A Friend And I Sold Drugs For A Demon : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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People always joke that John and I were cut from the same cloth. And for the most part, they were right; we both were the only children of single mothers and enjoyed all the same activities. My mother walked the streets at night, so I would spend most nights at John’s house. His mother didn’t care because she was a drug addict. We would spend hours watching anime or gaming. To me, John was my big brother; he was always there to protect me no matter the situation. I remember when he fought these upperclassmen because they were bullying me.

During our senior year, John became heavily involved in the streets, and so did I (to his ejection). We were small fry starting; no one respected us, and the only form of protection we had were our fists. However, that all changed when he met that mysterious woman. He never allowed me to tag along for the meetings with her, which got under my skin.

Within months of meeting her, our status increased tenfold. Our product was the cheapest and most potent in the neighborhood. For the first time in our lives, we finally had the money to escape our reality, even if it was only for a moment. But, our peaceful rise to power was short-lived. The older dealers didn’t take too kindly to us moving in on their turf, which started a war we finished.

We owed a lot to this mysterious woman, but I had yet to meet her, so one day, I decided to follow John. After hours of driving around, he finally stopped in this dark alley, but this wasn’t just an alley; it was the devil’s corridor. The community residents gave the passage that name because of the number of bodies found there. Moreover, it was also rumored as a place people used to make deals with demons. I was growing very anxious waiting for this woman to arrive. I started preparing to leave, but suddenly she appeared.

She had black leathery wings and dark red hair. The only clothing she was wearing was a black corset that only covered the area below her breasts. Her breasts were exposed for all to see, and not to mention she had beast-like legs. John didn’t seem phased by her appearance, but I was scared shitless. He calmly opened the car door and removed two large body bags from the seat. He then placed the bags at her feet; from where I was standing, I could see whoever was in those two bags were still alive. The demon picked up the two bags and mysteriously vanished and left two duffel bags behind. Before John could recover the duffel bags, I revealed myself and confronted him. He was shocked to see me, but I was even more shocked when he removed a gun from his waistband and asked if I was in or out?
