. Oh, shit, no. It was a person. A woman. Jody was in a residential area. He saw some faces already looking down from the windows. He sped up and fled the scene.

After about 10 minutes of driving, he still could feel his heart in his throat. He had to look. Maybe make sure everything was cool on his side. He returned to a street close to the crime scene. He walked the last stretch and saw a group of about 15 individuals around the body of a young lady.

Jesus! The lady was trashed. He gathered in closer. The crowd was increasing in numbers. They knew it was a truck, but no one could tell the plate or the driver. Good. Oh, man, good enough. I can just get a new car and I'm good.

But Jody's vision was attracted to something amiss in the crowd. Someone was standing still, looking directly into Jody's soul. You!

Jody contained his panic when he saw the young lady looking at him. Or as close as looking as possible, since her face was so disfigured that one of the eyes seemed to be popping out. Jody confirmed: she was in the middle of those people, but also on the floor, dead. He blinked, and she was gone.

He had enough; he knew enough. Better get moving. He heard the Police in the distance.

Jody walked fast. He looked behind to make sure he was not being followed; to make sure she was not following him. When he looked back to the path he was walking, there she was. Jody's legs almost gave up. He stumbled a bit. And everything became black.

A driver in a pickup truck was so high he didn't even realize that he hit someone. Jody probably didn't have enough time to feel anything. He opened his eyes, he felt his body was weak. He tried to move, but he couldn't. He felt like he was wet; and warm. Someone approached him. She was probably in worse shape than him. She leaned close to his face and gnashed, as she pressed Jody's heart with all her strength.

submitted by /u/sanchez_gd
